#!/usr/bin/env bash if [ $EUID != 0 ]; then echo "this script must be run as root" echo "" echo "usage:" echo "sudo "$0 exit $exit_code exit 1 fi ROOT=$(cd $(dirname $0); pwd -P) apt-get update GSTREAMER_VERSION=0.10 GSTREAMER_FFMPEG=gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-ffmpeg echo "detecting latest gstreamer version" apt-cache show libgstreamer1.0-dev exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code = 0 ]; then echo selecting gstreamer 1.0 GSTREAMER_VERSION=1.0 GSTREAMER_FFMPEG=gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-libav fi GTK_VERSION=2.0 echo "detecting latest gtk version" apt-cache show libgtk-3-dev exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code = 0 ]; then echo selecting gtk 3 GTK_VERSION=-3 fi echo "installing OF dependencies" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends freeglut3-dev libasound2-dev libxmu-dev libxxf86vm-dev g++ libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev libraw1394-dev libudev-dev libdrm-dev libglew-dev libopenal-dev libsndfile-dev libfreeimage-dev libcairo2-dev libfreetype6-dev libssl-dev libpulse-dev libusb-1.0-0-dev libgtk${GTK_VERSION}-dev libopencv-dev libegl1-mesa-dev libgles1 libgles2-mesa-dev libassimp-dev librtaudio-dev libboost-filesystem-dev libglfw3-dev liburiparser-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libpugixml-dev libpoco-dev libgconf-2-4 exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code != 0 ]; then echo "error installing dependencies, there could be an error with your internet connection" echo "if the error persists, please report an issue in github: http://github.com/openframeworks/openFrameworks/issues" exit $exit_code fi echo "installing gstreamer" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends libgstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-dev ${GSTREAMER_FFMPEG} gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-pulseaudio gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-x gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-plugins-bad gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-alsa gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-plugins-base gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-plugins-good exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code != 0 ]; then echo "error installing gstreamer, there could be an error with your internet connection" echo "if the error persists, please report an issue in github: http://github.com/openframeworks/openFrameworks/issues" exit $exit_code fi if [ -f /opt/vc/include/bcm_host.h ]; then echo "detected Raspberry Pi" echo "installing gstreamer omx" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends gstreamer${GSTREAMER_VERSION}-omx fi OS_CODENAME=$(cat /etc/os-release | grep VERSION= | sed "s/VERSION\=\"\(.*\)\"/\1/") if [ "$OS_CODENAME" = "7 (wheezy)" ]; then echo "detected wheezy, installing g++4.8 for c++11 compatibility" apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends g++-4.8 echo "setting gcc-${CXX_VER} as default compiler" sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gcc gcc /usr/bin/gcc-4.8 1 --force sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/g++ g++ /usr/bin/g++-4.8 1 --force fi # Update addon_config.mk files to use OpenCV 3 or 4 depending on what's installed addons_dir="/opt/of_v0.11.2_linux64gcc6_release/addons/" $(pkg-config opencv4 --exists) exit_code=$? if [ $exit_code != 0 ]; then echo "Updating ofxOpenCV to use openCV3" sed -i -E 's/ADDON_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES =(.*)opencv4(.*)$/ADDON_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES =\1opencv\2/' "$addons_dir/ofxOpenCv/addon_config.mk" else echo "Updating ofxOpenCV to use openCV4" sed -i -E 's/ADDON_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES =(.*)opencv\s/ADDON_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES =\1opencv4 /g' "$addons_dir/ofxOpenCv/addon_config.mk" sed -i -E 's/ADDON_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES =(.*)opencv$/ADDON_PKG_CONFIG_LIBRARIES =\1opencv4/g' "$addons_dir/ofxOpenCv/addon_config.mk" fi