335 lines
12 KiB
335 lines
12 KiB
import ast
import math
import struct
import sys
import time
import numpy as np
import redis
from libs3 import gstt, log
def pack_point(laser, intensity, x, y, r, g, b, i=-1, u1=0, u2=0, flags=0):
"""Pack some color values into a struct dac_point."""
# print("Tracer", laser,":", r,g,b,"intensity", intensity, "i", i)
if r > intensity:
r = intensity
if g > intensity:
g = intensity
if b > intensity:
b = intensity
if max(r, g, b) == 0:
i = 0
i = intensity
x = int(x)
y = int(y)
# print("Tracer ", laser, ": packing", x, y, r, g, b, "intensity", intensity, "i", i)
if x < -32767:
if gstt.debug > 1:
log.err("Tracer " + str(laser) + " : x coordinates " + str(x) + " was below -32767")
x = -32000
if x > 32767:
if gstt.debug > 1:
log.err("Tracer " + str(laser) + " : x coordinates " + str(x) + " was bigger than 32767")
x = 32000
if y < -32767:
if gstt.debug > 1:
log.err("Tracer " + str(laser) + " : y coordinates " + str(y) + " was below -32767")
y = -32000
if y > 32767:
if gstt.debug > 1:
log.err("Tracer " + str(laser) + " : y coordinates " + str(y) + " was bigger than 32767")
y = 32000
return struct.pack("<HhhHHHHHH", flags, x, y, r, g, b, i, u1, u2)
class ProtocolError(Exception):
"""Exception used when a protocol error is detected."""
class Status(object):
"""Represents a status response from the DAC."""
def __init__(self, data):
"""Initialize from a chunk of data."""
self.protocol_version, self.le_state, self.playback_state, \
self.source, self.le_flags, self.playback_flags, \
self.source_flags, self.fullness, self.point_rate, \
self.point_count = \
struct.unpack("<BBBBHHHHII", data)
def dump(self, prefix=" - "):
"""Dump to a string."""
lines = [
"Host ",
"Light engine: state %d, flags 0x%x" %
(self.le_state, self.le_flags),
"Playback: state %d, flags 0x%x" %
(self.playback_state, self.playback_flags),
"Buffer: %d points" %
"Playback: %d kpps, %d points played" %
(self.point_rate, self.point_count),
"Source: %d, flags 0x%x" %
(self.source, self.source_flags)
if gstt.debug == 2:
for l in lines:
print(prefix + l)
def OnePointIterator(ref):
while True:
for indexpoint, currentpoint in enumerate(ref.pl):
# We modify the point geometry according to warp settings
# print indexpoint, currentpoint
# xyc = [currentpoint[0], currentpoint[1], currentpoint[2]]
# ref.xyrgb = ref.get_warped_point(xyc)
x, y = ref.get_warped_point(currentpoint[0], currentpoint[1])
r, g, b = ref.int_to_rgb(currentpoint[2])
# We modify the point color based on channel specific r,g,b intensity settings
rgb = (round(r * ref.intred / 100), round(g * ref.intgreen / 100),
round(b * ref.intblue / 100))
# We compute the delta with previous position
delta_x, delta_y = x - ref.prev_x, y - ref.prev_y
# We compute the distance from previous postion
if math.hypot(delta_x, delta_y) < 4000:
# For glitch art : decrease lsteps
# l_steps = [ (1.0, 8)]
l_steps = gstt.stepshortline
# For glitch art : decrease lsteps
# l_steps = [ (0.25, 3), (0.75, 3), (1.0, 10)]
l_steps = gstt.stepslongline
# We add intermediate points based on settings
for e in l_steps:
step = e[0]
for i in range(0, e[1]):
ref.xyrgb_step = (ref.prev_x + step * delta_x,
ref.prev_y + step * delta_y) + rgb # + ref.xyrgb_prev[2:]# + rgb
# print(ref.xyrgb_step)
yield ref.xyrgb_step
ref.prev_x, ref.prev_y = x, y
ref.xyrgb_prev = [x, y]
class Tracer(object):
"""A connection to a DAC."""
laser_id: int
redis: object
point_list_number: list
pl: list
client_key: str # /pl/<laser_id> by default
prev_x = 0
prev_y = 0
black_points = [(278.0, 225.0, 0), (562.0, 279.0, 0), (401.0, 375.0, 0), (296.0, 454.0, 0), (298.0, 165.0, 0)]
grid_points = [(300.0, 200.0, 0), (500.0, 200.0, 65280), (500.0, 400.0, 65280), (300.0, 400.0, 65280),
(300.0, 200.0, 65280), (300.0, 200.0, 0), (200.0, 100.0, 0), (600.0, 100.0, 65280),
(600.0, 500.0, 65280), (200.0, 500.0, 65280), (200.0, 100.0, 65280)]
ackstate = {'61': 'ACK', '46': 'FULL', '49': "INVALID", '21': 'STOP', '64': "NO CONNECTION ?",
'35': "NO CONNECTION ?",
'97': 'ACK', '70': 'FULL', '73': "INVALID", '33': 'STOP', '100': "NOCONNECTION", '48': "NOCONNECTION",
'a': 'ACK', 'F': 'FULL', 'I': "INVALID", '!': 'STOP', 'd': "NO CONNECTION ?", '0': "NO CONNECTION ?"}
lstate = {'0': 'IDLE', '1': 'PREPARE', '2': "PLAYING", '3': 'STOP', '64': "NOCONNECTION ?"}
status : the general status of the DAC, is it working or not?
ack_status : DAC specific, sent continuously by the DAC to track activity
def int_to_rgb(self, c):
return ((c >> 16) & 0xFF) << 8, ((c >> 8) & 0xFF) << 8, (c & 0xFF) << 8
def get_status(self):
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def set_status(self, status: int):
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def get_warped_point(self, x, y):
A DAC specific point model, ex EtherPoint or HeliosPoint
:param xyc: x,y,color
raise Exception("Please override the method")
# def get_ack_status(self):
# raise Exception("Please override the method")
# def set_ack_status(self, ack_status: int):
# raise Exception("Please override the method")
def prepare(self):
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def begin(self, n, kpps):
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def before_loop(self):
Hook for DAC specific actions on each loop
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def get_points_capacity(self):
How much points can we send next to the DAC
:return: int
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def convert_color(self, c):
DAC specific color conversion
:param c:
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def write(self, points):
Actual sending to the DAC
:param points: a list of points "corrected" with geometry, color, intensity settings
raise Exception("Please override the method")
def play_stream(self):
Main loop common for every dac driver
started = 0
while True:
self.redis.set('/lstate/' + str(self.laser_id), self.get_status())
# print("laser", self.laser_id, "Pb : ",self.last_status.playback_state)
order = int(self.redis.get('/order/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
# print("tracer", str(self.laser_id),"order", order, type(order)
if order == 0:
""" 0 : The actual points sending to laser """
# USER point list /
# @todo si la clef est vide utiliser les points noirs ? -> syntax error -> black points.
self.pl = ast.literal_eval(self.redis.get(self.clientkey + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
# print(self.clientkey + str(self.laser_id))
# print(self.pl)
except SyntaxError:
print("BAD POINTLIST on Tracer : laser", self.laser_id, " order 0 : pl : ", self.pl)
self.pl = self.black_points
# print("Tracer : laser", self.laser_id, " order 0 : pl : ",len(self.pl))
if order == 1:
""" 1 : Get the new EDH / The zoom || trapezoidal / homography settings for the laser """
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "new EDH ORDER in redis")
gstt.EDH[self.laser_id] = np.array(
ast.literal_eval(self.redis.get('/EDH/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii')))
# Back to user point list
self.redis.set('/order/' + str(self.laser_id), 0)
if order == 2:
""" 2 : Send a BLACK point list """
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "BLACK ORDER in redis")
self.pl = self.black_points
if order == 3:
""" 3: Send a GRID point list"""
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "GRID ORDER in redis")
self.pl = self.grid_points
if order == 4:
""" 4: Resampler Change, modify the automatic intermediary points settings """
self.resampler = ast.literal_eval(
self.redis.get('/resampler/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, " : resetting lsteps for", self.resampler)
gstt.stepshortline = self.resampler[0]
gstt.stepslongline[0] = self.resampler[1]
gstt.stepslongline[1] = self.resampler[2]
gstt.stepslongline[2] = self.resampler[3]
# Back to user point list order
self.redis.set('/order/' + str(self.laser_id), 0)
if order == 5:
""" 5: Client Key change, change the address to read points from in redis ex: /pl/0 => /pl/3"""
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "new clientkey")
self.clientkey = self.redis.get('/clientkey')
# Back to user point list order
self.redis.set('/order/' + str(self.laser_id), 0)
if order == 6:
""" 6: change intensity """
# @todo check for helios vs etherdream
self.intensity = int(self.redis.get('/intensity/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii')) << 8
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "new Intensity", self.intensity)
gstt.intensity[self.laser_id] = self.intensity
self.redis.set('/order/' + str(self.laser_id), "0")
if order == 7:
""" 7: kpps change"""
gstt.kpps[self.laser_id] = int(self.redis.get('/kpps/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "new kpps", gstt.kpps[self.laser_id])
self.update(0, gstt.kpps[self.laser_id])
self.redis.set('/order/' + str(self.laser_id), "0")
if order == 8:
""" 8: color balance change"""
self.intred = int(self.redis.get('/red/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
self.intgreen = int(self.redis.get('/green/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
self.intblue = int(self.redis.get('/blue/' + str(self.laser_id)).decode('ascii'))
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "new color balance", self.intred, "% ", self.intgreen, "% ",
self.intblue, "% ")
self.redis.set('/order/' + str(self.laser_id), "0")
# if getattr(self, "last_status") :
# self.redis.set('/lstt/' + str(self.laser_id), self.last_status.playback_state)
# pdb.set_trace()
# How much room?
capacity = self.get_points_capacity()
iterator = iter(OnePointIterator(self))
self.redis.set('/cap/' + str(self.laser_id), capacity)
points = [next(iterator) for i in range(capacity)]
if not started:
print("Tracer", self.laser_id, "starting with", gstt.kpps[self.laser_id], "kpps")
self.begin(0, gstt.kpps[self.laser_id])
started = 1