#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' NozoidUI Client v0.0.1 Input : local midi instruments Output : nozoidtUI server Websocket INSTALLER https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/8b/0f/52de51b9b450ed52694208ab952d5af6ebbcbce7f166a48784095d930d8c/websocket_client-0.57.0.tar.gz ''' print "" print "" print "NozoidUI Client" print "v0.0.1" from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, TimeoutError import subprocess import sys import traceback import os import time from rtmidi.midiconstants import (CHANNEL_PRESSURE, CONTROLLER_CHANGE, NOTE_ON, NOTE_OFF, PITCH_BEND, POLY_PRESSURE, PROGRAM_CHANGE) import midi3 # from websocket_server import WebsocketServer #import socket import types, time import websocket try: import thread except ImportError: import _thread as thread import time debug = 1 # # webUI server # serverIP = "xrkia.org" # serverIP = "" # serverIP = "" wsPORT = 8081 # # Midi part # nozmidi = "BCR2000 Port 1" # nozmidi = "Arturia BeatStep" # nozmidi = "Virtual Midi A" # nozmidi = "Virtual Sequencer" # nowmidi = "IAC Driver Sequencer Bus 1" # nozmidi = "UM-ONE:UM-ONE MIDI 1 20:0" midichanOCS2 = 2 midichanMMO3 = 1 # resetMMO3 = [64,64,0,32,96] # un truc comme ca pour les valeurs de reset ? resetMMO3 = [0] * 32 resetOCS2 = [0] * 32 # /cc cc number value def cc(midichannel, ccnumber, value, mididest): print "NozoidUI Sending Midi channel", midichannel, "cc", ccnumber, "value", value, "to", mididest #if mididest == "BCR2000 Port 1": midi3.MidiMsg([CONTROLLER_CHANGE+midichannel-1, ccnumber, value], mididest) # /reset nozoids with "default" values def reset(nozoid): print "" print "reseting", nozoid if nozoid == "mmo3": for ccnumber in xrange(0,32): midi3.MidiMsg([CONTROLLER_CHANGE+midichanMMO3-1, ccnumber, resetMMO3[ccnumber]], nozmidi) sendWSall("/mmo3/cc/"+str(ccnumber)+" "+str(resetMMO3[ccnumber])) else: for ccnumber in xrange(0,32): midi3.MidiMsg([CONTROLLER_CHANGE+midichanOCS2-1, ccnumber, resetOCS2[ccnumber]], nozmidi) sendWSall("/ocs2/cc/"+str(ccnumber)+" "+str(resetMMO3[ccnumber])) # # Websocket part # def on_error(ws, error): print(error) def on_close(ws): print("### closed ###") def on_open(ws): def run(*args): try: while True: time.sleep(1) except Exception: traceback.print_exc() finally: ws.close() print("thread terminating...") thread.start_new_thread(run, ()) def on_message(ws, message): # print "" print(message) if len(message) > 200: message = message[:200]+'..' oscpath = message.split(" ") if debug > 0: #print "Client got from WS", client['id'], "said :", message, "splitted in an oscpath :", oscpath print "Client got from WS said :", message, "splitted in an oscpath :", oscpath wscommand = oscpath[0].split("/") print "WS command was :",wscommand if len(oscpath) == 1: args[0] = "noargs" #print "noargs command" elif wscommand[2] == "cc": if wscommand[1] == "ocs2": print "Incoming OCS-2 WS" cc(midichanOCS2, int(wscommand[3]), int(oscpath[1]), nozmidi) else: print "Incoming MMO-3 WS" cc(midichanMMO3, int(wscommand[3]), int(oscpath[1]), nozmidi) elif wscommand[2] == "reset": if wscommand[1] == "ocs2": reset("ocs2") else: reset("mmo3") # if needed a loop back : WS Client -> server -> WS Client # sendWSall(message) print "Running...." # Main loop do nothing. Maybe do the webui server ? try: print "" print "Connecting to NozoidUI server..." print "at", serverIP, "port",wsPORT #websocket.enableTrace(True) ws = websocket.WebSocketApp("ws://"+str(serverIP)+":"+str(wsPORT), on_message = on_message, on_error = on_error, on_close = on_close) midi3.ws = ws midi3.wsmode = True print "Midi Configuration..." print "Midi Destination", nozmidi midi3.check() ws.on_open = on_open ws.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Gently stop on CTRL C print "Fin de NozoidUI."