2018-12-21 17:23:43 +01:00

476 lines
13 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: Python -*-
LJay/LJ v0.8.0
tracer.py (was newdacp.py)
Enhanced version (support for several lasers) of the etherdream python library from j4cDAC.
Sam Neurohack, pclf
Conversion in etherdream coordinates, geometric corrections,...
Init call with a laser number and which point list to draw. Etherdream IP is found in conf file for given laser number
Uses redis keys value for live inputs/outputs
These redis keys are read and set at each main loop.
Live inputs :
/order select some change to adjust
/pl/lasernumber [(x,y,color),(x1,y1,color),...] A string of list of pygame points list.
/resampler/lasernumber [(1.0,8), (0.25,3),(0.75,3),(1.0,10)] : a string for resampling rules.
the first tuple (1.0,8) is for short line < 4000 in etherdream space
(0.25,3),(0.75,3),(1.0,10) for long line > 4000
i.e (0.25,3) means go at 25% position on the line, send 3 times this position to etherdream
Live ouputs :
/lstt/lasernumber value etherdream last_status.playback_state (0: idle 1: prepare 2: playing)
/cap/lasernumber number of empty points sent to fill etherdream buffer (up to 1799)
/lack/lasernumber value "a": ACK "F": Full "I": invalid. 64 or 35 for no connection.
Geometric corrections :
import socket
import time
import struct
#from gstt import debug
import gstt
import math
from itertools import cycle
#from globalVars import *
import pdb
import ast
import redis
import homographyp
import numpy as np
black_points = [(278.0,225.0,0),(562.0,279.0,0),(401.0,375.0,0),(296.0,454.0,0),(298.0,165.0,0)]
grid_points = [(300.0,200.0,0),(500.0,00.0,65280),(500.0,400.0,65280),(300.0,400.0,65280),(300.0,200.0,65280),(200.0,100.0,0),(600.0,100.0,65280),(600.0,500.0,65280),(200.0,500.0,65280),(200.0,100.0,65280)]
r = redis.StrictRedis(host=gstt.LjayServerIP, port=6379, db=0)
def pack_point(x, y, r, g, b, i = -1, u1 = 0, u2 = 0, flags = 0):
"""Pack some color values into a struct dac_point.
Values must be specified for x, y, r, g, and b. If a value is not
passed in for the other fields, i will default to max(r, g, b); the
rest default to zero.
if i < 0:
i = max(r, g, b)
return struct.pack("<HhhHHHHHH", flags, x, y, r, g, b, i, u1, u2)
class ProtocolError(Exception):
"""Exception used when a protocol error is detected."""
class Status(object):
"""Represents a status response from the DAC."""
def __init__(self, data):
"""Initialize from a chunk of data."""
self.protocol_version, self.le_state, self.playback_state, \
self.source, self.le_flags, self.playback_flags, \
self.source_flags, self.fullness, self.point_rate, \
self.point_count = \
struct.unpack("<BBBBHHHHII", data)
def dump(self, prefix = " - "):
"""Dump to a string."""
lines = [
"Host ",
"Light engine: state %d, flags 0x%x" %
(self.le_state, self.le_flags),
"Playback: state %d, flags 0x%x" %
(self.playback_state, self.playback_flags),
"Buffer: %d points" %
(self.fullness, ),
"Playback: %d kpps, %d points played" %
(self.point_rate, self.point_count),
"Source: %d, flags 0x%x" %
(self.source, self.source_flags)
if debug == 2:
for l in lines:
print prefix + l
class BroadcastPacket(object):
"""Represents a broadcast packet from the DAC."""
def __init__(self, st):
"""Initialize from a chunk of data."""
self.mac = st[:6]
self.hw_rev, self.sw_rev, self.buffer_capacity, \
self.max_point_rate = struct.unpack("<HHHI", st[6:16])
self.status = Status(st[16:36])
def dump(self, prefix = " - "):
"""Dump to a string."""
lines = [
"MAC: " + ":".join(
"%02x" % (ord(o), ) for o in self.mac),
"HW %d, SW %d" %
(self.hw_rev, self.sw_rev),
"Capabilities: max %d points, %d kpps" %
(self.buffer_capacity, self.max_point_rate)
for l in lines:
print prefix + l
if debug == 1:
class DAC(object):
"""A connection to a DAC."""
# "Laser point List" Point generator
# each points is yielded : Getpoints() call n times OnePoint()
def OnePoint(self):
while True:
for indexpoint,currentpoint in enumerate(self.pl):
#print indexpoint, currentpoint
xyc = [currentpoint[0],currentpoint[1],currentpoint[2]]
self.xyrgb = self.EtherPoint(xyc)
delta_x, delta_y = self.xyrgb[0] - self.xyrgb_prev[0], self.xyrgb[1] - self.xyrgb_prev[1]
#test adaptation selon longueur ligne
if math.hypot(delta_x, delta_y) < 4000:
# For glitch art : decrease lsteps
#l_steps = [ (1.0, 8)]
l_steps = gstt.stepshortline
# For glitch art : decrease lsteps
#l_steps = [ (0.25, 3), (0.75, 3), (1.0, 10)]
l_steps = gstt.stepslongline
for e in l_steps:
step = e[0]
for i in xrange(0,e[1]):
self.xyrgb_step = (self.xyrgb_prev[0] + step*delta_x, self.xyrgb_prev[1] + step*delta_y) + self.xyrgb[2:]
yield self.xyrgb_step
self.xyrgb_prev = self.xyrgb
def GetPoints(self, n):
d = [self.newstream.next() for i in xrange(n)]
#print d
return d
# Etherpoint all transform in one matrix, with warp !!
# xyc : x y color
def EtherPoint(self,xyc):
c = xyc[2]
#print ""
#print "pygame point",[(xyc[0],xyc[1],xyc[2])]
#gstt.EDH[self.mylaser]= np.array(ast.literal_eval(r.get('/EDH/'+str(self.mylaser))))
position = homographyp.apply(gstt.EDH[self.mylaser],np.array([(xyc[0],xyc[1])]))
#print "etherdream point",position[0][0], position[0][1], ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8, ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) << 8, (c & 0xFF) << 8
#print ''
return (position[0][0], position[0][1], ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8, ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) << 8, (c & 0xFF) << 8)
def read(self, l):
"""Read exactly length bytes from the connection."""
while l > len(self.buf):
self.buf += self.conn.recv(4096)
obuf = self.buf
self.buf = obuf[l:]
return obuf[:l]
def readresp(self, cmd):
"""Read a response from the DAC."""
data = self.read(22)
response = data[0]
#print "laser response", self.mylaser, response
gstt.lstt_dacanswers[self.mylaser] = response
cmdR = data[1]
status = Status(data[2:])
r.set('/lack/'+str(self.mylaser), response)
if cmdR != cmd:
raise ProtocolError("expected resp for %r, got %r"
% (cmd, cmdR))
if response != "a":
raise ProtocolError("expected ACK, got %r"
% (response, ))
self.last_status = status
return status
def __init__(self, mylaser, PL, port = 7765):
"""Connect to the DAC over TCP."""
#print "init"
self.mylaser = mylaser
self.clientkey = r.get("/clientkey")
#print "Laser",self.mylaser,"Got clientkey", self.clientkey
#print "DAC", self.mylaser, "Handler process, connecting to", gstt.lasersIPS[mylaser]
self.conn = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
self.connstatus = self.conn.connect_ex((gstt.lasersIPS[mylaser], port))
#print "Connection status for", self.mylaser,":", self.connstatus
#print 'debug', debug, gstt.debug
# ipconn state is -1 at startup (see gstt) and modified here
r.set('/lack/'+str(self.mylaser), self.connstatus)
gstt.lstt_ipconn[self.mylaser] = self.connstatus
self.buf = ""
# Upper case PL is the Point List number
self.PL = PL
# Lower case pl is the actual point list coordinates
print "Laser",self.mylaser,"asking for ckey", self.clientkey+str(self.mylaser)
self.pl = ast.literal_eval(r.get(self.clientkey + str(self.mylaser)))
#if self.mylaser ==0:
#print "DAC Init Laser", self.mylaser
#print "pl :", self.pl
#print "EDH/"+str(self.mylaser),r.get('/EDH/'+str(self.mylaser))
if r.get('/EDH/'+str(self.mylaser)) == None:
#print "Laser",self.mylaser,"NO EDH !! Computing one..."
gstt.EDH[self.mylaser] = np.array(ast.literal_eval(r.get('/EDH/'+str(self.mylaser))))
#print "Laser",self.mylaser,"found its EDH in redis"
#print gstt.EDH[self.mylaser]
d =homographyp.apply(gstt.EDH[self.mylaser],np.array([(300,400)]))
print ''
print "d",d
print "d0",d[0]
#print "d1",len(d[1])
print " "
self.xyrgb = self.xyrgb_prev = (0,0,0,0,0)
self.newstream = self.OnePoint()
if gstt.debug >0:
if self.connstatus != 0:
#print ""
print "Connection ERROR",self.connstatus,"with laser", str(mylaser),":",str(gstt.lasersIPS[mylaser])
#print "first 10 points in PL",self.PL, self.GetPoints(10)
print "Connection status for", self.mylaser,":", self.connstatus
# Reference points
# Read the "hello" message
first_status = self.readresp("?")
position = []
def begin(self, lwm, rate):
cmd = struct.pack("<cHI", "b", lwm, rate)
#print "Begin newdac : Laser ", str(self.mylaser), " PL : ", str(self.PL)
return self.readresp("b")
def update(self, lwm, rate):
cmd = struct.pack("<cHI", "u", lwm, rate)
return self.readresp("u")
def encode_point(self, point):
return pack_point(*point)
def write(self, points):
epoints = map(self.encode_point, points)
cmd = struct.pack("<cH", "d", len(epoints))
self.conn.sendall(cmd + "".join(epoints))
return self.readresp("d")
def prepare(self):
return self.readresp("p")
def stop(self):
return self.readresp("s")
def estop(self):
return self.readresp("\xFF")
def clear_estop(self):
return self.readresp("c")
def ping(self):
return self.readresp("?")
def play_stream(self):
# print last playback state
#print "laser", self.mylaser, "Pb : ",self.last_status.playback_state
# error if etherdream is already playing state (from other source)
if self.last_status.playback_state == 2:
raise Exception("already playing?!")
# if idle go to prepare state
elif self.last_status.playback_state == 0:
started = 0
while True:
#print "laser", self.mylaser, "Pb : ",self.last_status.playback_state
order = r.get('/order/'+str(self.mylaser))
if order == 0:
# USER point list
self.pl = ast.literal_eval(r.get(self.clientkey+str(self.mylaser)))
# Get the new EDH
if order == 1:
print "Laser",self.mylaser,"new EDH ORDER in redis"
gstt.EDH[self.mylaser]= np.array(ast.literal_eval(r.get('/EDH/'+str(self.mylaser))))
# Back to user point list
r.set('/order/'+str(self.mylaser), 0)
# BLACK point list
if order == 2:
print "Laser",self.mylaser,"BLACK ORDER in redis"
self.pl = black_points
# GRID point list
if order == 3:
print "Laser",self.mylaser,"GRID ORDER in redis"
self.pl = grid_points
# Resampler Change
if order == 4:
self.resampler = ast.literal_eval(r.get('/resampler/'+str(self.mylaser)))
print "newdacp resetting lsteps for", self.mylaser, ":",self.resampler
gstt.stepshortline = self.resampler[0]
gstt.stepslongline[0] = self.resampler[1]
gstt.stepslongline[1] = self.resampler[2]
gstt.stepslongline[2] = self.resampler[3]
# Back to user point list order
r.set('/order/'+str(self.mylaser), 0)
# Client Key change
if order == 5:
print "Laser",self.mylaser,"new clientkey",
self.clientkey = r.get('/clientkey')
# Back to user point list order
r.set('/order/'+str(self.mylaser), 0)
#Laser order bit 0 = 0
if not order & (1 << (self.mylaser*2)):
#print "laser",mylaser,"bit 0 : 0"
# Laser bit 0 = 0 and bit 1 = 0 : USER PL
if not order & (1 << (1+self.mylaser*2)):
#print "laser",mylaser,"bit 1 : 0"
self.pl = ast.literal_eval(r.get('/pl/'+str(self.mylaser)))
# Laser bit 0 = 0 and bit 1 = 1 : New EDH
#print "laser",mylaser,"bit 1 : 1"
print "Laser",self.mylaser,"new EDH ORDER in redis"
gstt.EDH[self.mylaser]= np.array(ast.literal_eval(r.get('/EDH/'+str(self.mylaser))))
# Back to USER PL
order = r.get('/order')
neworder = order & ~(1<< self.mylaser*2)
neworder = neworder & ~(1<< 1+ self.mylaser*2)
r.set('/order', str(neworder))
# Laser bit 0 = 1
print "laser",mylaser,"bit 0 : 1"
# Laser bit 0 = 1 and bit 1 = 0 : Black PL
if not order & (1 << (1+self.mylaser*2)):
#print "laser",mylaser,"bit 1 : 0"
self.pl = black_points
# Laser bit 0 = 1 and bit 1 = 1 : GRID PL
#print "laser",mylaser,"bit 1 : 1"
self.pl = grid_points
r.set('/lstt/'+str(self.mylaser), self.last_status.playback_state)
# pdb.set_trace()
# How much room?
cap = 1799 - self.last_status.fullness
points = self.GetPoints(cap)
r.set('/cap/'+str(self.mylaser), cap)
#if self.mylaser == 0:
#print self.mylaser, cap
if cap < 100:
cap += 150
# print "Writing %d points" % (cap, )
#t0 = time.time()
#print points
#t1 = time.time()
# print "Took %f" % (t1 - t0, )
if not started:
print "starting laser", self.mylaser, "with", gstt.kpps[self.mylaser],"kpps"
self.begin(0, gstt.kpps[self.mylaser])
started = 1
# not used in LJay.
def find_dac():
"""Listen for broadcast packets."""
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM)
s.bind(("", 7654))
while True:
data, addr = s.recvfrom(1024)
bp = BroadcastPacket(data)
print "Packet from %s: " % (addr, )