# coding=UTF-8 ''' Multi Laser planetarium in python3 for LJ. v0.01 Sam Neurohack Accuracy tested against apparent data and starchart at https://www.calsky.com/cs.cgi?cha=7&sec=3&sub=2 Remember to set the same observer position and time. See Readme for more information Todo: - Validate aa2radec() with online calculator. Rewrite it to remove need for Astropy. - Findout how to use OSC in python 3. - Code WebUI page. - UpdateStars() in each laser sky. Get magnitude. See UpdateSolar for example. - All Draw operations should also check visibility in the given laser altitude range. - Rewrite CityPosition() with proper search in a python dictionnary. - Better python code. Better varuable to understand easily Update() methods. LICENCE : CC Remember : LJ will automatically warp geometry according to alignement data. See webUI. ''' import redis import lj3 import numpy as np import math,time from astropy.coordinates import SkyCoord, EarthLocation, AltAz from astropy import units as u from astropy.time import Time from skyfield.api import Star, load, Topos,Angle from skyfield.data import hipparcos import json ''' is_py2 = sys.version[0] == '2' if is_py2: from Queue import Queue else: from queue import Queue ''' # # Arguments handler # import argparse print ("") print ("Arguments parsing if needed...") argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Planetarium for LJ") argsparser.add_argument("-r","--redisIP",help="IP of the Redis server used by LJ ( by default) ",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-c","--client",help="LJ client number (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-l","--laser",help="Laser number to be displayed (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-d","--debug",help="Verbosity level (0 by default)",type=int) #argsparser.add_argument("-n","--name",help="City Name of the observer",type=str) #argsparser.add_argument("-r","--redisIP",help="Country code of the observer ",type=str) args = argsparser.parse_args() if args.client: ljclient = args.client else: ljclient = 0 if args.laser: lasernumber = args.laser else: lasernumber = 0 if args.debug: debug = args.laser else: debug = 0 # Redis Computer IP if args.redisIP != None: redisIP = args.redisIP else: redisIP = '' lj3.Config(redisIP,ljclient) # # Inits Laser # fov = 256 viewer_distance = 2.2 width = 450 height = 450 centerX = width / 2 centerY = height / 2 samparray = [0] * 100 # (x,y,color in integer) 65280 is color #00FF00 # Green rectangular shape : pl0 = [(100,300,65280),(200,300,65280),(200,200,65280),(100,200,65280),(100,300,65280)] # If you want to use rgb for color : def rgb2int(r,g,b): return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (r,g,b),0) white = rgb2int(255,255,255) red = rgb2int(255,0,0) blue = rgb2int(0,0,255) green = rgb2int(0,255,0) def Proj(x,y,z,angleX,angleY,angleZ): rad = angleX * math.pi / 180 cosa = math.cos(rad) sina = math.sin(rad) y2 = y y = y2 * cosa - z * sina z = y2 * sina + z * cosa rad = angleY * math.pi / 180 cosa = math.cos(rad) sina = math.sin(rad) z2 = z z = z2 * cosa - x * sina x = z2 * sina + x * cosa rad = angleZ * math.pi / 180 cosa = math.cos(rad) sina = math.sin(rad) x2 = x x = x2 * cosa - y * sina y = x2 * sina + y * cosa """ Transforms this 3D point to 2D using a perspective projection. """ factor = fov / (viewer_distance + z) x = x * factor + centerX y = - y * factor + centerY return (x,y) # # All the coordinates base functions # ''' To minize number of sky objects coordinates conversion : Change planetarium FOV in Ra Dec to select objects (planets, hipparcos,..). Then get those objects in AltAz coordinates. aa2radec use Astropy to compute Equatorial Right Ascension and Declinaison coordinates from given observator Altitude and Azimuth. Example ra,dec = aa2radec( azimuth = 0, altitude = 90, lati = 48.85341, longi = 2.3488, elevation = 100, t =AstroPyNow ) with AstroPyNow = Time.now() ''' def aa2radec(azimuth, altitude, t): #AstrObserver = EarthLocation(lat=lati * u.deg, lon=longi *u.deg, height= elevation*u.m,) ObjectCoord = SkyCoord(alt = altitude * u.deg, az = azimuth *u.deg, obstime = t, frame = 'altaz', location = AstrObserver) #print("icrs",ObjectCoord.icrs) #print("ICRS Right Ascension", ObjectCoord.icrs.ra) #print("ICRS Declination", ObjectCoord.icrs.dec) return ObjectCoord.icrs.ra.degree, ObjectCoord.icrs.dec.degree # Use Skyfield to compute given object apparent positions (ra,dec,alt,az) and distance from given gps earth position (in decimal degrees) at UTC time (in skyfield format) def EarthObjPosition(object, t): #print (object, 'at', t.utc_iso()) #SkyObserver = earth + Topos(gpslat, gpslong) astrometric = earth.at(t).observe(object) ra, dec, distance = astrometric.radec() ''' print("Right ascencion",ra) print("RA in degree",ra._degrees) print("RA in radians",ra.radians) print("declinaison",dec) print (distance) ''' ApparentPosition = SkyObserver.at(t).observe(object).apparent() #alt, az, distance = ApparentPosition.altaz('standard') alt, az, distance = ApparentPosition.altaz() ''' print("UTC",t.utc_iso()) print ("Altitude",alt) print("Altitude in radians",alt.radians) print("Altitude in degrees",alt.degrees) print("Altitude in dms",alt.dms(0)) print("Altitude in signed_dms",alt.signed_dms(0)) print("Azimuth", az.dstr()) print ("Distance from position", distance) ''' # If you want degree hours min : print (object,alt,az) # or you can do return ra._degrees, dec, alt.degrees, az, distance return alt.degrees, az.degrees, distance # Add Radec coordinates for all lasers from user defined Altaz coordinates in LaserSkies variable at given earth position and time. # LaserSkies : [LeftAzi, RightAzi, TopAlt, BotAlt, LeftRa, RightRa, TopDec, BottomDec] # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 def RadecSkies(LaserSkies, AstroSkyTime): print() print("Converting", lasernumber, "LaserSkies limits in Right Ascension & Declination (radec) coordinates ") for laser in range(lasernumber): # Left top point LaserSkies[laser][4],LaserSkies[laser][6] = aa2radec(azimuth = LaserSkies[laser][0], altitude =LaserSkies[laser][2], t =AstroSkyTime) # Right Bottom point LaserSkies[laser][5],LaserSkies[laser][7] = aa2radec(azimuth = LaserSkies[laser][1], altitude =LaserSkies[laser][3], t =AstroSkyTime) if debug > 0: print(LaserSkies) print ("Done.") def azimuth2scrX(leftAzi,rightAzi,s): a1, a2 = leftAzi, rightAzi b1, b2 = -width/2, width/2 return b1 + ((s - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1)) def altitude2scrY(topAlti,botAlti,s): a1, a2 = botAlti, topAlti b1, b2 = -height/2, height/2 return b1 + ((s - a1) * (b2 - b1) / (a2 - a1)) # # Solar System # SolarObjectShape = [(-50,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (10,30), (-50,30)] def LoadSolar(): global planets, SolarObjects, earth print("Loading Solar System (de421)...") # de421.bps https://naif.jpl.nasa.gov/pub/naif/generic_kernels/spk/planets/a_old_versions/de421.bsp planets = load('data/de421.bsp') earth = planets['earth'] print('Loaded.') # de421 objects # [Object name, object altitude, object azimuth] SolarObjects = [['MERCURY',0.0, 0.0], ['VENUS', 0.0, 0.0], ['JUPITER BARYCENTER', 0.0, 0.0], ['SATURN BARYCENTER', 0.0, 0.0], ['URANUS BARYCENTER', 0.0, 0.0], ['NEPTUNE BARYCENTER', 0.0, 0.0], ['PLUTO BARYCENTER', 0.0, 0.0], ['SUN', 0.0, 0.0], ['MOON', 0.0, 0.0], ['MARS', 0.0, 0.0]] def UpdateSolar(): global SolarObjects # Compute Alt Az coordinates for all solar objects for obsehttps://www.startpage.com/do/searchrver. for number,object in enumerate(SolarObjects): #print(object[0],number) SolarObjects[number][1], SolarObjects[number][2], distance = EarthObjPosition(planets[object[0]],SkyfieldTime) if debug > 0: PrintSolar() def PrintSolar(): for number,object in enumerate(SolarObjects): print (SolarObjects[number][0],"is at (alt,az)",SolarObjects[number][1],SolarObjects[number][2]) # Draw the SolarShapeObject for any Solar object is in the laser Sky def DrawSolar(laser): for number,object in enumerate(SolarObjects): # Solar object is in given laser sky azimuth and altitude range ? if LaserSkies[laser][0] < SolarObjects[number][2] < LaserSkies[laser][1] and LaserSkies[laser][3] < SolarObjects[number][1] < LaserSkies[laser][2]: #print ("drawing",SolarObjects[number][0],SolarObjects[number][1],SolarObjects[number][2],"on laser",laser) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(SolarObjectShape, c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = azimuth2scrX(LaserSkies[laser][0],LaserSkies[laser][1],SolarObjects[number][2]), ypos = altitude2scrY(LaserSkies[laser][2],LaserSkies[laser][3],SolarObjects[number][1]), resize = 2, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0) # # Stars # StarsObjectShape = [(-50,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (10,30), (-50,30)] def LoadHipparcos(ts): global hipdata print("Loading hipparcos catalog...") #hipparcosURL = 'ftp://cdsarc.u-strasbg.fr/cats/I/239/hip_main.dat.gz' hipparcosURL = 'data/hip_main.dat.gz' with load.open(hipparcosURL) as f: hipdata = hipparcos.load_dataframe(f) print("Loaded.") hipparcos_epoch = ts.tt(1991.25) # CODE IMPORTED HERE FROM TESTS. NEEDS TO ADAPT # Star selection def StarSelect(): hipparcos_epoch = ts.tt(1991.25) barnards_star = Star.from_dataframe(hipdata.loc[87937]) polaris = Star.from_dataframe(hipdata.loc[11767]) print() print ("Selecting sky portion") hipdatafilt = hipdata[hipdata['magnitude'] <= 2.5] print(('After filtering, there are {} stars with magnitude <= 2.5'.format(len(hipdatafilt)))) bright_stars = Star.from_dataframe(hipdatafilt) print (hipdatafilt) #print (bright_stars) t = ts.utc(2018, 9, 3) ''' Observer = earth + Topos(gpslat, gpslong) ApparentPosition = Observer.at(t).observe(bright_stars).apparent() alt, az, distance = ApparentPosition.altaz('standard') print(('Now there are {} azimuth'.format(len(az)))) print(('and {} altitute'.format(len(alt)))) ''' astrometric = earth.at(t).observe(bright_stars) ra, dec, distance = astrometric.radec() print(('Now there are {} right ascensions'.format(len(ra.hours)))) print(('and {} declinations'.format(len(dec.degrees)))) Observer = earth + Topos(gpslat, gpslong) AP = Observer.at(t).observe(bright_stars) print ("AP",AP.apparent()) def UpdateStars(): global StarsObjects # Compute Alt Az coordinates for all solar objects for obsehttps://www.startpage.com/do/searchrver. for number,object in enumerate(StarsObjects): #print(object[0],number) StarsObjects[number][1], StarsObjects[number][2], distance = EarthObjPosition(planets[object[0]],SkyfieldTime) if debug > 0: PrintSolar() def PrintStars(): for number,object in enumerate(StarsObjects): print (StarsObjects[number][0],"is at (alt,az)",StarsObjects[number][1],StarsObjects[number][2]) def DrawStars(laser): for number,object in enumerate(StarsObjects): # Solar object is in given laser sky azimuth and altitude range ? if LaserSkies[laser][0] < StarsObjects[number][2] < LaserSkies[laser][1] and LaserSkies[laser][3] < StarsObjects[number][1] < LaserSkies[laser][2]: #print ("drawing",StarsObjects[number][0],StarsObjects[number][1],StarsObjects[number][2],"on laser",laser) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(StarsObjectshape, c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = azimuth2scrX(LaserSkies[laser][0],LaserSkies[laser][1],StarsObjects[number][2]), ypos = altitude2scrY(LaserSkies[laser][2],LaserSkies[laser][3],StarsObjects[number][1]), resize = 2, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0) # # On Earth Gps positions # from https://github.com/lutangar/cities.json # def LoadCities(): global world print("Loading World Cities GPS position...") f=open("data/cities.json","r") s = f.read() world = json.loads(s) print("Loaded.") # Get longitude and latitude of given City in given country. Need to better understand python dictionnaries. def CityPositiion(cityname, countrycode): for city in range(len(world['cities'])): if world['cities'][city]['name']==cityname and world['cities'][city]['country']==countrycode: ''' print (world['cities'][city]['country']) print (world['cities'][city]['name']) print (world['cities'][city]['lat']) print (world['cities'][city]['lng']) ''' return float(world['cities'][city]['lat']), float(world['cities'][city]['lng']) # Add Kompass letter to given laser point list if it is in laser sky at Y axis 300 def DrawOrientation(laser): # North direction is in given laser sky azimuth range? if LaserSkies[laser][0] < 0 < LaserSkies[laser][1]: lj3.Text("N",white,laser,azimuth2scrX(LaserSkies[laser][0],LaserSkies[laser][1],0), 300) # East direction is in given laser sky azimuth range ? if LaserSkies[laser][0] < 90 < LaserSkies[laser][1]: lj3.Text("E",white,laser,azimuth2scrX(LaserSkies[laser][0],LaserSkies[laser][1],90), 300) # South direction is in given laser sky azimuth range ? if LaserSkies[laser][0] < 180 < LaserSkies[laser][1]: lj3.Text("S",white,laser,azimuth2scrX(LaserSkies[laser][0],LaserSkies[laser][1],180), 300) # West direction is in given laser sky azimuth range ? if LaserSkies[laser][0] < 270 < LaserSkies[laser][1]: lj3.Text("W",white,laser,azimuth2scrX(LaserSkies[laser][0],LaserSkies[laser][1],270), 300) # Compute LaserSkies Coordinates for observer def InitObserver(SkyCity, SkyCountryCode, time,ts): global LaserSkies, Skylat, Skylong, SkyfieldTime, AstrObserver, SkyObserver # Observer position i.e : Paris FR #Skylat = 48.85341 # decimal degree #Skylong = 2.3488 # decimal degree print() print("Observer GPS position and time...") Skylat, Skylong = CityPositiion(SkyCity,SkyCountryCode) print ("GPS Position of",SkyCity, "in", SkyCountryCode, ":",Skylat,Skylong) # City GPS altitude not in Cities database... Let's say it's : Skyelevation = 0 # meters # Observer Time : Now # Other time in Astropy style # times = '1999-01-01T00:00:00.123456789' # t = Time(times, format='isot', scale='utc') print() AstroSkyTime = time print ("AstroPy time", AstroSkyTime) SkyfieldTime = ts.from_astropy(AstroSkyTime) print("SkyfieldTime from AstropyUTC",SkyfieldTime.utc_iso()) AstrObserver = EarthLocation(lat = Skylat * u.deg, lon = Skylong * u.deg, height = Skyelevation * u.m,) SkyObserver = earth + Topos(Skylat, Skylong) # Computer for all Laser "skies" their Right Ascension/Declinaison coordinates from their Altitude/azimuth Coordinates. # to later select their visible objects in radec catalogs like hipparcos. # LaserSky definition for one laser (in decimal degrees) : [LeftAzi, RightAzi, TopAlt, BotAlt, LeftRa, RightRa, TopDec, BottomDec] # With 4 lasers with each one a quarter of the 360 ° real sky, there is 4 LaserSky : LaserSkies = [[0.0,90.0,90.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0,0.0],[90,180,90,0,0,0,0,0],[180,270,90,0,0,0,0,0],[270,360,90,0,0,0,0,0]] RadecSkies(LaserSkies, AstroSkyTime) def NewTime(timeshift): SkyfieldTime += timeshift UpdateSolar() UpdateStars() # # Main functions # def Planetarium(): ts = load.timescale() LoadHipparcos(ts) LoadSolar() LoadCities() SkyCity = 'Paris' SkyCountryCode = 'FR' InitObserver(SkyCity, SkyCountryCode, Time.now(),ts) print() print ("Updating Sky Objects for current observer...") print() print("Updating solar system (de421) objects position for observer at", Skylat, Skylong, "time", SkyfieldTime.utc_iso()) UpdateSolar() print ("Done.") print() print("Updating stars for observer at", Skylat, Skylong, "time", SkyfieldTime.utc_iso()) #UpdateStars() print ("Done.") # UpdateStars() Todo DisplayStars = False DisplaySolar = True DisplayOrientation = True while 1: for laser in range(lasernumber): if DisplayOrientation: DrawOrientation(laser) if DisplaySolar: DrawSolar(laser) if DisplayStars: pass lj3.DrawPL(laser) time.sleep(0.01) Planetarium()