/// /// Configure udev: /// https://github.com/Grix/helios_dac/blob/master/docs/udev_rules_for_linux.md /// mod redis_ctrl; use helios_dac::{Frame, Point, DeviceStatus, // Coordinate, Color}; use helios_dac::NativeHeliosDacController; use std::sync::atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}; use std::sync::Arc; use redis_ctrl::{RedisCtrl,Order}; const CENTER : (u16,u16) = (2000, 2000); pub fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { let running = Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(true)); let r = running.clone(); ctrlc::set_handler(move || { r.store(false, Ordering::SeqCst); }).expect("Error setting Ctrl-C handler"); let mut rs = match RedisCtrl::new() { Ok(rs) => rs, Err(err) => { println!("Unable to connect to redis: {:?}", err); return Ok(()) } }; let controller = NativeHeliosDacController::new()?; let devices = controller.list_devices()?; let Some(device) = devices.into_iter().next() else { println!("Unable to find an helios device"); return Ok(()); }; let mut device = device.open()?; while running.load(Ordering::SeqCst) { let order = rs.get_order(0)?; if order != Order::Draw { println!("{:?}", order); } let frame = get_next_frame(1000, &mut rs)?; while let Ok(DeviceStatus::NotReady) = device.status() { } device.write_frame(frame)?; } println!("Exiting, stoping device."); device.stop()?; Ok(()) } fn get_next_frame( speed: u32, rs: &mut RedisCtrl ) -> Result> { let line = rs.get("/pl/0/0")?; let line : Vec = line.iter() .map(tuple_to_point) .collect(); let mut line2 = vec![]; while line2.len() < 48 { for p in &line { line2.push(*p); } } Ok(Frame::new(speed, line2)) } fn tuple_to_point(tpl: &(f32,f32,u32)) -> Point { let (x, y, col) = tpl; let r = (col >> 16) as u8 ; let g = ((col >> 8) & 255) as u8 ; let b = (col & 255) as u8 ; let x = CENTER.0 + *x as u16; let y = CENTER.1 + *y as u16; if x >= 4096 || y >= 4096 { println!("WARN: coordinate out of range: {} {}", x, y); } let x = x.clamp(0, 4095); let y = y.clamp(0, 4095); Point { coordinate: (x, y).into(), color: Color::new(r, g, b), intensity: 0xFF } }