#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import re import redis from lib import runner import time novationRows = [ [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 ], [ *range(16,24)], [ *range(32,40)], [ *range(48,56)] ] argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Playlist midi") argsparser.add_argument("playlist",help="JSON playlist file ",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-i","--ip",help="IP address of the Redis server ",default="",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-r","--row",help="Row of Novation pad. Default:1 ",default=1,type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-k","--key",help="Redis key to update",default="0",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-l","--laser",help="Laser number. Default:0 ",default=0,type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-p","--port",help="Port of the Redis server ",default="6379",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-s","--scene",help="Laser scene. Default:0 ",default=0,type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",action="store_true",help="Verbose") args = argsparser.parse_args() ip = args.ip port = args.port key = args.key verbose=args.verbose laser = args.laser scene = args.scene playlist = args.playlist row = args.row - 1 rowKeys = novationRows[row] # Subscriber r = redis.StrictRedis(host=ip, port=port, db=0) p = r.pubsub() p.subscribe('/midi/last_event') runner._killBill() # Set Laser and scene runner._setKey( laser = laser, scene = scene) # Load playlist runner._loadPlaylist( playlist ) print("Loaded playlist : {}".format(runner.currentPlayList)) runner.action_info() runner.current_id = -1 while True: runner._killBill() message = p.get_message() if message: #runner._ok ("Subscriber: %s" % message['data']) # b'/midi/noteon/0/19/127' match = re.match(".*/([0-9]+)/[0-9]+",str(message['data'])) if not match: continue key = int(match.group(1)) # Check if the event is for us if key not in rowKeys: print("key {} not in {} ".format(key,rowKeys)) continue try: command_id = rowKeys.index(key) cmd = runner.currentPlayList[command_id] if command_id != runner.current_id : runner._ok("Launching command #{}\n Previous was {}\n Cmd:{}".format(command_id,runner.current_id,cmd)) runner.action_match(command_id) runner.action_runCommand() else : runner._err("Not running {} : already running.".format(command_id)) except Exception as e : print("Woops.",e)