# coding=UTF-8 ''' LJay v0.8.0 LICENCE : CC pclf, Sam Neurohack ''' import math import redis redisIP = '' r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redisIP, port=6379, db=0) point_list = [] pl = [[],[],[],[]] def LineTo(xy, c, PL): pl[PL].append((xy + (c,))) def Line(xy1, xy2, c, PL): LineTo(xy1, 0, PL) LineTo(xy2, c , PL) def PolyLineOneColor(xy_list, c, PL , closed ): #print "--" #print "c",c #print "xy_list",xy_list #print "--" xy0 = None for xy in xy_list: if xy0 is None: xy0 = xy #print "xy0:",xy0 LineTo(xy0,0, PL) else: #print "xy:",xy LineTo(xy,c, PL) if closed: LineTo(xy0,c, PL) # Computing points coordinates for rPolyline function from 3D and around 0,0 to pygame coordinates def Pointransf(xy, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): x = xy[0] * resize y = xy[1] * resize z = 0 rad = rotx * math.pi / 180 cosaX = math.cos(rad) sinaX = math.sin(rad) y2 = y y = y2 * cosaX - z * sinaX z = y2 * sinaX + z * cosaX rad = roty * math.pi / 180 cosaY = math.cos(rad) sinaY = math.sin(rad) z2 = z z = z2 * cosaY - x * sinaY x = z2 * sinaY + x * cosaY rad = rotz * math.pi / 180 cosZ = math.cos(rad) sinZ = math.sin(rad) x2 = x x = x2 * cosZ - y * sinZ y = x2 * sinZ + y * cosZ #print xy, (x + xpos,y+ ypos) return (x + xpos,y+ ypos) ''' to understand why it get negative Y # 3D to 2D projection factor = 4 * gstt.cc[22] / ((gstt.cc[21] * 8) + z) print xy, (x * factor + xpos, - y * factor + ypos ) return (x * factor + xpos, - y * factor + ypos ) ''' # Send 2D point list around 0,0 with 3D rotation resizing and reposition around xpos ypos #def rPolyLineOneColor(self, xy_list, c, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): def rPolyLineOneColor(xy_list, c, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): xy0 = None for xy in xy_list: if xy0 is None: xy0 = xy LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),0, PL) else: LineTo(Pointransf(xy, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL) if closed: LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL) # set all points for given laser. special behavior depends on GridDisplay flag # 0: point list / 1: Grid def LinesPL(PL): if r.set('/pl/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL])) == True: return True else: return False def ResetPL(self, PL): pl[PL] = []