2023-06-03 14:43:53 +02:00

405 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Maxwell Macros
by Sam Neurohack
from /team/laser
Launchpad set a "current path"
from OSC3 import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage
import time
import numpy as np
import rtmidi
from rtmidi.midiutil import open_midiinput
from threading import Thread
from rtmidi.midiconstants import (CHANNEL_PRESSURE, CONTROLLER_CHANGE, NOTE_ON, NOTE_OFF,
import os, json
from . import midi3
if os.uname()[1]=='raspberrypi':
port = 8090
ip = ""
mididest = 'Session 1'
djdest = 'Port'
midichannel = 1
computerIP = ['','','','',
computer = 0
# store current value for computer 1
cc1 =[0]*140
current = {
"patch": 0,
"prefixLeft": "/osc/left/X",
"prefixRight": "/osc/right/X",
"suffix": "/amp",
"path": "/osc/left/X/curvetype",
"pathLeft": "/osc/left/X/curvetype",
"pathRight": "/osc/left/X/curvetype",
"previousmacro": -1,
"LeftCurveType": 0,
"lfo": 1,
"rotator": 1,
"translator": 1
specificvalues = {
# Sine: 0-32, Tri: 33-64, Square: 65-96, Line: 96-127
"curvetype": {"sin": 0, "saw": 33, "squ": 95, "lin": 127},
"freqlimit": {"1": 0, "4": 26, "16": 52, "32": 80, "127": 127},
"amptype": {"constant": 0, "lfo1": 33, "lfo2": 95, "lfo3": 127},
"phasemodtype": {"linear": 0,"sin": 90},
"phaseoffsettype": {"manual": 0, "lfo1": 33, "lfo2": 95, "lfo3": 127},
"ampoffsettype": { "manual": 0, "lfo1": 33, "lfo2": 95, "lfo3": 127},
"inversion": {"off": 0, "on": 127},
"colortype": {"solid": 0, "lfo": 127},
"modtype": {"sin": 0,"linear": 127},
"switch": {"off": 0,"on": 127},
"operation": {"+": 0, "-": 50, "*": 127}
# Maxwell CCs
def FindCC(FunctionName):
for Maxfunction in range(len(maxwell['ccs'])):
if FunctionName == maxwell['ccs'][Maxfunction]['Function']:
#print(FunctionName, "is CC", Maxfunction)
return Maxfunction
def LoadCC():
global maxwell
print("Loading Maxwell CCs Functions...")
if os.path.exists('maxwell.json'):
#print('File maxwell.json exits')
if os.path.exists('../maxwell.json'):
#print('File ../maxwell.json exits')
s = f.read()
maxwell = json.loads(s)
# /cc cc number value
def cc(ccnumber, value, dest=mididest):
#print('Output CC',[CONTROLLER_CHANGE+midichannel-1, ccnumber, value], dest)
midi3.MidiMsg([CONTROLLER_CHANGE+midichannel-1,ccnumber,value], dest)
def NoteOn(note,velocity, dest=mididest):
midi3.NoteOn(note,velocity, mididest)
def NoteOff(note, dest=mididest):
midi3.NoteOn(note, mididest)
def Send(oscaddress,oscargs=''):
oscmsg = OSCMessage()
osclient = OSCClient()
osclient.connect((ip, port))
print("sending OSC message : ", oscmsg, "to", ip, ":",port)
osclient.sendto(oscmsg, (ip, port))
return True
print ('Connection to', ip, 'refused : died ?')
return False
def ssawtooth(samples,freq,phase):
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww])
return samparray
def ssquare(samples,freq,phase):
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = signal.square(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww])
return samparray
def ssine(samples,freq,phase):
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww])
return samparray
def MixerLeft(value):
if value == 127:
Send("/mixer/value", 0)
def MixerRight(value):
if value == 127:
Send("/mixer/value", 127)
def MixerTempo(tempo):
for counter in range(127):
Send("/mixer/value", counter)
# Jog send 127 to left and 1 to right
# increase or decrease current CC defined in current path
def jogLeft(value):
path = current["pathLeft"]
print("jog : path =",path, "CC :", FindCC(path), "value", value)
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["pathLeft"])
if value == 127:
# decrease CC
if cc1[MaxwellCC] > 0:
cc1[MaxwellCC] -= 1
if cc1[MaxwellCC] < 127:
cc1[MaxwellCC] += 1
#print("sending", cc1[MaxwellCC], "to CC", MaxwellCC )
cc(MaxwellCC, cc1[MaxwellCC] , dest ='to Maxwell 1')
#RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, path[path.rfind("/")+1:len(path)], value)
# Jog send 127 to left and 1 to right
# increase or decrease current CC defined in current path
def jogRight(value):
path = current["pathRight"]
print("jog : path =",path, "CC :", FindCC(path), "value", value)
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["pathRight"])
if value == 127:
# decrease CC
if cc1[MaxwellCC] > 0:
cc1[MaxwellCC] -= 1
if cc1[MaxwellCC] < 127:
cc1[MaxwellCC] += 1
#print("sending", cc1[MaxwellCC], "to CC", MaxwellCC )
cc(MaxwellCC, cc1[MaxwellCC] , dest ='to Maxwell 1')
#RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, path[path.rfind("/")+1:len(path)], value)
# Parameter change : to left 127 / to right 0 or 1
def RotarySpecifics( MaxwellCC, specificsname, value):
global maxwell
print("Maxwell CC :",MaxwellCC)
print("Current :",maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init'])
print("Specifics :",specificvalues[specificsname])
print("midi value :", value)
elements = list(enumerate(specificvalues[specificsname]))
nextype = maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init']
for count,ele in elements:
if ele == maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init']:
if count > 0 and value == 127:
nextype = elements[count-1][1]
if count < len(elements)-1 and value < 2:
#print("next is :",elements[count+1][1])
nextype = elements[count+1][1]
print("result :", nextype, "new value :", specificvalues[specificsname][nextype], "Maxwell CC", MaxwellCC)
maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init'] = nextype
cc(MaxwellCC, specificvalues[specificsname][nextype], dest ='to Maxwell 1')
# Change type : trig with only with midi value 127 on a CC event
def ButtonSpecifics127( MaxwellCC, specificsname, value):
global maxwell
print("Maxwell CC :",MaxwellCC)
print("Current :",maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init'])
print("Specifics :",specificvalues[specificsname])
print("midi value :", value)
elements = list(enumerate(specificvalues[specificsname]))
nextype = maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init']
for count,ele in elements:
if ele == maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init']:
if count >0 and value == 127:
nextype = elements[count-1][1]
if count < len(elements)-1 and value < 2:
#print("next is :",elements[count+1][1])
nextype = elements[count+1][1]
print("result :", nextype, "new value :", specificvalues[specificsname][nextype], "Maxwell CC", MaxwellCC)
maxwell['ccs'][MaxwellCC]['init'] = nextype
cc(MaxwellCC, specificvalues[specificsname][nextype], dest ='to Maxwell 1')
# Left cue button 127 = on 0 = off
def PrevPatch(value):
global current
print('PrevPatch function')
if value == 127 and current['patch'] - 1 > -1:
cc(9, 127, dest=djdest)
current['patch'] -= 1
print("Current patch is now :",current['patch'])
midi3.NoteOn(current['patch'], 127, 'to Maxwell 1')
cc(9, 0, dest=djdest)
# Right cue button 127 = on 0 = off
def NextPatch(value):
global current
print('NextPatch function', current["patch"])
if value == 127 and current["patch"] + 1 < 41:
cc(3, 127, dest = djdest)
current["patch"] += 1
#ModeNote(current["patch"], 127, 'to Maxwell 1')
midi3.NoteOn(current["patch"], 127, 'to Maxwell 1')
print("Current patch is now :",current["patch"])
cc(3, 0, dest = djdest)
# increase/decrease a CC
def changeCC(value, path):
global current
#path = current["pathLeft"]
MaxwellCC = FindCC(path)
cc1[MaxwellCC] += value
print("Change Left CC : path =",path, "CC :", FindCC(path), "is now ", cc1[MaxwellCC])
cc(MaxwellCC, cc1[MaxwellCC] , dest ='to Maxwell 1')
def PlusTenLeft(value):
value = 10
changeCC(value, current["pathLeft"])
def MinusTenLeft(value):
value = -10
changeCC(value, current["pathLeft"])
def PlusOneLeft(value):
value = 1
changeCC(value, current["pathLeft"])
def MinusOneLeft(value):
value = -1
changeCC(value, current["pathLeft"])
def PlusTenRight(value):
value = 10
changeCC(value, current["pathRight"])
def MinusTenRight(value):
value = -10
changeCC(value, current["pathRight"])
def PlusOneRight(value):
value = 1
changeCC(value, current["pathRight"])
def MinusOneRight(value):
value = -1
changeCC(value, current["pathRight"])
def ChangeCurveLeft(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixLeft"] + '/curvetype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeFreqLimitLeft(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixLeft"] + '/freqlimit')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeATypeLeft(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixLeft"] + '/freqlimit')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangePMTypeLeft(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixLeft"] + '/phasemodtype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangePOTypeLeft(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixLeft"] + '/phaseoffsettype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeAOTypeLeft(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixLeft"] + '/ampoffsettype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeCurveRight(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(current["prefixRight"] + '/curvetype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeCurveLFO(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC('/lfo/'+ current["lfo"] +'/curvetype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeCurveRot(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC('/rotator/'+ current["rotator"] +'/curvetype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)
def ChangeCurveTrans(value):
MaxwellCC = FindCC('/translator/'+ current["translator"] +'/curvetype')
RotarySpecifics(MaxwellCC, "curvetype", value)