• Joined on 2019-06-10
alban pushed to main at alban/esp32-timed-switch 2024-03-11 08:18:37 +00:00
e1f2ca1de1 fix: force little endian
alban created repository protonphoton/bevy-laser 2024-03-02 13:20:11 +00:00
alban created repository alban/bevy-laser 2024-03-02 13:16:42 +00:00
alban pushed to main at protonphoton/particles-system 2024-01-27 21:33:08 +00:00
c8986d35a9 fix: edit specs
alban pushed to main at protonphoton/particles-system 2024-01-27 21:29:25 +00:00
732b59445c fix: edit the specs
alban pushed to main at protonphoton/particles-system 2024-01-27 21:25:42 +00:00
441ce80711 fix: edit the specs
alban created branch main in protonphoton/particles-system 2024-01-27 20:23:33 +00:00
alban pushed to main at protonphoton/particles-system 2024-01-27 20:23:33 +00:00
d9e53bb67c init: specs
alban created repository protonphoton/particles-system 2024-01-27 20:22:56 +00:00
alban pushed to main at protonphoton/lj_templates_rust 2024-01-27 14:58:01 +00:00
a30ef2555f fix: better README
alban pushed to main at hackllm/code-travail 2024-01-06 19:33:21 +00:00
8b33ed2214 feat: use history in chat
447c52472e feat: new example
Compare 2 commits »
alban pushed to main at hackllm/code-travail 2024-01-04 21:27:47 +00:00
5c5581e271 feat: make a build examples db script
alban pushed to main at hackllm/code-travail 2024-01-03 21:42:32 +00:00
1fc1f81f3a feat: working proto
alban pushed to main at alban/esp32-timed-switch 2023-12-07 18:53:16 +00:00
ccab9ddb12 feat: http server
2274c7ce4b fix: html page colors
Compare 2 commits »
alban pushed to main at alban/esp32-timed-switch 2023-11-09 19:07:47 +00:00
f2bc769a43 wip: html
alban pushed to main at alban/esp32-timed-switch 2023-11-02 20:12:27 +00:00
fd087b4a80 fix: use light timer callback
alban pushed to main at alban/esp32-timed-switch 2023-10-28 17:06:14 +00:00
fd24e602e5 fix: renamed files
alban pushed to main at hackllm/code-travail 2023-10-19 18:26:21 +00:00
097d4ec451 [fix] yaml conversion should work
alban pushed to main at hackllm/code-travail 2023-10-19 17:14:51 +00:00
6b5722a60b [fix] remove empty file
alban pushed to main at hackllm/code-travail 2023-10-19 17:14:11 +00:00
81ea50344f [feat] add code du travail
b3f6f1988c [pjt] add gitignore
21a20f2aae [init]