mirror of
synced 2025-02-22 11:16:58 +00:00
Cache enhancements:
- Use quota for /p/ requests - Correctly detect owner.full_name to save unneeded requests out - Unify quota reached pages - Unify post presentation into function that fetches prerequisites - Add getByID method to userRequestCache
This commit is contained in:
@ -143,6 +143,8 @@ class UserRequestCache extends TtlCache {
/** @type {Map<string, {data: T, isReel: boolean, isFailedPromise: boolean, htmlFailed: boolean, reelFailed: boolean, time: number}>} */
/** @type {Map<string, string>} */
this.idCache = new Map()
@ -155,6 +157,7 @@ class UserRequestCache extends TtlCache {
// Preserve html failure status if now requesting as reel
const htmlFailed = isReel && existing && existing.htmlFailed
this.cache.set(key, {data, isReel, isFailedPromise: false, htmlFailed, reelFailed: false, time: Date.now()})
if (data && data.data && data.data.id) this.idCache.set(data.data.id, key) // this if statement is bad
@ -200,6 +203,14 @@ class UserRequestCache extends TtlCache {
this.set(key, willFetchReel, pending)
return pending
getByID(id) {
const key = this.idCache.get(id)
if (key == null) return null
const data = this.getWithoutClean(key)
if (data == null) return null
return data
module.exports.TtlCache = TtlCache
@ -380,12 +380,12 @@ function getOrCreateShortcode(shortcode) {
async function getOrFetchShortcode(shortcode) {
if (timelineEntryCache.has(shortcode)) {
return timelineEntryCache.get(shortcode)
return {post: timelineEntryCache.get(shortcode), fromCache: true}
} else {
const data = await fetchShortcodeData(shortcode)
const {result, fromCache} = await fetchShortcodeData(shortcode)
const entry = getOrCreateShortcode(shortcode)
return entry
return {post: entry, fromCache}
@ -196,72 +196,88 @@ class TimelineEntry extends TimelineBaseMethods {
async fetchChildren() {
// Cached children?
if (this.children) return this.children
// Not a gallery? Convert self to a child and return.
if (this.getType() !== constants.symbols.TYPE_GALLERY) {
return this.children = [new TimelineChild(this.data)]
/** @type {import("../types").Edges<import("../types").GraphChildN1>|import("../types").Edges<import("../types").GraphChildVideoN3>} */
// @ts-ignore
const children = this.data.edge_sidecar_to_children
// It's a gallery, so we may need to fetch its children
// We need to fetch children if one of them is a video, because N1 has no video_url.
if (!children || !children.edges.length || children.edges.some(edge => edge.node.is_video && !edge.node.video_url)) {
await this.update()
// Create children
return this.children = this.data.edge_sidecar_to_children.edges.map(e => new TimelineChild(e.node))
let fromCache = true
await (async () => {
// Cached children?
if (this.children) return
// Not a gallery? Convert self to a child and return.
if (this.getType() !== constants.symbols.TYPE_GALLERY) {
this.children = [new TimelineChild(this.data)]
/** @type {import("../types").Edges<import("../types").GraphChildN1>|import("../types").Edges<import("../types").GraphChildVideoN3>} */
// @ts-ignore
const children = this.data.edge_sidecar_to_children
// It's a gallery, so we may need to fetch its children
// We need to fetch children if one of them is a video, because N1 has no video_url.
if (!children || !children.edges.length || children.edges.some(edge => edge.node.is_video && !edge.node.video_url)) {
fromCache = false
await this.update()
// Create children
this.children = this.data.edge_sidecar_to_children.edges.map(e => new TimelineChild(e.node))
return {fromCache, children: this.children}
* Returns a proxied profile pic URL (P)
* @returns {Promise<import("../types").ExtendedOwner>}
* @returns {Promise<{owner: import("../types").ExtendedOwner, fromCache: boolean}>}
async fetchExtendedOwnerP() {
// Do we just already have the extended owner?
if (this.data.owner.full_name) { // this property is on extended owner and not basic owner
const clone = proxyExtendedOwner(this.data.owner)
this.ownerPfpCacheP = clone.profile_pic_url
return clone
// The owner may be in the user cache, so copy from that.
// This could be implemented better.
else if (collectors.userRequestCache.hasNotPromise("user/"+this.data.owner.username)) {
/** @type {import("./User")} */
const user = collectors.userRequestCache.getWithoutClean("user/"+this.data.owner.username)
if (user.data.full_name) {
this.data.owner = {
id: user.data.id,
username: user.data.username,
is_verified: user.data.is_verified,
full_name: user.data.full_name,
profile_pic_url: user.data.profile_pic_url // _hd is also available here.
let fromCache = true
const clone = await (async () => {
// Do we just already have the extended owner?
if (this.data.owner.full_name) { // this property is on extended owner and not basic owner
const clone = proxyExtendedOwner(this.data.owner)
this.ownerPfpCacheP = clone.profile_pic_url
return clone
// That didn't work, so just fall through...
// We'll have to re-request ourselves.
await this.update()
const clone = proxyExtendedOwner(this.data.owner)
this.ownerPfpCacheP = clone.profile_pic_url
return clone
// The owner may be in the user cache, so copy from that.
else if (collectors.userRequestCache.getByID(this.data.owner.id)) {
/** @type {import("./User")} */
const user = collectors.userRequestCache.getByID(this.data.owner.id)
if (user.data.full_name !== undefined) {
this.data.owner = {
id: user.data.id,
username: user.data.username,
is_verified: user.data.is_verified,
full_name: user.data.full_name,
profile_pic_url: user.data.profile_pic_url // _hd is also available here.
const clone = proxyExtendedOwner(this.data.owner)
this.ownerPfpCacheP = clone.profile_pic_url
return clone
// That didn't work, so just fall through...
// We'll have to re-request ourselves.
fromCache = false
await this.update()
const clone = proxyExtendedOwner(this.data.owner)
this.ownerPfpCacheP = clone.profile_pic_url
return clone
return {owner: clone, fromCache}
fetchVideoURL() {
if (!this.isVideo()) return Promise.resolve(null)
else if (this.data.video_url) return Promise.resolve(this.getVideoUrlP())
else return this.update().then(() => this.getVideoUrlP())
if (!this.isVideo()) {
return Promise.resolve({fromCache: true, videoURL: null})
} else if (this.data.video_url) {
return Promise.resolve({fromCache: true, videoURL: this.getVideoUrlP()})
} else {
return this.update().then(() => {
return {fromCache: false, videoURL: this.getVideoUrlP()}
* @returns {Promise<import("feed/src/typings/index").Item>}
async fetchFeedData() {
const children = await this.fetchChildren()
const {children} = await this.fetchChildren()
return {
title: this.getCaptionIntroduction() || `New post from @${this.getBasicOwner().username}`,
description: rssDescriptionTemplate({
@ -13,6 +13,24 @@ function getPageTitle(post) {
return (post.getCaptionIntroduction() || `Post from @${post.getBasicOwner().username}`) + " | Bibliogram"
function getPostAndQuota(req, shortcode) {
if (quota.remaining(req) === 0) {
throw constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED
return getOrFetchShortcode(shortcode).then(async ({post, fromCache: fromCache1}) => {
const {fromCache: fromCache2} = await post.fetchChildren()
const {fromCache: fromCache3} = await post.fetchExtendedOwnerP() // serial await is okay since intermediate fetch result is cached
const {fromCache: fromCache4} = await post.fetchVideoURL() // if post is not a video, function will just return, so this is fine
// I'd _love_ to be able to put these in an array, but I can't destructure directly into one, so this is easier.
const quotaUsed = (fromCache1 && fromCache2 && fromCache3 && fromCache4) ? 0 : 1 // if any of them is false then one request was needed to get the post.
const remaining = quota.add(req, quotaUsed)
return {post, remaining}
module.exports = [
route: "/", methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req}) => {
@ -141,16 +159,7 @@ module.exports = [
} else if (error === constants.symbols.extractor_results.AGE_RESTRICTED) {
return render(403, "pug/age_gated.pug", {settings})
} else if (error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) {
return render(429, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", {
title: "Quota reached",
statusCode: 429,
message: "Quota reached",
"Each person has a limited number of requests to Bibliogram."
+"\nYou have reached that limit."
+"\nWait a while to for your counter to reset.\n",
withInstancesLink: true
return render(429, "pug/quota_reached.pug")
} else {
throw error
@ -212,7 +221,7 @@ module.exports = [
} else if (error === constants.symbols.INSTAGRAM_DEMANDS_LOGIN || error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
return render(503, "pug/fragments/timeline_loading_blocked.pug")
} else if (error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) {
return render(429, "pug/fragments/timeline_quota_reached.pug")
return render(429, "pug/fragments/quota_reached.pug")
} else {
throw error
@ -220,25 +229,26 @@ module.exports = [
route: `/fragment/post/(${constants.external.shortcode_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, fill}) => {
route: `/fragment/post/(${constants.external.shortcode_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, fill}) => {
const shortcode = fill[0]
return getOrFetchShortcode(shortcode).then(async post => {
await post.fetchChildren()
await post.fetchExtendedOwnerP() // serial await is okay since intermediate fetch result is cached
if (post.isVideo()) await post.fetchVideoURL()
const settings = getSettings(req)
const settings = getSettings(req)
try {
const {post, remaining} = await getPostAndQuota(req, shortcode)
return {
statusCode: 200,
contentType: "application/json",
content: {
title: getPageTitle(post),
html: pugCache.get("pug/fragments/post.pug").web({lang, post, settings, getStaticURL})
html: pugCache.get("pug/fragments/post.pug").web({lang, post, settings, getStaticURL}),
quota: remaining
}).catch(error => {
if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND || constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
} catch (error) {
if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND || constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED || error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) {
const statusCode = error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED ? 429 : 503
return {
statusCode: 503,
contentType: "application/json",
content: {
redirectTo: `/p/${shortcode}`
@ -247,7 +257,7 @@ module.exports = [
} else {
throw error
@ -268,19 +278,19 @@ module.exports = [
route: `/p/(${constants.external.shortcode_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: ({req, fill}) => {
route: `/p/(${constants.external.shortcode_regex})`, methods: ["GET"], code: async ({req, fill}) => {
const shortcode = fill[0]
const settings = getSettings(req)
return getOrFetchShortcode(fill[0]).then(async post => {
await post.fetchChildren()
await post.fetchExtendedOwnerP() // serial await is okay since intermediate fetch result is cached
if (post.isVideo()) await post.fetchVideoURL()
try {
const {post} = await getPostAndQuota(req, shortcode)
return render(200, "pug/post.pug", {
title: getPageTitle(post),
website_origin: constants.website_origin,
}).catch(error => {
} catch (error) {
if (error === constants.symbols.NOT_FOUND) {
return render(404, "pug/friendlyerror.pug", {
statusCode: 404,
@ -291,10 +301,12 @@ module.exports = [
} else if (error === constants.symbols.RATE_LIMITED) {
return render(503, "pug/blocked_graphql.pug")
} else if (error === constants.symbols.QUOTA_REACHED) {
return render(429, "pug/quota_reached.pug")
} else {
throw error
@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
import {q, ElemJS} from "./elemjs/elemjs.js"
import {timeline} from "./post_series.js"
import {quota} from "./quota.js"
/** @type {PostOverlay[]} */
const postOverlays = []
@ -139,6 +140,12 @@ function loadPostOverlay(shortcode, stateChangeType) {
if (root.quota) {
delete root.quota // don't apply the old quota next time the post is opened
shortcodeDataMap.set(shortcode, root)
if (overlay.available) {
const {title, html} = root
@ -6,6 +6,11 @@ class Quota extends ElemJS {
this.value = +this.element.textContent
set(value) {
this.value = value
change(difference) {
this.value += difference
this.value = Math.max(0, this.value)
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
include includes/error.pug
doctype html
title= `Quota reached | Bibliogram`
include includes/head
+error(429, "Quota reached", true)
| Each person has a limited number of requests to Bibliogram.
| You have reached that limit. You cannot load any more data on this instance.
| Your quota will reset automatically after some time has passed.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user