mirror of
synced 2024-11-15 04:37:33 +00:00
- Use quota for /p/ requests - Correctly detect owner.full_name to save unneeded requests out - Unify quota reached pages - Unify post presentation into function that fetches prerequisites - Add getByID method to userRequestCache
451 lines
18 KiB
451 lines
18 KiB
const constants = require("./constants")
const {request} = require("./utils/request")
const switcher = require("./utils/torswitcher")
const {extractSharedData} = require("./utils/body")
const {TtlCache, RequestCache, UserRequestCache} = require("./cache")
const RequestHistory = require("./structures/RequestHistory")
const db = require("./db")
require("./testimports")(constants, request, extractSharedData, UserRequestCache, RequestHistory, db)
const requestCache = new RequestCache(constants.caching.resource_cache_time)
/** @type {import("./cache").UserRequestCache<import("./structures/User")|import("./structures/ReelUser")>} */
const userRequestCache = new UserRequestCache(constants.caching.resource_cache_time)
/** @type {import("./cache").TtlCache<import("./structures/TimelineEntry")>} */
const timelineEntryCache = new TtlCache(constants.caching.resource_cache_time)
const history = new RequestHistory(["user", "timeline", "igtv", "post", "reel"])
const AssistantSwitcher = require("./structures/AssistantSwitcher")
const assistantSwitcher = new AssistantSwitcher()
* @param {string} username
* @param {symbol} [context]
async function fetchUser(username, context) {
if (constants.external.reserved_paths.includes(username)) {
throw constants.symbols.ENDPOINT_OVERRIDDEN
let mode = constants.allow_user_from_reel
if (mode === "preferForRSS") {
if (context === constants.symbols.fetch_context.RSS) mode = "prefer"
else mode = "onlyPreferSaved"
if (context === constants.symbols.fetch_context.ASSISTANT) {
const saved = db.prepare("SELECT username, user_id, updated_version, biography, post_count, following_count, followed_by_count, external_url, full_name, is_private, is_verified, profile_pic_url FROM Users WHERE username = ?").get(username)
if (saved && saved.updated_version >= 2) {
return fetchUserFromSaved(saved)
} else {
return fetchUserFromHTML(username)
if (mode === "never") {
return fetchUserFromHTML(username)
if (mode === "prefer") {
const saved = db.prepare("SELECT username, user_id, updated_version, biography, post_count, following_count, followed_by_count, external_url, full_name, is_private, is_verified, profile_pic_url FROM Users WHERE username = ?").get(username)
if (saved && saved.updated_version >= 2) {
return fetchUserFromSaved(saved)
} else if (saved && saved.updated_version === 1) {
return fetchUserFromCombined(saved.user_id, saved.username)
} else {
return fetchUserFromHTML(username)
if (mode === "onlyPreferSaved") {
const saved = db.prepare("SELECT username, user_id, updated_version, biography, post_count, following_count, followed_by_count, external_url, full_name, is_private, is_verified, profile_pic_url FROM Users WHERE username = ?").get(username)
if (saved && saved.updated_version >= 2) {
return fetchUserFromSaved(saved)
} else {
mode = "fallback"
if (mode === "fallback") {
return fetchUserFromHTML(username).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN || error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
const saved = db.prepare("SELECT username, user_id, updated_version, biography, post_count, following_count, followed_by_count, external_url, full_name, is_private, is_verified, profile_pic_url FROM Users WHERE username = ?").get(username)
if (saved && saved.updated_version === 1) {
return fetchUserFromCombined(saved.user_id, username)
} else if (saved && saved.updated_version >= 2) {
return fetchUserFromSaved(saved)
} else if (assistantSwitcher.enabled()) {
return assistantSwitcher.requestUser(username).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.NO_ASSISTANTS_AVAILABLE) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
else throw error
throw error
throw new Error(`Selected fetch mode ${mode} was unmatched.`)
* @param {string} username
* @returns {Promise<{user: import("./structures/User"), quotaUsed: number}>}
function fetchUserFromHTML(username) {
if (constants.caching.self_blocked_status.enabled) {
if (history.store.has("user")) {
const entry = history.store.get("user")
if (!entry.lastRequestSuccessful && Date.now() < entry.lastRequestAt + constants.caching.self_blocked_status.time) {
return Promise.reject(constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED)
return userRequestCache.getOrFetch("user/"+username, false, true, () => {
return switcher.request("user_html", `https://www.instagram.com/${username}/feed/`, async res => {
if (res.status === 301) throw constants.symbols.ENDPOINT_OVERRIDDEN
if (res.status === 302) throw constants.symbols.INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
return res
}).then(async g => {
const res = await g.response()
if (res.status === 404) {
throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND
} else {
const text = await g.text()
// require down here or have to deal with require loop. require cache will take care of it anyway.
// User -> Timeline -> TimelineEntry -> collectors -/> User
const User = require("./structures/User")
const result = extractSharedData(text)
if (result.status === constants.symbols.extractor_results.SUCCESS) {
const sharedData = result.value
const user = new User(sharedData.entry_data.ProfilePage[0].graphql.user)
history.report("user", true)
if (constants.caching.db_user_id) {
const existing = db.prepare("SELECT created, updated_version FROM Users WHERE username = ?").get(user.data.username)
"REPLACE INTO Users (username, user_id, created, updated, updated_version, biography, post_count, following_count, followed_by_count, external_url, full_name, is_private, is_verified, profile_pic_url) VALUES "
+"(@username, @user_id, @created, @updated, @updated_version, @biography, @post_count, @following_count, @followed_by_count, @external_url, @full_name, @is_private, @is_verified, @profile_pic_url)"
username: user.data.username,
user_id: user.data.id,
created: existing && existing.updated_version === constants.database_version ? existing.created : Date.now(),
updated: Date.now(),
updated_version: constants.database_version,
biography: user.data.biography || null,
post_count: user.posts || 0,
following_count: user.following || 0,
followed_by_count: user.followedBy || 0,
external_url: user.data.external_url || null,
full_name: user.data.full_name || null,
is_private: +user.data.is_private,
is_verified: +user.data.is_verified,
profile_pic_url: user.data.profile_pic_url
return user
} else if (result.status === constants.symbols.extractor_results.AGE_RESTRICTED) {
// I don't like this code.
history.report("user", true)
throw constants.symbols.extractor_results.AGE_RESTRICTED
} else {
throw result.status
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN || error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
history.report("user", false)
throw error
}).then(user => ({user, quotaUsed: 0}))
* @param {string} userID
function updateProfilePictureFromReel(userID) {
const p = new URLSearchParams()
p.set("query_hash", constants.external.reel_query_hash)
p.set("variables", JSON.stringify({
user_id: userID,
include_reel: true
return switcher.request("reel_graphql", `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?${p.toString()}`, async res => {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
return res
}).then(res => res.json()).then(root => {
const result = root.data.user
if (!result) throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND
const profilePicURL = result.reel.user.profile_pic_url
if (!profilePicURL) throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND
db.prepare("UPDATE Users SET profile_pic_url = ? WHERE user_id = ?").run(profilePicURL, userID)
for (const entry of userRequestCache.cache.values()) {
// yes, data.data is correct.
if (entry.data && entry.data.data && entry.data.data.id === userID) {
entry.data.data.profile_pic_url = profilePicURL
break // stop checking entries from the cache since we won't find any more
return profilePicURL
}).catch(error => {
throw error
* @param {string} userID
* @param {string} username
* @returns {Promise<{user: import("./structures/ReelUser")|import("./structures/User"), quotaUsed: number}>}
function fetchUserFromCombined(userID, username) {
// Fetch basic user information
const p = new URLSearchParams()
p.set("query_hash", constants.external.reel_query_hash)
p.set("variables", JSON.stringify({
user_id: userID,
include_reel: true
return userRequestCache.getOrFetch("user/"+username, true, false, () => {
return switcher.request("reel_graphql", `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?${p.toString()}`, async res => {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
return res
}).then(res => res.json()).then(root => {
const result = root.data.user
if (!result) {
// user ID doesn't exist.
db.prepare("DELETE FROM Users WHERE user_id = ?").run(userID) // deleting the entry makes sense to me; the username might be claimed by somebody else later
throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND // this should cascade down and show the user not found page
// require down here or have to deal with require loop. require cache will take care of it anyway.
// ReelUser -> Timeline -> TimelineEntry -> collectors -/> User
const ReelUser = require("./structures/ReelUser")
const user = new ReelUser(result.reel.user)
history.report("reel", true)
return user
}).then(async user => {
// Add first timeline page
let quotaUsed = 0
if (!user.timeline.pages[0]) {
const fetched = await fetchTimelinePage(userID, "")
if (!fetched.fromCache) quotaUsed++
return {user, quotaUsed}
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
history.report("reel", false)
throw error
function fetchUserFromSaved(saved) {
let quotaUsed = 0
return userRequestCache.getOrFetch("user/"+saved.username, false, true, async () => {
// require down here or have to deal with require loop. require cache will take care of it anyway.
// ReelUser -> Timeline -> TimelineEntry -> collectors -/> ReelUser
const ReelUser = require("./structures/ReelUser")
const user = new ReelUser({
username: saved.username,
id: saved.user_id,
biography: saved.biography,
edge_follow: {count: saved.following_count},
edge_followed_by: {count: saved.followed_by_count},
external_url: saved.external_url,
full_name: saved.full_name,
is_private: !!saved.is_private,
is_verified: !!saved.is_verified,
profile_pic_url: saved.profile_pic_url
// Add first timeline page
if (!user.timeline.pages[0]) {
const {result: page, fromCache} = await fetchTimelinePage(user.data.id, "")
if (!fromCache) quotaUsed++
return user
}).then(user => {
return {user, quotaUsed}
* @param {string} userID
* @param {string} after
* @returns {Promise<{result: import("./types").PagedEdges<import("./types").TimelineEntryN2>, fromCache: boolean}>}
function fetchTimelinePage(userID, after) {
const p = new URLSearchParams()
p.set("query_hash", constants.external.timeline_query_hash)
p.set("variables", JSON.stringify({
id: userID,
first: constants.external.timeline_fetch_first,
after: after
return requestCache.getOrFetchPromise(`page/${userID}/${after}`, () => {
return switcher.request("timeline_graphql", `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?${p.toString()}`, async res => {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
}).then(g => g.json()).then(root => {
if (root.data.user === null) {
// user ID doesn't exist.
db.prepare("DELETE FROM Users WHERE user_id = ?").run(userID) // deleting the entry makes sense to me; the username might be claimed by somebody else later
throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND // this should cascade down and show the user not found page
/** @type {import("./types").PagedEdges<import("./types").TimelineEntryN2>} */
const timeline = root.data.user.edge_owner_to_timeline_media
history.report("timeline", true)
return timeline
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
history.report("timeline", false)
throw error
* @param {string} userID
* @param {string} after
* @returns {Promise<{result: import("./types").PagedEdges<import("./types").TimelineEntryN2>, fromCache: boolean}>}
function fetchIGTVPage(userID, after) {
const p = new URLSearchParams()
p.set("query_hash", constants.external.igtv_query_hash)
p.set("variables", JSON.stringify({
id: userID,
first: constants.external.igtv_fetch_first,
after: after
return requestCache.getOrFetchPromise(`igtv/${userID}/${after}`, () => {
// assuming this uses the same bucket as timeline, which may not be the case
return switcher.request("timeline_graphql", `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?${p.toString()}`, async res => {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
}).then(g => g.json()).then(root => {
/** @type {import("./types").PagedEdges<import("./types").TimelineEntryN2>} */
const timeline = root.data.user.edge_felix_video_timeline
history.report("igtv", true)
return timeline
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
history.report("igtv", false)
throw error
* @param {string} userID
* @param {string} username
* @returns {Promise<{result: boolean, fromCache: boolean}>}
function verifyUserPair(userID, username) {
// Fetch basic user information
const p = new URLSearchParams()
p.set("query_hash", constants.external.reel_query_hash)
p.set("variables", JSON.stringify({
user_id: userID,
include_reel: true
return requestCache.getOrFetchPromise("userID/"+userID, () => {
return switcher.request("reel_graphql", `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?${p.toString()}`, async res => {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
return res
}).then(res => res.json()).then(root => {
let user = root.data.user
if (!user) throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND
user = user.reel.user
history.report("reel", true)
return user.id === userID && user.username === username
}).catch(error => {
throw error
* @param {string} shortcode
* @returns {import("./structures/TimelineEntry")}
function getOrCreateShortcode(shortcode) {
if (timelineEntryCache.has(shortcode)) {
return timelineEntryCache.get(shortcode)
} else {
// require down here or have to deal with require loop. require cache will take care of it anyway.
// TimelineEntry -> collectors -/> TimelineEntry
const TimelineEntry = require("./structures/TimelineEntry")
const result = new TimelineEntry()
timelineEntryCache.set(shortcode, result)
return result
async function getOrFetchShortcode(shortcode) {
if (timelineEntryCache.has(shortcode)) {
return {post: timelineEntryCache.get(shortcode), fromCache: true}
} else {
const {result, fromCache} = await fetchShortcodeData(shortcode)
const entry = getOrCreateShortcode(shortcode)
return {post: entry, fromCache}
* @param {string} shortcode
* @returns {Promise<{result: import("./types").TimelineEntryN3, fromCache: boolean}>}
function fetchShortcodeData(shortcode) {
// example actual query from web:
// query_hash=2b0673e0dc4580674a88d426fe00ea90&variables={"shortcode":"xxxxxxxxxxx","child_comment_count":3,"fetch_comment_count":40,"parent_comment_count":24,"has_threaded_comments":true}
// we will not include params about comments, which means we will not receive comments, but everything else should still work fine
const p = new URLSearchParams()
p.set("query_hash", constants.external.shortcode_query_hash)
p.set("variables", JSON.stringify({shortcode}))
return requestCache.getOrFetchPromise("shortcode/"+shortcode, () => {
return switcher.request("post_graphql", `https://www.instagram.com/graphql/query/?${p.toString()}`, async res => {
if (res.status === 429) throw constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED
}).then(res => res.json()).then(root => {
/** @type {import("./types").TimelineEntryN3} */
const data = root.data.shortcode_media
if (data == null) {
// the thing doesn't exist
throw constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND
} else {
history.report("post", true)
if (constants.caching.db_post_n3) {
db.prepare("REPLACE INTO Posts (shortcode, id, id_as_numeric, username, json) VALUES (@shortcode, @id, @id_as_numeric, @username, @json)")
.run({shortcode: data.shortcode, id: data.id, id_as_numeric: data.id, username: data.owner.username, json: JSON.stringify(data)})
// if we have the owner but only a reelUser, update it. this code is gross.
if (userRequestCache.hasNotPromise("user/"+data.owner.username)) {
const user = userRequestCache.getWithoutClean("user/"+data.owner.username)
if (user.fromReel) {
user.data.full_name = data.owner.full_name
user.data.is_verified = data.owner.is_verified
return data
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
history.report("post", false)
throw error
module.exports.fetchUser = fetchUser
module.exports.fetchTimelinePage = fetchTimelinePage
module.exports.fetchIGTVPage = fetchIGTVPage
module.exports.getOrCreateShortcode = getOrCreateShortcode
module.exports.fetchShortcodeData = fetchShortcodeData
module.exports.requestCache = requestCache
module.exports.userRequestCache = userRequestCache
module.exports.timelineEntryCache = timelineEntryCache
module.exports.getOrFetchShortcode = getOrFetchShortcode
module.exports.updateProfilePictureFromReel = updateProfilePictureFromReel
module.exports.history = history
module.exports.fetchUserFromSaved = fetchUserFromSaved
module.exports.assistantSwitcher = assistantSwitcher
module.exports.verifyUserPair = verifyUserPair