#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' VJing Bank 0 was Franken for compo laser at coockie 2018 demoparty 0 : many Starfields 1 : generic pose animations 2 : Faces 3 : Dancers LICENCE : CC Sam Neurohack, Loloster, ''' import math #import gstt #from globalVars import * import numpy as np import pdb from datetime import datetime from random import randrange import redis import lj3 import sys,time from osc4py3.as_eventloop import * from osc4py3 import oscbuildparse #from osc4py3 import oscmethod as osm from osc4py3.oscmethod import * import argparse #f_sine = 0 screen_size = [400,400] xy_center = [screen_size[0]/2,screen_size[1]/2] message = "Hello" OSCinPort = 8010 redisIP = '' ljclient = 0 print ("") print ("Arguments parsing if needed...") argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="VJ Bank 0 for LJ") argsparser.add_argument("-r","--redisIP",help="IP of the Redis server used by LJ ( by default) ",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-c","--client",help="LJ client number (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",help="Verbosity level (0 by default)",type=int) args = argsparser.parse_args() if args.verbose: debug = args.verbose else: debug = 0 if args.client: ljclient = args.client else: ljclient = 0 # Redis Computer IP if args.redisIP != None: redisIP = args.redisIP else: redisIP = '' lj3.Config(redisIP,ljclient) def OSCljclient(value): # Will receive message address, and message data flattened in s, x, y print("I got /bank0/ljclient with value", value) ljclient = value lj3.LjClient(ljclient) def hex2rgb(hexcode): return tuple(map(ord,hexcode[1:].decode('hex'))) def rgb2hex(rgb): return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb),0) # Curve 0 many starfields def prepareSTARFIELD(): global star, stars0, stars1, stars2, starfieldcount, starspeed, displayedstars, displayedstars, num_stars, max_depth stars0=[] stars1=[] stars2=[] #stars3=[] num_stars = 50 max_depth = 20 stars = [] starfieldcount = 0 displayedstars = 5 starspeed = 0.05 for i in range(num_stars): # A star is represented as a list with this format: [X,Y,Z] star = [randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, max_depth)] stars0.append(star) star = [randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, max_depth)] stars1.append(star) star = [randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, max_depth)] stars2.append(star) def Starfield(hori=0,verti=0): global star, stars0, stars1, stars2, starfieldcount, starspeed, displayedstars, displayedstars, num_stars, max_depth starfieldcount += 1 #print starfieldcount starpoints = [] # Move starfield according to joypads. Not used in the demo ''' # Tflight joystick : # y axis 1 top -1 bottom 1 # x axis 0 left -1 right 1 # Main fire button 5 # hat (x,y) x -1 left x 1 right y -1 bottom y 1 top # speed axis 3 backward 1 forward -1 if Nbpads > 0: # Move center on X axis according to pad if pad1.get_axis(0)<-0.1 or pad1.get_axis(0)>0.1: hori = pad1.get_axis(0) #print hori # Move center on Y axis according to pad if pad1.get_axis(1)<-0.1 or pad1.get_axis(1)>0.1: verti= pad1.get_axis(1) #print verti ''' #print displayedstars, 'stars displayed' # Increase number of if displayedstars < num_stars and starfieldcount % 15 == 0: displayedstars += 1 if displayedstars == num_stars and starfieldcount % 10 == 0: starspeed += 0.005 #if Nbpads > 0: # starspeed = (1-pad1.get_axis(3)) #print starspeed for starnumber in range(0,displayedstars): # The Z component is decreased on each frame. stars0[starnumber][2] -= starspeed * 3 stars1[starnumber][2] -= starspeed * 3 stars2[starnumber][2] -= starspeed * 3 # If the star has past the screen (I mean Z<=0) then we # reposition it far away from the screen (Z=max_depth) # with random X and Y coordinates. if stars0[starnumber][2] <= 0: stars0[starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25) stars0[starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25) stars0[starnumber][2] = max_depth if stars1[starnumber][2] <= 0: stars1[starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25) stars1[starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25) stars1[starnumber][2] = max_depth if stars2[starnumber][2] <= 0: stars2[starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25) stars2[starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25) stars2[starnumber][2] = max_depth # Convert the 3D coordinates to 2D using perspective projection. k0 = 128.0 / stars0[starnumber][2] k1 = 128.0 / stars1[starnumber][2] k2 = 128.0 / stars2[starnumber][2] # Move Starfield origin. # if stars xpos/ypos is same sign (i.e left stars xpos is <0) than (joystick or code) acceleration (hori and verti moves the star field origin) if np.sign(stars0[starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori): x0 = int(stars0[starnumber][0] * k0 + xy_center[0] + (hori*600)) else: x0 = int(stars0[starnumber][0] * k0 + xy_center[0] + (hori*300)) if np.sign(stars0[starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti): y0 = int(stars0[starnumber][1] * k0 + xy_center[1] + (verti*600)) else: y0 = int(stars0[starnumber][1] * k0 + xy_center[1] + (verti*300)) if np.sign(stars1[starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori): x1 = int(stars1[starnumber][0] * k1 + xy_center[0] + (hori*600)) else: x1 = int(stars1[starnumber][0] * k1 + xy_center[0] + (hori*300)) if np.sign(stars1[starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti): y1 = int(stars1[starnumber][1] * k1 + xy_center[1] + (verti*600)) else: y1 = int(stars1[starnumber][1] * k1 + xy_center[1] + (verti*300)) if np.sign(stars2[starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori): x2 = int(stars2[starnumber][0] * k2 + xy_center[0] + (hori*600)) else: x2 = int(stars2[starnumber][0] * k2 + xy_center[0] + (hori*300)) if np.sign(stars2[starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti): y2 = int(stars2[starnumber][1] * k2 + xy_center[1] + (verti*600)) else: y2 = int(stars2[starnumber][1] * k2 + xy_center[1] + (verti*300)) # Add star to pointlist PL 0 if 0 <= x0 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y0 < screen_size[1] - 2: #f.LineTo((x,y), 0x80000000) lj3.PolyLineOneColor([(x0,y0),((x0+1),(y0+1))], c = rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 0, closed = False) #fwork.PolyLineOneColor([(x0,y0),((x0+1),(y0+1))], c=rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 0, closed = False) # Add star to pointlist PL 1 if 0 <= x1 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y1 < screen_size[1] - 2: lj3.PolyLineOneColor([(x1,y1),((x1+1),(y1+1))], c = rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 0, closed = False) #fwork.PolyLineOneColor([(x1,y1),((x1+1),(y1+1))], c=rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 1, closed = False) # Add star to pointlist PL 2 #if 0 <= x2 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y2 < screen_size[1] - 2: # fwork.PolyLineOneColor([(x2,y2),((x2+1),(y2+1))], c=colorify.rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 2, closed = False) # #f.PolyLineOneColor([(x,y),((x+2),(y+2))], COLOR_WHITE) ''' if starfieldcount < 200: if 0 <= x3 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y3 < screen_size[1] - 2: fwork.PolyLineOneColor([(x3,y3),((x3+2),(y3+2))], c=colorify.rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 3, closed = False) ''' lj3.Text(message, color, PL = 2, xpos = 300, ypos = 300, resize = 1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0) lj3.DrawPL(0) lj3.DrawPL(1) lj3.DrawPL(2) #lj3.DrawPL(3) # Curve 1 : generic pose animations import json CurrentPose = 1 # get absolute body position points def getCOCO(pose_json,pose_points, people): dots = [] for dot in pose_points: if len(pose_json['part_candidates'][people][str(dot)]) != 0: dots.append((pose_json['part_candidates'][people][str(dot)][0], pose_json['part_candidates'][people][str(dot)][1])) return dots # get relative (-1 0 1) body position points. a position -1, -1 means doesn't exist def getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people): dots = [] for dot in pose_points: #print pose_points if len(pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d']) != 0: #print "people 0" if pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3] != -1 and pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1] != -1: dots.append((pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3], pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1])) return dots # get absolute face position points def getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people): dots = [] for dot in pose_points: if len(pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d']) != 0: #print "people 0" if pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3] != -1 and pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1] != -1: dots.append((pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3], pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1])) return dots # Body parts def bodyCOCO(pose_json, people): pose_points = [10,9,8,1,11,12,13] return getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people) def armCOCO(pose_json, people): pose_points = [7,6,5,1,2,3,4] return getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people) def headCOCO(pose_json, people): pose_points = [1,0] return getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people) # Face keypoints def face(pose_json, people): pose_points = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def browL(pose_json, people): pose_points = [26,25,24,23,22] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def browR(pose_json, people): pose_points = [21,20,19,18,17] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def eyeR(pose_json, people): pose_points = [36,37,38,39,40,41,36] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def eyeL(pose_json, people): pose_points = [42,43,44,45,46,47,42] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def nose(pose_json, people): pose_points = [27,28,29,30] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def mouth(pose_json, people): pose_points = [48,59,58,57,56,55,54,53,52,51,50,49,48,60,67,66,65,64,63,62,61,60] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) import os # Get frame number for pose path describe in PoseDir def lengthPOSE(pose_dir): if debug > 0: print("Check directory",'poses/' + pose_dir) if os.path.exists('poses/' + pose_dir): numfiles = sum(1 for f in os.listdir('poses/' + pose_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('poses/' + pose_dir + '/', f)) and f[0] != '.') if debug > 0: print(numfiles,"images") return numfiles else: if debug > 0: print("but it doesn't even exist!") return 0 def preparePOSE(): global anims0, anims1, anims2 # anim format (name, xpos,ypos, resize, currentframe, totalframe, count, speed) # total frames is fetched from directory file count anims1 = [['sky',50,100,300,0,0,0,1],['2dancer1', 400,100, 300,0,0,0,1],['1dancer', 400,100, 300,0,0,0,1],['window1',100,100,300,0,0,0,1]] anims2 = [['window1', 400,200, 300,0,0,0,1],['2dancer1',100,200,300,0,0,0,1]] for anim in anims1: anim[5]= lengthPOSE(anim[0]) anims0 = anims1 # display n pose animations on Laser 0 def Pose(): global anims0, anims1, anims2 for anim in anims0: PL = 0 dots = [] print(anim, anim[5]) # repeat anim[7] time the same frame anim[6] +=1 if anim[6] == anim[7]: anim[6] = 0 # increase current frame and compare to total frame anim[4] += 1 if anim[4] == anim[5]: anim[4] = 0 posename = 'poses/' + anim[0] + '/' + anim[0] +'-'+str("%05d"%anim[4])+'.json' posefile = open(posename , 'r') posedatas = posefile.read() pose_json = json.loads(posedatas) for people in range(len(pose_json['people'])): lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(bodyCOCO(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(armCOCO(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(headCOCO(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) # Face ''' #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(face(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(nose(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(mouth(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) ''' lj3.DrawPL(PL) time.sleep(0.02) # decrease current frame if keystates[pygame.K_w]: # and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_w]: CurrentPose -= 1 if CurrentPose < 2: CurrentPose = numfiles -1 #time.sleep(0.033) print("Frame : ",CurrentPose) # increaser current frame if keystates[pygame.K_x]: # and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_x]: CurrentPose += 1 if CurrentPose > numfiles -1: CurrentPose = 1 #time.sleep(0.033) print("Frame : ",CurrentPose) # Curve 2 Faces import json CurrentPose = 1 def prepareFACES(): # anim format (name, xpos,ypos, resize, currentframe, totalframe, count, speed) # total frame is fetched from directory file count anims[0] = [['detroit1', 300,300, 100,0,0,0,1]] anims[1] = [['detroit1', 400,200, 200,0,0,0,1]] anims[2] = [['detroit1', 500,200, 300,0,0,0,1]] ''' # read anims number of frames from disk. for anim in range(len(anims0)): anims0[anim][5]= lengthPOSE(anims0[anim][0]) for anim in range(len(anims1)): anims1[anim][5]= lengthPOSE(anims1[anim][0]) for anim in range(len(anims2)): anims2[anim][5]= lengthPOSE(anims2[anim][0]) ''' #replace code below ''' for laseranims in range(3): if debug > 0: print "anims:",anims[laseranims], for anim in range(len(anims[laseranims])): anims[laseranims][anim][5]= lengthPOSE(anims[laseranims][anim][0]) if debug > 1: print anims[laseranims][anim][5] ''' #by this one #thanks to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19184335/is-there-a-need-for-rangelena for laseranims in anims: if debug > 1: print("anims:",laseranims) for anim in laseranims: anim[5]=lengthPOSE(anim[0]) if debug > 1: print(anim[5]) # display the face animation describe in PoseDir def Faces(): for laseranims in range(3): for anim in anims[laseranims]: PL = laseranims #print PL, anim dots = [] #print anim, anim[5] # repeat anim[7] time the same frame anim[6] +=1 if anim[6] == anim[7]: anim[6] = 0 # increase current frame and compare to total frame anim[4] += 1 if anim[4] == anim[5]: anim[4] = 0 posename = 'poses/' + anim[0] + '/' + anim[0] +'-'+str("%05d"%anim[4])+'.json' posefile = open(posename , 'r') posedatas = posefile.read() pose_json = json.loads(posedatas) # Face for people in range(len(pose_json['people'])): #lj3.PolyLineOneColor(face(pose), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(nose(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(mouth(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.DrawPL(PL) time.sleep(0.02) # Curve 3 # Dancers import json CurrentPose = 1 def prepareDANCERS(): # anim format (name, xpos,ypos, resize, currentframe, totalframe, count, speed) # total frame is fetched from directory file count anims[0] = [['1dancer',500,200,300,0,0,0,10]] anims[1] = [['2dancer1',500,200,300,0,0,0,10]] anims[2] = [['window1',500,200,300,0,0,0,10]] #anims[1] = [['2dancer1',100,200,300,0,0,0,10]] #anims[2] = [['window1',400,200, 300,0,0,0,10]] # read anims number of frames from disk. for laseranims in range(3): for anim in range(len(anims[laseranims])): anims[laseranims][anim][5]= lengthPOSE(anims[laseranims][anim][0]) # display the pose animation describe in PoseDir def Dancers(): for laseranims in range(3): for anim in anims[laseranims]: PL = laseranims #print PL, anim dots = [] #print anim, anim[5] # repeat anim[7] time the same frame anim[6] +=1 if anim[6] == anim[7]: anim[6] = 0 # increase current frame and compare to total frame anim[4] += 1 if anim[4] == anim[5]: anim[4] = 0 #bhorosc.sendresol("/layer1/clip1/connect",1) #bhorosc.sendresol("/layer1/clip1/connect",0) posename = 'poses/' + anim[0] + '/' + anim[0] +'-'+str("%05d"%anim[4])+'.json' posefile = open(posename , 'r') posedatas = posefile.read() pose_json = json.loads(posedatas) for people in range(len(pose_json['people'])): lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(bodyCOCO(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(armCOCO(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(nose(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(mouth(pose_json, people), c=color, PL = laseranims, closed = False,xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.DrawPL(PL) ''' lj3.PolyLineOneColor(bodyCOCO(pose_json), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.PolyLineOneColor(armCOCO(pose_json), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.PolyLineOneColor(headCOCO(pose_json), c=color, PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) PL[PL] = fwork.LinesPL(PL) ''' def OSCljclient(value): # Will receive message address, and message data flattened in s, x, y print("I got /bank0/ljclient with value", value) ljclient = value lj3.LjClient(ljclient) # Dancers, Starfield, Pose, Face def OSCrun(value): # Will receive message address, and message data flattened in s, x, y print("I got /run with value", value) doit = value # /quit def OSCquit(): WebStatus("Bank0 stopping") print("Stopping OSC...") lj3.OSCstop() sys.exit() def WebStatus(message): lj3.SendLJ("/status",message) #doit = Starfield doit = Pose #doit = Faces #doit = Dancers print('Loading Bank0...') WebStatus("Load Bank0") # OSC Server callbacks print("Starting OSC at port",OSCinPort,"...") osc_startup() osc_udp_server("", OSCinPort, "InPort") osc_method("/bank0/run*", OSCrun) osc_method("/bank0/ping*", lj3.OSCping) osc_method("/bank0/ljclient", OSCljclient) osc_method("/quit", OSCquit) import pygame pygame.init() Nbpads = pygame.joystick.get_count() print ("Joypads : ", str(Nbpads)) ''' if Nbpads != 2: print ('') print ('') print ("THIS VERSION NEEDS 2 PADS. PLEASE CONNECT THEM.") print ('') sys.exit() ''' if Nbpads > 1: pad2 = pygame.joystick.Joystick(1) pad2.init() print ("Pad2 :", pad2.get_name()) numButtons = pad2.get_numbuttons() #print ("Axis Pad 2 :", str(pad2.get_numaxes())) #print ("Buttons Pad 2 :" , str(numButtons)) # joy is pad abstraction to handle many different devices. joy2 = lj3.setup_controls(pad2) if Nbpads > 0: pad1 = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) pad1.init() print ("Pad1 :",pad1.get_name()) numButtons = pad1.get_numbuttons() joy1 = lj3.setup_controls(pad1) #print ("Axis Pad 1 :", str(pad1.get_numaxes())) #print ("Buttons Pad 1 :" , str(numButtons)) anims =[[],[],[],[]] color = lj3.rgb2int(255,255,255) prepareSTARFIELD() preparePOSE() prepareDANCERS() prepareFACES() WebStatus("Bank0 ready.") print("Bank0 ready") def Run(): try: while 1: #Starfield(hori=0,verti=0) doit() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Gently stop on CTRL C finally: WebStatus("Bank0 Exit") print("Stopping OSC...") lj3.OSCstop() print ("Bank0 Stopped.") Run()