Current file: /home/lstrojny/Projekte/php-ids/trunk/lib/IDS/Init.php
Legend: executed not executed dead code

  Classes Methods Lines
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 private function __construct($configPath = NULL)
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 public function __clone()
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 public static function init($configPath = NULL)
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 public function setConfigPath($path)
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100.00% 7 / 7
 public function getConfigPath()
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 public function getBasePath()
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 public function setConfig(array $config, $overwrite = false)
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 protected function _mergeConfig($current, $successor)
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100.00% 11 / 11
 public function getConfig()
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100.00% 1 / 1

       1                 : <?php                                                                            
       2                 :                                                                                  
       3                 : /**                                                                              
       4                 :  * PHPIDS                                                                        
       5                 :  *                                                                               
       6                 :  * Requirements: PHP5, SimpleXML                                                 
       7                 :  *                                                                               
       8                 :  * Copyright (c) 2008 PHPIDS group (                          
       9                 :  *                                                                               
      10                 :  * PHPIDS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify                
      11                 :  * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by   
      12                 :  * the Free Software Foundation, version 3 of the License, or                    
      13                 :  * (at your option) any later version.                                           
      14                 :  *                                                                               
      15                 :  * PHPIDS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,                     
      16                 :  * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of                
      17                 :  * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the                  
      18                 :  * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.                           
      19                 :  *                                                                               
      20                 :  * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License      
      21                 :  * along with PHPIDS. If not, see <>.                
      22                 :  *                                                                               
      23                 :  * PHP version 5.1.6+                                                            
      24                 :  *                                                                               
      25                 :  * @category Security                                                            
      26                 :  * @package  PHPIDS                                                              
      27                 :  * @author   Mario Heiderich <>                         
      28                 :  * @author   Christian Matthies <>                               
      29                 :  * @author   Lars Strojny <>                                     
      30                 :  * @license LGPL                          
      31                 :  * @link                                                 
      32                 :  */                                                                              
      33                 :                                                                                  
      34                 : /**                                                                              
      35                 :  * Framework initiation                                                          
      36                 :  *                                                                               
      37                 :  * This class is used for the purpose to initiate the framework and inhabits     
      38                 :  * functionality to parse the needed configuration file.                         
      39                 :  *                                                                               
      40                 :  * @category  Security                                                           
      41                 :  * @package   PHPIDS                                                             
      42                 :  * @author    Christian Matthies <>                              
      43                 :  * @author    Mario Heiderich <>                        
      44                 :  * @author    Lars Strojny <>                                    
      45                 :  * @copyright 2007 The PHPIDS Groupup                                            
      46                 :  * @license LGPL                         
      47                 :  * @version   Release: $Id:Init.php 517 2007-09-15 15:04:13Z mario $             
      48                 :  * @link                                                
      49                 :  * @since     Version 0.4                                                        
      50                 :  */                                                                              
      51                 : class IDS_Init                                                                   
      52                 : {                                                                                
      53                 :                                                                                  
      54                 :     /**                                                                          
      55                 :      * Holds config settings                                                     
      56                 :      *                                                                           
      57                 :      * @var array                                                                
      58                 :      */                                                                          
      59                 :     public $config = array();                                                    
      60                 :                                                                                  
      61                 :     /**                                                                          
      62                 :      * Instance of this class depending on the supplied config file              
      63                 :      *                                                                           
      64                 :      * @var array                                                                
      65                 :      * @static                                                                   
      66                 :      */                                                                          
      67                 :     private static $instances = array();                                         
      68                 :                                                                                  
      69                 :     /**                                                                          
      70                 :      * Path to the config file                                                   
      71                 :      *                                                                           
      72                 :      * @var string                                                               
      73                 :      */                                                                          
      74                 :     private $configPath = null;                                                  
      75                 :                                                                                  
      76                 :     /**                                                                          
      77                 :      * Constructor                                                               
      78                 :      *                                                                           
      79                 :      * Includes needed classes and parses the configuration file                 
      80                 :      *                                                                           
      81                 :      * @param string $configPath the path to the config file                     
      82                 :      *                                                                           
      83                 :      * @return object $this                                                      
      84                 :      */                                                                          
      85                 :     private function __construct($configPath = null)                             
      86                 :     {                                                                            
      87               3 :         include_once 'IDS/Monitor.php';                                          
      88               3 :         include_once 'IDS/Filter/Storage.php';                                   
      89                 :                                                                                  
      90               3 :         if ($configPath) {                                                       
      91               2 :             $this->setConfigPath($configPath);                                   
      92               1 :             $this->config = parse_ini_file($this->configPath, true);             
      93               1 :         }                                                                        
      94               2 :     }                                                                            
      95                 :                                                                                  
      96                 :     /**                                                                          
      97                 :      * Permitting to clone this object                                           
      98                 :      *                                                                           
      99                 :      * For the sake of correctness of a singleton pattern, this is necessary     
     100                 :      *                                                                           
     101                 :      * @return void                                                              
     102                 :      */                                                                          
     103                 :     public final function __clone()                                              
     104                 :     {                                                                            
     105               1 :     }                                                                            
     106                 :                                                                                  
     107                 :     /**                                                                          
     108                 :      * Returns an instance of this class. Also a PHP version check               
     109                 :      * is being performed to avoid compatibility problems with PHP < 5.1.6       
     110                 :      *                                                                           
     111                 :      * @param string $configPath the path to the config file                     
     112                 :      *                                                                           
     113                 :      * @return object                                                            
     114                 :      */                                                                          
     115                 :     public static function init($configPath = null)                              
     116                 :     {                                                                            
     117              67 :         if (!isset(self::$instances[$configPath])) {                             
     118               3 :             self::$instances[$configPath] = new IDS_Init($configPath);           
     119               2 :         }                                                                        
     120                 :                                                                                  
     121              67 :         return self::$instances[$configPath];                                    
     122                 :     }                                                                            
     123                 :                                                                                  
     124                 :     /**                                                                          
     125                 :      * Sets the path to the configuration file                                   
     126                 :      *                                                                           
     127                 :      * @param string $path the path to the config                                
     128                 :      *                                                                           
     129                 :      * @throws Exception if file not found                                       
     130                 :      * @return void                                                              
     131                 :      */                                                                          
     132                 :     public function setConfigPath($path)                                         
     133                 :     {                                                                            
     134               2 :         if (file_exists($path)) {                                                
     135               1 :             $this->configPath = $path;                                           
     136               1 :         } else {                                                                 
     137               1 :             throw new Exception(                                                 
     138                 :                 'Configuration file could not be found at ' .                    
     139               1 :                 htmlspecialchars($path, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')                     
     140               1 :             );                                                                   
     141                 :         }                                                                        
     142               1 :     }                                                                            
     143                 :                                                                                  
     144                 :     /**                                                                          
     145                 :      * Returns path to configuration file                                        
     146                 :      *                                                                           
     147                 :      * @return string the config path                                            
     148                 :      */                                                                          
     149                 :     public function getConfigPath()                                              
     150                 :     {                                                                            
     151               1 :         return $this->configPath;                                                
     152                 :     }                                                                            
     153                 :                                                                                  
     154                 :     /**                                                                          
     155                 :      * This method checks if a base path is given and usage is set to true.      
     156                 :      * If all that tests succeed the base path will be returned as a string -    
     157                 :      * else null will be returned.                                               
     158                 :      *                                                                           
     159                 :      * @return string the base path or null                                      
     160                 :      */                                                                          
     161                 :     public function getBasePath() {                                              
     162                 :                                                                                  
     163              42 :         return ((isset($this->config['General']['base_path'])                    
     164              42 :             && $this->config['General']['base_path']                             
     165              42 :             && isset($this->config['General']['use_base_path'])                  
     166              42 :             && $this->config['General']['use_base_path'])                        
     167              42 :                 ? $this->config['General']['base_path'] : null);                 
     168                 :     }                                                                            
     169                 :                                                                                  
     170                 :     /**                                                                          
     171                 :      * Merges new settings into the exsiting ones or overwrites them             
     172                 :      *                                                                           
     173                 :      * @param array   $config    the config array                                
     174                 :      * @param boolean $overwrite config overwrite flag                           
     175                 :      *                                                                           
     176                 :      * @return void                                                              
     177                 :      */                                                                          
     178                 :     public function setConfig(array $config, $overwrite = false)                 
     179                 :     {                                                                            
     180               2 :         if ($overwrite) {                                                        
     181               2 :             $this->config = $this->_mergeConfig($this->config, $config);         
     182               2 :         } else {                                                                 
     183               1 :             $this->config = $this->_mergeConfig($config, $this->config);         
     184                 :         }                                                                        
     185               2 :     }                                                                            
     186                 :                                                                                  
     187                 :     /**                                                                          
     188                 :      * Merge config hashes recursivly                                            
     189                 :      *                                                                           
     190                 :      * The algorithm merges configuration arrays recursively. If an element is   
     191                 :      * an array in both, the values will be appended. If it is a scalar in both, 
     192                 :      * the value will be replaced.                                               
     193                 :      *                                                                           
     194                 :      * @param  array $current The legacy hash                                    
     195                 :      * @param  array $successor The hash which values count more when in doubt   
     196                 :      * @return array Merged hash                                                 
     197                 :      */                                                                          
     198                 :     protected function _mergeConfig($current, $successor)                        
     199                 :     {                                                                            
     200               2 :         if (is_array($current) and is_array($successor)) {                       
     201               2 :             foreach ($successor as $key => $value) {                             
     202               2 :                 if (isset($current[$key])                                        
     203               2 :                     and is_array($value)                                         
     204               2 :                     and is_array($current[$key])) {                              
     205                 :                                                                                  
     206               2 :                     $current[$key] = $this->_mergeConfig($current[$key], $value);
     207               2 :                 } else {                                                         
     208               2 :                     $current[$key] = $successor[$key];                           
     209                 :                 }                                                                
     210               2 :             }                                                                    
     211               2 :         }                                                                        
     212               2 :         return $current;                                                         
     213                 :     }                                                                            
     214                 :                                                                                  
     215                 :     /**                                                                          
     216                 :      * Returns the config array                                                  
     217                 :      *                                                                           
     218                 :      * @return array the config array                                            
     219                 :      */                                                                          
     220                 :     public function getConfig()                                                  
     221                 :     {                                                                            
     222               1 :         return $this->config;                                                    
     223                 :     }                                                                            
     224                 : }                                                                                
     225                 :                                                                                  
     226                 : /*                                                                               
     227                 :  * Local variables:                                                              
     228                 :  * tab-width: 4                                                                  
     229                 :  * c-basic-offset: 4                                                             
     230                 :  * End:                                                                          
     231                 :  */                                                                              

Generated by PHPUnit 3.3.1 and Xdebug 2.1.0-dev at Mon Dec 22 13:57:42 CET 2008.