#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- ''' Bhorunicornhat v0.7.0 A library to replace unicornhat and unicorn_hat_sim to use any unicorn hat python script with a bhoreal or a Launchpad mini. 2 things to do : 1/ Change import in a unicorn target python program import unicornhat as unicorn by : import bhorunicornhat as unicorn 2/ Set target (bhoreal or launchpad) by calling unicornhat.dest(device,rotation) or modify destination and rotation manually : see a few lines down. by Sam Neurohack from /team/laser CC NC BY ''' import colorsys,time import midi3,bhoreal,launchpad # For Launchpad mini mididest = "launchpad" rotangle = 270 # For Bhoreal #mididest = "bhoreal" #rotangle = 180 BhorLeds = [0] * 64 Bhuffer = [0] * 64 HAT = (8,8) AUTO = (8,8) # 'launchpad' with rotation 270 # 'bhoreal' with rotation 180 def dest(dest,rot): global mididest, rotangle mididest = dest rotangle = rot def set_layout(x): pass def rot90(): for notes in range(0,64): Bhuffer[notes] = BhorLeds[notes] for y in range(1,9): for x in range(1,9): #print x,y,9-y,x,bhoreal.NoteXY(9-y,x),bhoreal.NoteXY(x,y),BhorLeds[bhoreal.NoteXY(9-y,x)],Bhuffer[bhoreal.NoteXY(x,y)] BhorLeds[bhoreal.NoteXY(9-y,x)]=Bhuffer[bhoreal.NoteXY(x,y)] def rot180(): for notes in range(0,64): Bhuffer[notes] = BhorLeds[notes] for y in range(8,0,-1): #print "" for x in range(1,9): #print x,y,9-y,bhoreal.NoteXY(x,9-y),bhoreal.NoteXY(x,y),BhorLeds[bhoreal.NoteXY(x,9-y)],Bhuffer[bhoreal.NoteXY(x,y)] BhorLeds[bhoreal.NoteXY(x,9-y)]=Bhuffer[bhoreal.NoteXY(x,y)] def rotation(angle): if angle == 90: rot90() if angle == 180: rot180() if angle == 270: rot180() rot90() def brightness(brightness): #like 0.5 pass def get_shape(): return 8,8 def clear(): off() def hue(r,g,b): h = int(127*colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b)[0]) v = int(127*colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b)[2]) if h == 0 and v != 0: h=127 #should be variation of grey (v,v,v) #v = int(127*colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b)[2]) #print r,g,b,h return h def off(): for note in range(1,64): BhorLeds[note] = 0 show() def set_all(r,g,b): for led in range(0,64): BhorLeds[led] = hue(r,g,b) def set_pixel(x,y,r,g,b): #print x,y,r,g,b,colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b) note = (x-1)+ (y-1) * 8 #print int(127*colorsys.rgb_to_hsv(r,g,b)[0]) BhorLeds[note] = hue(r,g,b) def set_pixels(pixels): led = 0 for line in pixels: #print line for ledline in range(0,8): #print line[ledline] r,g,b = line[ledline][0],line[ledline][1],line[ledline][2] BhorLeds[led] = hue(r,g,b) led += 1 def clean_shutdown(): pass def show(): # How turn off all leds ''' if bhoreal.Here != -1: bhoreal.Cls(0) if launchpad.Here != -1: launchpad.Cls() ''' # Check if midi3 has been previously initiated if len(midi3.OutDevice) == 0: midi3.OutConfig() if (mididest == 'launchpad' and launchpad.Here != -1) or (mididest == 'bhoreal' and bhoreal.Here != -1): rotation(rotangle) for note in range(1,65): midi3.NoteOn(note-1,BhorLeds[note-1],mididest) time.sleep(0.0001) else: print(mididest,'is connected ?')