
73 lines
2.2 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2020-10-21 12:39:48 +00:00
#! /usr/bin/python3
from datetime import datetime
from redis import Redis
import argparse
import json
import os
import sys
modeList = {
"list" : ["l","list"],
"delete" : ["d","delete"],
"exit" : ["x","q","exit"],
"preview" : ["p","preview"],
argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="manager")
argsparser.add_argument("-m","--mode",help="The action to perform. One of : {}".format(", ".join(modeList.keys())),default="list",type=str)
argsparser.add_argument("-P","--path",help="clitools path",default="~/code/lj-nano/clitools",type=str)
argsparser.add_argument("-i","--ip",help="IP address of the Redis server ",default="",type=str)
argsparser.add_argument("-p","--port",help="Port of the Redis server ",default="6379",type=str)
args = argsparser.parse_args()
mode = args.mode
clipath = args.path
port = args.port
ip = args.ip
r = Redis(host=ip, port=port)
hashList = []
def refreshList():
global hashList
hashList = {}
theList = r.hgetall("images")
for i in theList:
item = json.loads(theList[i])
theList[i] = item
# Sort by reverse Date
for i in sorted(theList.items(),key=lambda x: x[1]['created_at'],reverse=True):
hashList[i[0].decode("ascii")] = i[1]
while True:
if mode in modeList["list"] :
print("hash\t\t\tdate\t\t\tpoints info")
for i in hashList:
item = hashList[i]
pl = item["points_list"]
created_at = item["created_at"]
print("{}\t{}\t{} points".format(i,datetime.ctime(datetime.fromtimestamp(created_at)),len(pl)))
elif mode in modeList["delete"]:
print("Select a hash to delete")
hash_name = input()
result = r.hdel("images",hash_name)
print("Result: {}".format(result))
elif mode in modeList["preview"]:
print("Select a hash to preview")
hash_name = input()
item = json.loads(hashList[bytes(hash_name,'ascii')])
points_list = json.dumps(item["points_list"])
bashCommand = "while true; do echo '"+points_list+"'; sleep 0.5; done | /usr/bin/python3 "+clipath+"/exports/"
elif mode in modeList["exit"]:
print("Next action? (l)ist (d)elete e(x)it (p)review")
mode = input()