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<h1 id="title">L J doc</h1>
<p>by <a href="http://www.teamlaser.fr">/team/laser</a></p>
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<b>Redis keys</b>
<li>- Drawing things : </li>
<li><strong>/pl/Scene/lasernumber : </strong> "[(x,y,color),(x1,y1,color),...]"" The live list of points. Tracer continously ask redis for key.</li>
<li><strong>/resampler/lasernumber : </strong> "[(1.0,8), (0.25,3),(0.75,3),(1.0,10)]"" a string for resampling rules.</li>
<li><strong>/clientkey : </strong>"/pl/SceneNumber/".</li>
<li><strong>/EDH/lasernumber : </strong>Internal. Order for tracer to update its homography.</li>
<li>- Tracer control : </li>
<li><strong>/order : </strong>0 : Draw Normal pointlists _1 : Get the new EDH _2 : Draw BLACK _3 : Draw GRID point list _4 : Resampler Change _5 : Client Key Change. _6 : Max Intensity Change _7 : kpps change _8 : color balance change.</li>
<li><strong>/kpps : </strong>0- DAC output speed to laser, then order 7. Depends of actual angle.</li>
<li><strong>/intensity : </strong>0-255 Laser output power, then order 6 (for alignement,...).</li>
<li><strong>/red : </strong>0-100 % of full red, then order 8.</li>
<li><strong>/green : </strong>0-100 % of full green, then order 8.</li>
<li><strong>/blue : </strong>0-100 % of full blue, then order 8 .</li>
<li>- DAC status report :</li>
<li><strong>/lstt/lasernumber : </strong>last status playback_state (0: idle 1: prepare 2: playing).</li>
<li><strong>/cap/lasernumber : </strong>number of empty points sent to fill etherdream buffer (up to 1799).</li>
<li><strong>/lack/lasernumber : </strong>"a": ACK "F": Full "I": invalid. 64 or 35 for no connection.</li>
<b>OSC commands</b>
<li><strong>/scale/X/lasernumber value </strong> (0-200).</li>
<li><strong>/scale/Y/lasernumber value </strong> (0-200).</li>
<li><strong>/client : </strong>change client displayed for Current Laser.</li>
<li><strong>/noteon : </strong> <8 change client displayed for Current Laser. 23 < /noteon < 32 : PL number displayed on webUI simulator.</li>
<li><strong>/grid/lasernumber value : </strong>(0 or 1) switch given laser with grid display on or off.</li>
<li><strong>/black/lasernumber value : </strong>(0 or 1) set given laser to black on or off.</li>
<li><strong>/emergency value : </strong>(0 or 1) set all lasers to black on or off.</li>
<li><strong>/ip/lasernumber value : </strong>change given laser IP i.e ''.</li>
<li><strong>/kpps/lasernumber value : </strong>Live change of kpps.</li>
<li><strong>/angle/lasernumber value : </strong>angle correction for given laser by value (0-360).</li>
<li><strong>/intens/lasernumber value : </strong>increase/decrease intensity for given laser by value </li>
<li><strong>/resampler/lasernumber lsteps : </strong>change resampling strategy (glitch art) for given laser lsteps is a string like "[ (1.0, 8),(0.25, 3), (0.75, 3), (1.0, 10)]".</li>
<li><strong>/mouse/lasernumber value : </strong>(0 or 1).</li>
<li><strong>/swap/X/lasernumber value : </strong>(0 or 1).</li>
<li><strong>/swap/Y/lasernumber value : </strong>(0 or 1).</li>
<li><strong>/loffset/X/lasernumber value : </strong>change X offset of given laser to value (-32000/32000).</li>
<li><strong>/loffset/Y/lasernumber value : </strong>change Y offset of given laser to value (-32000/32000).</li>
<li><strong>/intens/lasernumber value : </strong>increase/decrease intensity for given laser by value </li>
<li><strong>/order : </strong>0 : Draw Normal pointlists _1 : Get the new EDH _2 : Draw BLACK _3 : Draw GRID point list _4 : Resampler Change _5 : Client Key Change. _6 : Max Intensity Change _7 : kpps change _8 : color balance change.</li>
<li><strong>/planet : </strong>will be forwarded to planetarium client.</li>
<li><strong>/nozoid : </strong>will be forwarded to nozoid client.</li>
<li><strong>/scene/scenenumber/start : </strong>0 or 1</li>
<li><strong>/regen : </strong>regen webui index html page..</li>
<li><strong>/plugins/start : </strong>pluginame.</li>
<li><strong>/plugins/stop : </strong>pluginame.</li>
<li><strong>/pl/clientnumber/lasernumber value : </strong>value is the pointlist to draw as string type. For string format see redis keys.</li>
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