extern crate ether_dream; use ether_dream::dac; fn main() { println!("Listening for an Ether Dream DAC..."); let (dac_broadcast, source_addr) = ether_dream::recv_dac_broadcasts() .expect("failed to bind to UDP socket") .filter_map(Result::ok) .next() .unwrap(); let mac_address = dac::MacAddress(dac_broadcast.mac_address); println!( "Discovered DAC \"{}\" at \"{}\"! Connecting...", mac_address, source_addr ); // Establish the TCP connection. let mut stream = dac::stream::connect(&dac_broadcast, source_addr.ip().clone()).unwrap(); // If we want to create an animation (in our case a moving sine wave) we need a frame rate. let frames_per_second = 60.0; // Lets use the DAC at an eighth the maximum scan rate. let points_per_second = stream.dac().max_point_rate / 32; // Determine the number of points per frame given our target frame and point rates. let points_per_frame = (points_per_second as f32 / frames_per_second) as u16; println!( "Preparing for playback:\n\tframe_hz: {}\n\tpoint_hz: {}\n\tpoints_per_frame: {}\n", frames_per_second, points_per_second, points_per_frame ); // Prepare the DAC's playback engine and await the repsonse. stream .queue_commands() .prepare_stream() .submit() .err() .map(|err| { eprintln!( "err occurred when submitting PREPARE_STREAM \ command and listening for response: {}", err ); }); println!("Beginning playback!"); // The sine wave used to generate points. let mut sine_wave = SineWave { point: 0, points_per_frame, frames_per_second, }; // Queue the initial frame and tell the DAC to begin producing output. let n_points = points_to_generate(stream.dac()); stream .queue_commands() .data(sine_wave.by_ref().take(n_points)) .begin(0, points_per_second) .submit() .err() .map(|err| { eprintln!( "err occurred when submitting initial DATA and BEGIN \ commands and listening for response: {}", err ); }); eprintln!("Stream dac{:?}", stream.dac()); // Loop and continue to send points forever. loop { // Determine how many points the DAC can currently receive. let n_points = points_to_generate(stream.dac()); if let Err(err) = stream .queue_commands() .data(sine_wave.by_ref().take(n_points)) .submit() { eprintln!( "err occurred when submitting DATA command and listening \ for response: {}", err ); break; } } // Tell the DAC to stop producing output and return to idle. Wait for the response. // // Note that the DAC is commanded to stop on `Drop` if this is not called and any errors // produced are ignored. stream .queue_commands() .stop() .submit() .expect("err occurred when submitting STOP command and listening for response"); } // Determine the number of points needed to fill the DAC. fn points_to_generate(dac: ðer_dream::dac::Dac) -> usize { dac.buffer_capacity as usize - 1 - dac.status.buffer_fullness as usize } // An iterator that endlessly generates a sine wave of DAC points. // // The sine wave oscillates at a rate of once per second. struct SineWave { point: u32, points_per_frame: u16, frames_per_second: f32, } impl Iterator for SineWave { type Item = ether_dream::protocol::DacPoint; fn next(&mut self) -> Option { let coloured_points_per_frame = self.points_per_frame - 1; let i = (self.point % self.points_per_frame as u32) as u16; let hz = 1.0; let fract = i as f32 / coloured_points_per_frame as f32; let phase = (self.point as f32 / coloured_points_per_frame as f32) / self.frames_per_second; let amp = (hz * (fract + phase) * 2.0 * std::f32::consts::PI).sin(); let (r, g, b) = match i { i if i == coloured_points_per_frame || i < 13 => (0, 0, 0), _ => (std::u16::MAX, std::u16::MAX, std::u16::MAX), }; let x_min = std::i16::MIN; let x_max = std::i8::MAX as i16; let x = (x_min as f32 + fract * (x_max as f32 - x_min as f32)) as i16; let y = (amp * x_max as f32) as i16; let control = 0; let (u1, u2) = (0, 0); let p = ether_dream::protocol::DacPoint { control, x, y, i, r, g, b, u1, u2, }; self.point += 1; Some(p) } }