# LJ Packer ### Welcome to LJ Packer, [LJ](https://git.interhacker.space/teamlaser/LJ) software's virtual machine images provider. #### Errr... Sorry but what is this "LJ" thing already? * LJ is used to command multiple _LASERS_ via a _CENTRAL SERVER_ * _CENTRAL SERVER_ exchanges data with _LASERS_ and _POINTS GENERATORS_ on a Local Area Network (LAN) * _LASERS_ use _[ETHER-DREAMS](https://ether-dream.com/)_ interfaces to connect to _LAN_ * _POINTS GENERATORS_ store their output in a _REDIS_ located on _CENTRAL SERVER_ **The images produced by this code provide _CENTRAL SERVER_ and _REDIS_, plus some help to configure _LAN_.** You will need _LASERS_ and _ETHER-DREAMS_ to get a fully working setup. ## OK, but why? LJ is written in Python with lots of dependencies and can be a bit difficult to configure, hence the need for such bootable and easily (re)configured system images. **But be cautious, the images are not safe to run on the Internet AT ALL!** The SSH server is open for root login with a _**VERY**_ simple password: ``` root:laser ``` **Run the images produced with care on local / airtight networks.** # Images No official repository for images yet, but this is expected in the future. # Limitations All of this has been tested only on Debian 10 Buster. YMMV. # Crash course These instructions are for *building* images, see below to *run* images. You need to [install packer](https://www.packer.io/downloads) first, the syntax is valid with version 1.6+ **Compiling for qemu (recommanded):** ``` sudo apt install qemu qemu-kvm git clone https://git.interhacker.space/teamlaser/lj-packer cd lj-packer # The "no-desktop" install PACKER_LOG=1 sudo packer build -on-error=ask --only=teamlaser-lj build.json # The "desktop" install PACKER_LOG=1 sudo packer build -on-error=ask --only=teamlaser-lj-xfce build.json ``` **Compile for LXC (not fully tested, should work):** ``` sudo apt install lxc PACKER_LOG=1 sudo packer build -on-error=ask --only=teamlaser-lj-lxc build.json ``` All the compilation should be automatic, and result with images in local directories (output, output) # Running in KVM All commands are given for terminal use and probably require root access. You will need to select one of the images from those: ``` export IMAGE=packer-teamlaser-lj-xfce export IMAGE=packer-teamlaser-lj ``` ## kvm:user : KVM with simple/no-LAN network **It is the simple solution, useful for fast testing the software.** You will access the VM services through "virtual" localhost ports of your machine. But the VM will not be able to exchange data on LAN. ### kvm:user Local Ports to VM ports Ports translations are done by adding 10000 to each VM service port. * 10022 SSH(22) * 10080 HTTP(80) * 10443 HTTPS(443) * 16379 REDIS(6379) * 16454 ARTNET(6454) * 19001 WEBSOCKET(9001) So, to connect to the SSH server you will use the 10022 port on localhost. ### kvm:user Booting ``` # start the VM sudo /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 \ -m 2048M -boot once=d \ -machine type=pc,accel=kvm \ -display gtk -vnc \ -name ${IMAGE}\ -drive file=${IMAGE},format=qcow2 -device virtio-net,netdev=user.0 \ -netdev user,id=user.0,hostfwd=tcp::10022-:22,hostfwd=tcp::10080-:80,hostfwd=tcp::10443-:443,hostfwd=tcp::16379-:6379,hostfwd=tcp::6454-:6454,hostfwd=tcp::19001-:9001\ ``` ### kvm:user Connecting ``` # Wait until ssh/login is available in the VM # Type password "laser" i.e. "lqser" on AZERTY keyboards ssh root@localhost -p10022 ``` ## kvm:bridge KVM with full network access **It is a more complex solution, useful for real use of LJ with _LASERS_ on _LAN_.** You will access the VM services through "virtual" localhost ports of your machine. But the VM will not be able to exchange data on LAN. Here is the documentation on how to setup a bridge interface on your machine. It is a bit complex, but follow the instructions and it should be fine... ### kvm:bridge 0. First some variables / names we will use ``` # 0. Names / concepts HOST The name used to define your laptop (or any other machine running qemu) GUEST The name used to define the qemu virtual machine # 0. Variables HOST_IF The variable for HOST's network interface, the one used for LAN. Ex: eth0, ens3 HOST_IP The variable for HOST's IP address on the LAN. Ex: IP_RANGE The variable for size of a the subnet for your LAN. Ex: /24 GUEST_IF The variable for GUEST's network interface. GUEST_IP The variable for GUEST's IP address on the LAN. Ex: SU The sudo command required if not running as root ## As an Example, here is a working configuration export HOST_IF=enx9cebe8ce6930 export HOST_IP= export IP_RANGE=/24 export SU='sudo ' ``` ### kvm:bridge 1. Configuring HOST network interfaces ``` # 1. Configure HOST: set up bridge over HOST_IF $SU ip l set dev ${HOST_IF} down $SU brctl addbr br0 $SU brctl addif br0 ${HOST_IF} $SU ip tuntap add tap0 mode tap $SU brctl addif br0 tap0 $SU iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o br0 -j MASQUERADE $SU iptables -I FORWARD -i br0 -j ACCEPT $SU ip l set dev ${HOST_IF} up $SU ip l set dev br0 up $SU ip l set dev tap0 up $SU ip a add ${HOST_IP}${IP_RANGE} dev br0 $SU sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 ##troubleshooting: there must be NO ip address attached to $HOST_IF $SU ip address show dev ${HOST_IF} | grep global || echo -e "\n\e[31mOops.... Remove all IP addresses from ${HOST_IF}! Use:\e[0m\n\n$SU ip address del (address/range shown above) dev ${HOST_IF}" ``` ### kvm:bridge 2. Booting the VM Notice how the `net` model changed: we have a MAC address and use the `tap` interface to exchange network packets. ``` sudo /usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64\ -m 2048M -boot once=d\ -machine type=pc,accel=kvm\ -display gtk -vnc\ -name ${IMAGE}\ -drive file=${IMAGE},format=qcow2\ -net nic,model=virtio,macaddr=00:00:00:00:00:01\ -net tap,ifname=tap0\ ``` ### kvm:bridge 3. Configuring GUEST's network This part may be more or less complex, as a DHCP server might automatically assign an IP address to your VM. Use the connection via login described below (4.2) : **a script will check the network connectivity on login.** According to its output, * *you might be fine*: it will show an IP address which you can use to connect using standard protocols, i.e. SSH, HTTPS, etc. * *you might be required to configure the network*. In such a case, you will be asked * if you want to configure the network with a graphical tool. This is an option for expert users. It uses the nmtui (network-manager Terminal UI) interface. Use and to forget to your interface * to provide the GUEST_IP/RANGE and the GUEST_GW to use. - GUEST_IP/RANGE are depending on your HOST_IP in the LAN - GUEST_GW is your HOST_IP * Also, can do things by yourself with the following commands: ``` ip address add ${GUEST_IP}/${IP_RANGE} dev ${GUEST_IF} ip route add default via ${HOST_IP} ``` ### kvm:bridge 4. Connecting #### kvm:bridge 4.1 Connecting via login If you started the QEMU with a display, you can connect to it as root. CAUTION for french users, it as QWERTY keyboard mapping, type`lqser` ``` USER "root" PASS "laser" # i.e. "lqser" on AZERTY keyboards ``` #### kvm:bridge 4.2 Connecting via SSH ``` # Wait until ssh/login is available in the VM # Type password "laser" i.e. "lqser" on AZERTY keyboards ssh root@${GUEST_IP} ``` # Todos [] Export USB devices [] Nginx redirect to https [] Nginx wss websockets redirect [x] @todo deploy http(+s with snakeoil cert) with nginx [x] @todo read IP from updateUI.pu OR BETTER read IP addresses from a common file