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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: Python -*-
Aurora Animations points generators
Sam Neurohack
"ScanH", "ScanV", "Wave", "Circle", "Dot00", "Zero", "Maxwell", "Starfield", "Trckr", "Word", "Poses"
import time, math, sys, os
import numpy as np
from scipy import signal
from random import randrange, randint, random
import live
ljpath = r'%s' % os.getcwd().replace('\\','/')
# import from shell
sys.path.append(ljpath +'/../../libs3/')
sys.path.append(ljpath +'/../../libs3')
sys.path.append(ljpath +'/../libs3/')
#import from LJ
sys.path.append(ljpath +'/libs3/')
import lj
import gstt
# link
currentBeat = 0.0
currentBPM = 0
screen_size = [700,700]
xy_center = [screen_size[0]/2,screen_size[1]/2]
width = 700
height = 700
centerX = width / 2
centerY = height / 2
# 3D to 2D projection parameters
fov = 256
viewer_distance = 2.2
# Useful variables init.
white = lj.rgb2int(255,255,255)
red = lj.rgb2int(255,0,0)
blue = lj.rgb2int(0,0,255)
green = lj.rgb2int(0,255,0)
cyan = lj.rgb2int(255,0,255)
yellow = lj.rgb2int(255,255,0)
lifenb = 10
# Animation parameters for each layer
X = [{'coord': 0, 'rotspeed': 0, 'transpeed': 0, 'transmax': 0}] *3
Y = [{'coord': 0, 'rotspeed': 0, 'transpeed': 0, 'transmax': 0}] *3
Z = [{'coord': 0, 'rotspeed': 0, 'transpeed': 0, 'transmax': 0}] *3
Layer = [{'scandots': 100, 'radius': 150, 'color': red, "run": True, "step":0, 'steps': 500, 'stepmax': 200, 'stepvals': [], 'lineSize': 300, 'intensity': 255}] * 3
Xacc = 0.01
Yacc = 0.01
Zacc = 0.00
# Useful functions
def remap(s,min1,max1, min2, max2):
a1, a2 = min1, max1
b1, b2 = min2, max2
return b1 + ((s - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1))
minred = 0
mingreen = 0
minblue = 0
z = 20
col = (255,255,255)
def z2color(z, color):
rgbcolor = int2rgb(color)
#print("z2color : z =", z, "color =",color,"rgb :", rgbcolor)
newcolor = (z2range(z, rgbcolor[0], minred), z2range(z, rgbcolor[1], mingreen), z2range(z, rgbcolor[2], minblue))
#print("newcolor :", newcolor)
return rgb2int(newcolor)
def rgb2int(rgb):
return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb),0)
def int2rgb(intcode):
#hexcode = hex(intcode)[2:]
hexcode = '{0:06X}'.format(intcode)
return tuple(int(hexcode[i:i+2], 16) for i in (0, 2, 4))
#return tuple(map(ord,hexcode[1:].decode('hex')))
def z2range(z,color, mincolor):
#print("z2range : z=", z, "maxz :",maxz,"component =",color, "mincolor =",mincolor)
if color < mincolor:
return mincolor
a1, a2 = maxz,0
b1, b2 = mincolor, color
#print ("color component :", round(b1 + ((z - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1))))
return round(b1 + ((z - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1)))
def cc2range(s,min,max):
a1, a2 = 0,127
b1, b2 = min, max
return b1 + ((s - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1))
def range2cc(s,min,max):
a1, a2 = min, max
b1, b2 = 0,127
return b1 + ((s - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1))
def Proj(x, y, z, angleX, angleY, angleZ):
rad = angleX * math.pi / 180
cosa = math.cos(rad)
sina = math.sin(rad)
y2 = y
y = y2 * cosa - z * sina
z = y2 * sina + z * cosa
rad = angleY * math.pi / 180
cosa = math.cos(rad)
sina = math.sin(rad)
z2 = z
z = z2 * cosa - x * sina
x = z2 * sina + x * cosa
rad = angleZ * math.pi / 180
cosa = math.cos(rad)
sina = math.sin(rad)
x2 = x
x = x2 * cosa - y * sina
y = x2 * sina + y * cosa
""" Transforms this 3D point to 2D using a perspective projection. """
factor = fov / (viewer_distance + z)
x = x * factor + centerX
y = - y * factor + centerY
return (x,y)
def ssawtooth(samples, freq, phase, scale = 1):
samparray = [0] * samples
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = signal.sawtooth(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww]) * scale
return samparray
def ssquare(samples, freq, phase, scale = 1):
samparray = [0] * samples
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = signal.square(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww]) * scale
return samparray
def ssine(samples, freq, phase, scale = 1):
samparray = [0] * samples
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = np.sin(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww]) * scale
return samparray
#xsteps = ssine(LAY['scandots'], Cux['freq'], Cux['phaseoffset'] + Cux['inv'], Cux['amp'])
def scos(samples, freq, phase, scale = 1):
samparray = [0] * samples
t = np.linspace(0+phase, 1+phase, samples)
for ww in range(samples):
samparray[ww] = np.cos(2 * np.pi * freq * t[ww]) * scale
return samparray
def slinear(samples, min, max):
return np.linspace(min, max, samples)
Range =0
def rangelinear(samples, min, max):
global Range
samparray = []
for sample in range(samples-2):
if Range + samples-2 > max:
Range = min
Range += 1
return sorted(samparray)
def randlinear(samples, min, max):
samparray = []
for sample in range(samples):
return sorted(samparray)
# as randlinear but first min and last is max
def randlinear2(samples, min, max):
samparray = []
for sample in range(samples-2):
return sorted(samparray)
def slinear(samples, min, max):
linearray = [0] * samples
linearinc = (max-min)/samples
for ww in range(samples):
if ww == 0:
linearray[ww] = min
linearray[ww] = linearray[ww-1] + linearinc
print ('linear :',linearray)
return linearray
def sbilinear(samples, min, max):
samparray = [0] * samples
half = round(samples/2)
# UP : min -> max
part = np.linspace(min,max, half)
for ww in range(half):
samparray[ww] = part[ww]
# Down : max -> min
part = np.linspace(max,min, half)
for ww in range(half):
samparray[half+ww] = part[ww]
#print('linear min max', min, max)
#print ('linear',samparray)
return samparray
Linkbeat = lj.fromKey("/beat")
if Linkbeat != currentbeat:
currentbeat = Linkbeat
Linkbpm = lj.fromKey("/bpm")
if Linkbpm != currentbpm:
currentbpm = Linkbpm
# FXs
Beatstep memory 2 Aurora simplex
def ScanV(LAY):
ccmidi0= int(lj.fromKey("/midi/cc/1/0"))
dots = []
arr = randlinear2(LAY['scandots'],0, LAY['lineSize']*ccmidi0/100)
#arr = slinear(LAY['scandots'], LAY['lineSize'], 0)
for y in arr:
#print(y, LAY['lineSize'] )
dots.append((0 + LAY['lineSize']/2, y - LAY['lineSize']/2, 0))
return dots
''' Original
def ScanV(LAY):
dots = []
arr = randlinear2(LAY['scandots'],0, LAY['lineSize'])
#arr = slinear(LAY['scandots'], LAY['lineSize'], 0)
for y in arr:
#print(y, LAY['lineSize'] )
dots.append((0 + LAY['lineSize']/2, y - LAY['lineSize']/2, 0))
return dots
def ScanH(LAY):
dots = []
#print(slinear(LAY['scandots'], 0, LAY['lineSize']))
for x in sbilinear(LAY['scandots']*2, LAY['lineSize'],0):
dots.append((x , 0, 0))
return dots
def Wave(LAY):
global currentBeat
currentBPM =lj.fromKey("/bpm")
LinkBeat = lj.fromKey("/beat")
# New Beat ?
if LinkBeat != currentBeat:
currentBeat = LinkBeat
dots = []
x = slinear(round(LAY['lineSize']), 0, LAY['lineSize'])
y = ssine(round(LAY['lineSize']), LAY['wavefreq'], 0)
for ww in range(round(LAY['lineSize'])):
dots.append((50+x[ww], 50+y[ww] * LAY['radius'], 0))
return dots
''' Original
def Wave(LAY):
dots = []
x = slinear(round(LAY['lineSize']), 0, LAY['lineSize'])
y = ssine(round(LAY['lineSize']), LAY['wavefreq'], 0)
for ww in range(round(LAY['lineSize'])):
dots.append((50+x[ww], 50+y[ww] * LAY['radius'], 0))
return dots
def Circle(LAY):
dots = []
for angle in slinear(LAY['scandots'], 0, 360):
rad = angle * math.pi / 180
x = LAY['radius'] * math.cos(rad)
y = LAY['radius'] * math.sin(rad)
dots.append((x+LAY['lineSize']/2, y, 0))
return dots
def Word(LAY):
lj.Text(LAY['word'], zpos=0, c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], xpos = 300, ypos = 300, resize = LAY['scale']*0.6, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
#lj.Text(LAY['word'], c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], xpos = LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*10, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor([(x/2,y/2),((x+1)/2,(y+1)/2)], c = LAY['color'], layer = l, xpos = 0, ypos = 0, resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor([(x/2,y/2,0),((x+1)/2,(y+1)/2,0)], c = z2color(Field['stars'][starnumber][2], LAY['color']), layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200, ypos = 0, resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
def Dot00(LAY):
dots = []
dots.append((0, 0, 0))
return dots
def Zero(LAY):
dots = []
return dots
# Starfields
def Onefield(LAY, Field, hori=0,verti=0):
# starpoints = []
#print(Field['displayedstars'], 'stars displayed')
# Increase number of
if Field['displayedstars'] < Field['num_stars'] and Field['starfieldcount'] % 15 == 0:
Field['displayedstars'] += 1
#if displayedstars == num_stars and starfieldcount % 10 == 0:
# starspeed += 0.005
#print starspeed
for starnumber in range(0, Field['displayedstars']):
# The Z component is decreased on each frame.
Field['stars'][starnumber][2] -= Field['starspeed'] * 3
# If the star has past the screen (I mean Z<=0) then we
# reposition it far away from the screen (Z=max_depth)
# with random X and Y coordinates.
if Field['stars'][starnumber][2] <= 0:
Field['stars'][starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25)
Field['stars'][starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25)
Field['stars'][starnumber][2] = Field['max_depth']
# Convert the 3D coordinates to 2D using perspective projection.
k = 128.0 / Field['stars'][starnumber][2]
# Move Starfield origin.
# if stars xpos/ypos is same sign (i.e left stars xpos is <0) than (joystick or code) acceleration (hori and verti moves the star field origin)
if np.sign(Field['stars'][starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori):
x = int(Field['stars'][starnumber][0] * k + xy_center[0] + (hori*600))
x = int(Field['stars'][starnumber][0] * k + xy_center[0] + (hori*500))
if np.sign(Field['stars'][starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti):
y = int(Field['stars'][starnumber][1] * k + xy_center[1] + (verti*600))
y = int(Field['stars'][starnumber][1] * k + xy_center[1] + (verti*500))
# Add star to pointlist PL 0 if field display flag is true
if 0 <= x < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y < screen_size[1] - 2:
# print("adding star", str(x0)+","+str(y0), "to fields 0")
#lj.PolyLineOneColor([(x0,y0),((x0+1),(y0+1))], c = Stars0Form.color, layer = Stars0Form.layer, closed = Stars0Form.closed)
# print((x/2,y/2),((x+1)/2,(y+1)/2))
#print( int2rgb(z2color(Field['stars'][starnumber][2], LAY['color'])))
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor([(x/2,y/2),((x+1)/2,(y+1)/2)], c =LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = 0, ypos = 0, resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor([(x/2,y/2,0),((x+1)/2,(y+1)/2,0)], c = z2color(Field['stars'][starnumber][2], LAY['color']), layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200, ypos = 0, resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
# Maxwell
Beatstep Encoders 3 :
LX freq amp phasemod transamt RX freq amp phasemod rotdire
LY freq amp phasemod transamt RL freq amp phasemod rotdire
# sin:0/saw:33/squ:95/lin:127
def MaxOneSide(LAY, Cux, Cuy, Cuz):
#sines = ssine(LAY['scandots'], Cu['freq'], Cu['phasemod'], scale = Cu['amp'])
#cosines = scos(LAY['scandots'], Cu['freq'], Cu['phasemod'], scale = Cu['amp'])
#sines = ssine(LAY['scandots'], Cux['freq'], Cux['phaseoffset'], scale = Cux['amp'])
#cosines = ssine(LAY['scandots'], Cux['freq'], Cux['phaseoffset'], scale = Cux['amp'])
cosines = scos(LAY['scandots'], Cu['freq'], Cu['phase'], scale = Cu['amp'])
saws = ssawtooth(LAY['scandots'], Cu['freq'], Cu['phase'], scale = Cu['amp'])
sqrs = ssquare(LAY['scandots'], Cu['freq'], Cu['phase'], scale = Cu['amp'])
dots = []
print("X", LAY['scandots'],Cux['type'], Cux['phaseoffset'], Cux['inv'], Cux['amp'])
if Cux['type'] ==0:
xsteps = ssine(LAY['scandots'], Cux['freq'], Cux['phaseoffset'] + Cux['inv'], Cux['amp'])
if Cux['type'] ==33:
xsteps = ssawtooth(LAY['scandots'], Cux['freq'], Cux['phaseoffset'] + Cux['inv'], Cux['amp'])
if Cux['type'] == 95:
xsteps = ssquare(LAY['scandots'], Cux['freq'], Cux['phaseoffset'] + Cux['inv'], Cux['amp'])
if Cux['type'] == 127:
xsteps = slinear(LAY['scandots'], 0, Cux['amp'])
print("Y", LAY['scandots'], Cuy['type'], Cuy['phaseoffset'], Cuy['inv'], Cuy['amp'])
if Cuy['type'] ==0:
ysteps = ssine(LAY['scandots'], Cuy['freq'], Cuy['phaseoffset'] + Cuy['inv'], Cuy['amp'])
if Cuy['type'] ==33:
ysteps = ssawtooth(LAY['scandots'], Cuy['freq'], Cuy['phaseoffset'] + Cuy['inv'], Cuy['amp'])
if Cuy['type'] == 95:
ysteps = ssquare(LAY['scandots'], Cuy['freq'], Cuy['phaseoffset'] + Cuy['inv'], Cuy['amp'])
if Cuy['type'] == 127:
ysteps = slinear(LAY['scandots'], 0, Cuy['amp'])
#print("xsteps", xsteps)
#print("ysteps", ysteps)
for step in range(LAY['scandots']):
# Cu['type'] sin:0/saw:33/squ:95/lin:127
x = xsteps[step]
y = ysteps[step]
#x = sines[step]
#y = cosines[step]
dots.append((x, y, 0))
return dots
CurveLX = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 100, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': 0}] * 3
CurveLY = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 100, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': np.pi/2}] * 3
#CurveLY = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 100, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': np.pi/2}] * 3
CurveLZ = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 1, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': 0}] * 1
CurveRX = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 100, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': 0}] * 3
CurveRY = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 100, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': np.pi/2}] * 3
CurveRZ = [{'type': 0, 'freq': 1, 'amp': 1, 'phasemod': 0, 'phaseoffset': 0, 'inv': 0}] * 3
def Maxwell(LAY):
l =0
mixer = 0
dots = []
dotsL = MaxOneSide(LAY, CurveLX[l], CurveLY[l], CurveLZ[l])
dotsR = MaxOneSide(LAY, CurveRX[l], CurveRY[l], CurveRZ[l])
for dot in range(LAY['scandots']):
dotX = (dotsL[dot][0]*(100-mixer)/100) + (dotsR[dot][0]*mixer/100) #+ transX.values[point]
dotY = (dotsL[dot][1]*(100-mixer)/100) + (dotsR[dot][1]*mixer/100) #+ transY.values[point]
dotZ = (dotsL[dot][2]*(100-mixer)/100) + (dotsR[dot][2]*mixer/100) #+ transZ.values[point]
dots.append((dotX, dotY, dotZ))
return dots
for dot in range(LAY['scandots']):
dotX = (dotsL[dot][0]*(100-LAY['mixer'])/100) + (dotsR[dot][0]*LAY['mixer']/100) #+ transX.values[point]
dotY = (dotsL[dot][1]*(100-LAY['mixer'])/100) + (dotsR[dot][1]*LAY['mixer']/100) #+ transY.values[point]
dotZ = (dotsL[dot][2]*(100-LAY['mixer'])/100) + (dotsR[dot][2]*LAY['mixer']/100) #+ transZ.values[point]
dots.append((dotX, dotY, dotZ))
# Trckr
# get absolute face position points
def getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points):
dots = []
for dot in pose_points:
dots.append((TrckrPts[dot][0], TrckrPts[dot][1],0))
return dots
# Face keypoints
def face(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def browL(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [15,16,17,18]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def browR(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [22,21,20,19]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def eyeR(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [25,64,24,63,23,66,26,65,25]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def eyeL(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [28,67,29,68,30,69,31,28]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def pupR(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [27]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def pupL(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [32]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def nose1(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [62,41,33]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def nose2(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [40,39,38,43,37,42,36,35,34]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def mouth(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [50,49,48,47,46,45,44,55,54,53,52,51,50]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def mouthfull(TrckrPts):
pose_points = [50,49,48,47,46,45,44,55,54,53,52,51,50,59,60,61,44,56,57,58,50]
return getPART(TrckrPts, pose_points)
def Trckr(LAY, TrckrPts):
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor([(x/2,y/2),((x+1)/2,(y+1)/2)], c = LAY['color'], layer = l, closed = False, xpos = 0, ypos = 0, resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
#print("browL", browL(), "browR", browR(), "nose1", nose1(), "mouth", mouth())
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(pupL(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(pupR(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(nose1(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(nose2(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(mouthfull(TrckrPts), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -200 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
# Poses
# 0.25 : each frame will be repeated 4 times.
animspeed = 0.1
anims =[[]]*19
def preparePoses(currentPose):
lj.WebStatus("Checking anims...")
print("Init Poses...")
print("Reading available Poses anims...")
# anim format (name, xpos, ypos, resize, currentframe, totalframe, count, speed)
# 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
# total frames is fetched from directory by lengthPOSE()
anims[0] = ['boredhh' , -100, 30, 550, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[1] = ['belka4' , -70, 380, 680, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[2] = ['belka3' , -100, 360, 700, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[3] = ['hhhead' , -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[4] = ['hhhead2', -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[5] = ['hhhead4', -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[6] = ['hhred' , -250, 220, 550, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[7] = ['hhred2' , -200, 200, 550, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[8] = ['lady1' , -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[9] = ['lady1' , -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[10] = ['lady2' , -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[11] = ['lady3' , -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[12] = ['lady4' , -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[13] = ['mila6' , -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[14] = ['mila5' , -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[15] = ['idiotia1', -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[16] = ['idiotia1', -100, 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[17] = ['belka4', -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
anims[18] = ['belka3', -100, 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed]
#for laseranims in anims:
for anim in anims:
anim[5] = lengthPOSE(anim[0])
lj.WebStatus("Checking "+ anim[0] +"...")
if debug > 0:
print('plugins/aurora/poses/' + anim[0], "length :", anim[5], "frames")
print("Current Poses anim is",anims[currentPose][0],"("+str(currentPose)+")")
#lj.RelativeObject('anim', True, 255, [], white, red, green, blue, 0 ,False, centerX, centerY, 1, Xrot, Yrot, Zrot)
def Poses(LAY):
anim = anims[currentPose]
#anim = anims[LAY['poses']]
#dots = []
# increase current frame [4] of speed [7] frames
# print(anim[4],anim[7],anim[4]+anim[7])
# print("frame", anim[4])
anim[4] = anim[4]+anim[7]
# print("animspeed",anim[7], "newframe", anim[4], "maximum frame", anim[5] )
# compare to total frame [5]
if anim[4] >= anim[5]:
anim[4] = 0
posename = 'plugins/aurora/poses/' + anim[0] + '/' + anim[0] +'-'+str("%05d"%int(anim[4]))+'.json'
# print(posename)
posefile = open(posename , 'r')
posedatas = posefile.read()
pose_json = json.loads(posedatas)
#WebStatus("Frame : "+str("%05d"%int(anim[4])))
# Draw Face
for people in range(len(pose_json['people'])):
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor(face(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor(pupR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor(pupL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(nose(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(mouth(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor(pupL(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
#lj.rPolyLineOneColor(pupR(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = LAY['scale']*0.8, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(nose1(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(nose2(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(mouthfull(pose_json, people), c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = anim[1] +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'] + anim[2], resize = anim[3], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
import json
#CurrentPose = 1
# Get frame number for pose path describe in PoseDir
def lengthPOSE(pose_dir):
if debug > 0:
print("Checking directory",'plugins/aurora/poses/' + pose_dir)
if os.path.exists('plugins/aurora/poses/' + pose_dir):
numfiles = sum(1 for f in os.listdir('plugins/aurora/poses/' + pose_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('plugins/VJing/poses/' + pose_dir + '/', f)) and f[0] != '.')
if debug > 0:
print(numfiles, 'frames')
return numfiles
if debug > 0:
print("but it doesn't even exist!")
return 0
# Butterfly
entities = []
for lifes in range(0,lifenb,1):
# 0: random posX, 1: random posY, 2: wing position, 3: Color, 4: XDirection
entities.append([randint(100,width-100), randint(100,height-100), random(), randint(45,16700000), randint(-2,2)])
#print("Butterlfy entities :", entities)
wingpos = random()
# One wing vertices
vertices = [
( 0.0 , 0.3603683 , 0.7174169 ), #1
( 0.0 , -4.39773 , 0.09228338 ), #2
( wingpos , 0.3603683 , 0.3174169 ), #3
( 0.0 , 0.3603683 , 0.7174169 ), #4
( -wingpos , 0.4115218 , 0.1858825 ), #7
( 0.0 , -4.39773 , 0.09228338 ) #2
vertices = [
( 0.0 , -4.39773 , 0.7174169 ), # 1
( 0.0 , 4.39773 , 0.09228338 ), # 2
( wingpos , 0.3603683 , 0.3174169 ), # 3
( 0.0 , 0.3603683 , 0.7174169 ), # 4
( wingpos , -4.39773, 0.7174169 ), # 5
( 0.0 , -4.39773 , 0.7174169 ), # 6 = 1
( -wingpos ,-4.39773 , 0.1858825 ), #7
( 0.0 , 0.3603683 , 0.7174169 ), # 8
( -wingpos , 0.3603683 , 0.3174169 ), # 9
( 0.0 , 4.39773 , 0.09228338 ), # 10
fov = 256
viewer_distance = 70.2
angleX = 0
angleY = 120
angleZ = 0
color = 0x101010
speed = 0
def Butterfly(LAY):
global angleX, angleY, angleZ
#angleX += 0.0
#angleY += 0.0
#angleZ += 0.0
for entity in entities:
entity[0] += entity[4] + randint(-1,1) # change X/Y pos (Xdirection and little chaos)
if randint(0,20) > 15:
entity[1] += randint(-2,2)
centerX = entity[0]
centerY = entity[1]
# remember : z position is overall zoom
entity[2] += 1 # wings animation
if entity[2] > 10:
entity[2] = 0.0
wingpos = entity[2]
angleX = angleX # entity rotated in Z to follow Xdirection
angleY = angleY
if entity[4] > 0:
angleZ = (angleZ + entity[4]*18)
angleZ = -(angleZ + entity[4]*18)
color = entity[3]
dots = []
verticecounter = 0
for v in vertices:
x = v[0]
y = v[1]
z = v[2]
if verticecounter == 2:
x = wingpos
if verticecounter == 4:
x = - wingpos
dots.append(Proj(x+entity[0], y+entity[1], z, angleX, angleY, angleZ))
verticecounter +=1
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale']*1.3, rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec'])
name, scandots, radius, color, run, step, steps, stepmax, stepvals, lineSize, intensity
L0 = LAYERobject("0", "saw", 100, 150, red, True, 0, 500, 200, [], 300, 255)
L0.name = name
L0.scandots = 100
L0.radius = 150
L0.color = red
L0.run = True
L0.step = 0,
L0.steps = 500,
L0.stepmax = 200
L0.stepvals =[]
L0.lineSize = 300
L0.intensity = 255
class LAYERobject:
def __init__(self, name, scandots, radius, color, run, step, steps, stepmax, stepvals, lineSize, intensity)
self.name = name
self.scandots = scandots
self.radius = radius
self.color = color
self.run = run
self.step = step
self.steps = steps
self.stepmax = stepmax
self.stepvals = stepvals
self.lineSize = lineSize
self.intensity = intensity
name, coord, rotspeed, ranspeed, transmax
X0 = COORDobject("X0",0, 0, 0, 0)
X0.name = "0"
X0.coord = 0
X0.rotspeed = 0
X0.transpeed = 0
X0.transmax = 0
class COORDobject:
def __init__(self, name, coord, rotspeed, ranspeed, transmax)
self.name = name
self.coord = coord,
self.rotspeed = rotspeed
self.transpeed = transpeed
self.transmax = transmax
# OLD STUFF not used
def AudioLissa():
global Xrot, Yrot, Zrot
levels = lj.fromRedis('/audiogen/levels')
# levels = r.get('/audiogen/levels')
#PL = 0
dots = []
amp = 200
nb_point = 60
Xrot += Xacc * 25
Yrot += Yacc * 25
Zrot += Zacc * 0
# scale = (380-viewgenbands2scrY(levels[0]))/300
#scale = (380 - (levels[0] * 4))/300
LissaObj.scale = float(levels[0]) / 55
print(type(float(levels[0])),levels[0], LissaObj.scale)
#print ("scale",scale)
#print ("scale",scale)
for t in range(0, nb_point+1):
y = 1 - amp*math.sin(2*math.pi*2*(float(t)/float(nb_point)))
x = 1 - amp*math.cos(2*math.pi*3*(float(t)/float(nb_point)))
#y = 1 - amp*math.sin(2*PI*cc2range(gstt.cc[5],0,24)*(float(t)/float(nb_point)))
#x = 1 - amp*math.cos(2*PI*cc2range(gstt.cc[6],0,24)*(float(t)/float(nb_point)))
# These points are generated in pygame coordinates space (0,0 is top left) defined by screen_size in globalVars.py
#lj23.PolyLineOneColor( dots, c = white, PL = PL, closed = False )
lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = LissaObj.color, PL = LissaObj.PL, closed = False , xpos = LissaObj.xpos, ypos = LissaObj.ypos, scale = LissaObj.scale, rotx = LissaObj.rotx, roty = LissaObj.roty , rotz = LissaObj.rotz)
# /X/0/coord
# /Layer/0/color
if path.find('/X') == 0:
command = path.split("/")
# increase/decrease a CC. Value can be positive or negative
def changeCC(value, path):
MaxwellCC = FindCC(path)
print(MaxwellCC, "CC :", FindCC(path),"was", gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC])
if gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] + value > 127:
gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] = 127
if gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] + value < 0:
gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] = 0
if gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] + value < 127 and gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] + value >0:
gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] += value
print("maxwellccs changeCC in maxwellccs : path =", path, "CC :", FindCC(path), "is now ", gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC], "for laser", gstt.lasernumber)
cc(MaxwellCC, gstt.ccs[gstt.lasernumber][MaxwellCC] , dest ='to Maxwell 1')
def EncoderPlusOne(value, path = current["path"]):
if value < 50:
changeCC(1, path)
def EncoderMinusOne(value, path = current["path"]):
if value > 90:
changeCC(-1, path)
def EncoderPlusTen(value, path = current["path"]):
if value < 50:
changeCC(10, path)
def EncoderMinusTen(value, path = current["path"]):
if value > 90:
changeCC(-10, path)