# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # # uosc/client.py # """Simple OSC client.""" import socket try: from ustruct import pack except ImportError: from struct import pack from uosc.common import Bundle, to_frac if isinstance('', bytes): have_bytes = False unicodetype = unicode # noqa else: have_bytes = True unicodetype = str TYPE_MAP = { int: 'i', float: 'f', bytes: 'b', bytearray: 'b', unicodetype: 's', True: 'T', False: 'F', None: 'N', } def pack_addr(addr): """Pack a (host, port) tuple into the format expected by socket methods.""" if isinstance(addr, (bytes, bytearray)): return addr if len(addr) != 2: raise NotImplementedError("Only IPv4/v6 supported") addrinfo = socket.getaddrinfo(addr[0], addr[1]) return addrinfo[0][4] def pack_timetag(t): """Pack an OSC timetag into 64-bit binary blob.""" return pack('>II', *to_frac(t)) def pack_string(s, encoding='utf-8'): """Pack a string into a binary OSC string.""" if isinstance(s, unicodetype): s = s.encode(encoding) assert all((i if have_bytes else ord(i)) < 128 for i in s), ( "OSC strings may only contain ASCII chars.") slen = len(s) return s + b'\0' * (((slen + 4) & ~0x03) - slen) def pack_blob(b, encoding='utf-8'): """Pack a bytes, bytearray or tuple/list of ints into a binary OSC blob.""" if isinstance(b, (tuple, list)): b = bytearray(b) elif isinstance(b, unicodetype): b = b.encode(encoding) blen = len(b) b = pack('>I', blen) + bytes(b) return b + b'\0' * (((blen + 3) & ~0x03) - blen) def pack_bundle(bundle): """Return bundle data packed into a binary string.""" data = [] for msg in bundle: if isinstance(msg, Bundle): msg = pack_bundle(msg) elif isinstance(msg, tuple): msg = create_message(*msg) data.append(pack('>I', len(msg)) + msg) return b'#bundle\0' + pack_timetag(bundle.timetag) + b''.join(data) def pack_midi(val): assert not isinstance(val, unicodetype), ( "Value with tag 'm' or 'r' must be bytes, bytearray or a sequence of " "ints, not %s" % unicodetype) if not have_bytes and isinstance(val, str): val = (ord(c) for c in val) return pack('BBBB', *tuple(val)) def create_message(address, *args): """Create an OSC message with given address pattern and arguments. The OSC types are either inferred from the Python types of the arguments, or you can pass arguments as 2-item tuples with the OSC typetag as the first item and the argument value as the second. Python objects are mapped to OSC typetags as follows: * ``int``: i * ``float``: f * ``str``: s * ``bytes`` / ``bytearray``: b * ``None``: N * ``True``: T * ``False``: F If you want to encode a Python object to another OSC type, you have to pass a ``(typetag, data)`` tuple, where ``data`` must be of the appropriate type according to the following table: * c: ``str`` of length 1 * h: ``int`` * d: ``float`` * I: ``None`` (unused) * m: ``tuple / list`` of 4 ``int``s or ``bytes / bytearray`` of length 4 * r: same as 'm' * t: OSC timetag as as ``int / float`` seconds since the NTP epoch * S: ``str`` """ assert address.startswith('/'), "Address pattern must start with a slash." data = [] types = [','] for arg in args: type_ = type(arg) if isinstance(arg, tuple): typetag, arg = arg else: typetag = TYPE_MAP.get(type_) or TYPE_MAP.get(arg) if typetag in 'ifd': data.append(pack('>' + typetag, arg)) elif typetag in 'sS': data.append(pack_string(arg)) elif typetag == 'b': data.append(pack_blob(arg)) elif typetag in 'rm': data.append(pack_midi(arg)) elif typetag == 'c': data.append(pack('>I', ord(arg))) elif typetag == 'h': data.append(pack('>q', arg)) elif typetag == 't': data.append(pack_timetag(arg)) elif typetag not in 'IFNT': raise TypeError("Argument of type '%s' not supported." % type_) types.append(typetag) return pack_string(address) + pack_string(''.join(types)) + b''.join(data) class Client: def __init__(self, host, port=None): if port is None: if isinstance(host, (list, tuple)): host, port = host else: port = host host = '' self.dest = pack_addr((host, port)) self.sock = None def send(self, msg, *args, **kw): dest = pack_addr(kw.get('dest', self.dest)) if not self.sock: self.sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) if isinstance(msg, Bundle): msg = pack_bundle(msg) elif args or isinstance(msg, unicodetype): msg = create_message(msg, *args) self.sock.sendto(msg, dest) def close(self): if self.sock: self.sock.close() self.sock = None def __enter__(self): return self def __exit__(self, *args): self.close() def send(dest, address, *args): with Client(dest) as client: client.send(address, *args)