Forward incoming midi messages as OSC message (UDP) to micropython host to trigger hardware event. In example : noteon, noteoff lights on/off some leds connected to an ESP 8266.
Remember to edit for network/OSC configuration.
Connect the led strip data line to D5 (GPIO 14)
* Computer side : List and hook to all midi devices (real or virtual). OSC commands generated from incoming midi messages :
- /noteon MidiChannel, note, velocity
- /noteoff MidiChannel, note
- /rawcc MidiChannel, CCnumber, CCvalue
- /clock
- /start
- /stop
* Micropython/ESP side :
- interpret /noteon and /noteoff and switch one led in a led strip. Changing or adding functions to clock or other midi msg is easy, look Look to get extensive list of transmitted midi messages.
- ESP 8266 from
- Micropython firmware (select v1.13 with the right RAM amount):