midiOSCesp v0.1 By Sam Neurohack Forward incoming midi messages as OSC message (UDP) to micropython host to trigger hardware event. In example : noteon, noteoff lights on/off some leds connected to an ESP 8266. Remember to edit netconf.py for network/OSC configuration. Connect the led strip data line to D5 (GPIO 14) * Computer side : List and hook to all midi devices (real or virtual). OSC commands generated from incoming midi messages : - /noteon midichannel, note, velocity - /noteoff midichannel, note - /rawcc midichannel, CCnumber, CCvalue - /clock - /start - /stop * Micropython/ESP side : - interpret /noteon and /noteoff and switch one led in a led strip. Changing or adding functions to clock or other midi msg is easy, look lserver.py. - ESP 8266 from https://www.wemos.cc/en/latest/d1/d1_mini_lite.html - Micropython firmware (select v1.13 with the right RAM amount): https://micropython.org/download/esp8266/ - Flash firmware, upload python files, run files,... thonny IDE : https://thonny.org/ - Great tutorials : https://randomnerdtutorials.com/getting-started-thonny-micropython-python-ide-esp32-esp8266/ More soon...