#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' Forward pointlist to redis key END POINT Format : (x,y,color) /pl/0/0 "[(150.0, 230.0, 255), (170.0, 170.0, 255), (230.0, 170.0, 255), (210.0, 230.0, 255), (150.0, 230.0, 255)]" v0.1.0 LICENCE : CC by Cocoa, Sam Neurohack ''' from OSC3 import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage import sys from time import sleep import argparse import ast import redis argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="osc2redis generator") argsparser.add_argument("-i","--ip",help="IP to bind to ( by default)",default="",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-p","--port",help="OSC port to bind to (9002 by default)",default=9002,type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-r","--rip",help="Redis server IP ( by default)",default="",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-o","--rout",help="Redis port (6379 by default)",default=6379,type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",action="store_true",help="Verbose output") args = argsparser.parse_args() verbose = args.verbose ip = args.ip port = int(args.port) rip = args.rip rport = int(args.rout) r = redis.StrictRedis(host=rip, port=rport, db=0) def debug(msg): if( verbose == False ): return print(msg) oscserver = OSCServer( (ip, port) ) oscserver.timeout = 0 run = True # this method of reporting timeouts only works by convention # that before calling handle_request() field .timed_out is # set to False def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True # funny python's way to add a method to an instance of a class import types oscserver.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(handle_timeout, oscserver) def validate(pointlist): state = True if len(pointlist)<9: state = False try: pl = bytes(pointlist, 'ascii') check = ast.literal_eval(pl.decode('ascii')) except: state = False return state # RAW OSC Frame available ? def OSC_frame(): # clear timed_out flag oscserver.timed_out = False # handle all pending requests then return while not oscserver.timed_out: oscserver.handle_request() # default handler def OSChandler(oscpath, tags, args, source): oscaddress = ''.join(oscpath.split("/")) print("fromOSC Default OSC Handler got oscpath :", oscpath, "from :" + str(source[0]), "args :", args) print(oscpath.find("/pl/"), len(oscpath)) if oscpath.find("/pl/") ==0 and len(args)==1: print("correct OSC type :'/pl/") if validate(args[0]) == True and len(oscpath) == 7: print("new pl for key ", oscpath, ":", args[0]) if r.set(oscpath,args[0])==True: debug("exports::redis set("+str(oscpath)+") to "+args[0]) else: print("Bad pointlist -> msg trapped.") else: print("BAD OSC Message :", oscpath) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "default", OSChandler ) # simulate a "game engine" while run: # do the game stuff: sleep(0.01) # call user script OSC_frame() oscserver.close()