#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' LJ v0.8.1 IdiotIA for THSF 10 Include IdiotIA and Starfields /pose/ljclient LICENCE : CC Sam Neurohack, Loloster, ''' import math import numpy as np import pdb from datetime import datetime from random import randrange import redis import sys import ast import os import time,traceback ljpath = r'%s' % os.getcwd().replace('\\','/') # import from shell sys.path.append(ljpath +'/../../libs/') print(ljpath +'/../../libs/') #import from LJ sys.path.append(ljpath +'/libs/') print (ljpath +'/libs/') is_py2 = sys.version[0] == '2' if is_py2: from OSC import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage else: from OSC3 import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage import lj23 as lj3 ''' from osc4py3.as_eventloop import * from osc4py3 import oscbuildparse #from osc4py3 import oscmethod as osm from osc4py3.oscmethod import * ''' import argparse # 0.25 : each frame will be repeated 4 times. animspeed = 0.1 screen_size = [700,700] xy_center = [screen_size[0]/2,screen_size[1]/2] message = "TEAMLASER" OSCinPort = 8011 ljclient = 0 #liveDisplay = [False,False,False,False] liveDisplay = [True, True, True, True] #fieldsDisplay = [True,True,True,True] idiotiaDisplay = [False, False, False, False] fieldsDisplay = [False, False, False, False] ''' fieldsDisplay = [False,False,True,True] ''' #idiotiaDisplay = [True,True,False,False] currentIdiotia = 0 print ("") print ("Arguments parsing if needed...") argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Pose bank for LJ") argsparser.add_argument("-r","--redisIP",help="IP of the Redis server used by LJ ( by default) ",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-m","--myIP",help="Local IP ( by default) ",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-c","--client",help="LJ client number (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",help="Verbosity level (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-a","--anim",help="IdiotIA anim (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-L","--Lasers",help="Number of lasers connected (4 by default).",type=int) args = argsparser.parse_args() if args.verbose: debug = args.verbose else: debug = 0 if args.client: ljclient = args.client else: ljclient = 0 if args.anim: currentIdiotia = args.anim else: currentIdiotia = 0 # Redis Computer IP if args.redisIP != None: redisIP = args.redisIP else: redisIP = '' # myIP if args.myIP != None: myIP = args.myIP else: myIP = '' # Lasers = number of laser connected if args.Lasers != None: LaserNumber = args.Lasers else: LaserNumber = 1 r = lj3.Config(redisIP,ljclient,"pose") # # OSC # oscserver = OSCServer( (myIP, OSCinPort) ) oscserver.timeout = 0 #oscrun = True # this method of reporting timeouts only works by convention # that before calling handle_request() field .timed_out is # set to False def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True # funny python's way to add a method to an instance of a class import types oscserver.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(handle_timeout, oscserver) def hex2rgb(hexcode): return tuple(map(ord,hexcode[1:].decode('hex'))) def rgb2hex(rgb): return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb),0) # IdiotIA import json #CurrentPose = 1 # Get frame number for pose path describe in PoseDir def lengthPOSE(pose_dir): if debug > 0: print("Checking directory",'plugins/VJing/poses/' + pose_dir) if os.path.exists('plugins/VJing/poses/' + pose_dir): numfiles = sum(1 for f in os.listdir('plugins/VJing/poses/' + pose_dir) if os.path.isfile(os.path.join('plugins/VJing/poses/' + pose_dir + '/', f)) and f[0] != '.') if debug > 0: print(numfiles, 'frames') return numfiles else: if debug > 0: print("but it doesn't even exist!") return 0 def prepareIdiotIA(currentAnim): WebStatus("Checking anims...") print() print("Reading available IdiotIA anims...") # anim format (name, xpos, ypos, resize, currentframe, totalframe, count, speed) # 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 # total frames is fetched from directory by lengthPOSE() anims[0] = ['boredhh' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 30, 550, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[1] = ['belka4' , xy_center[0] - 70, xy_center[1] + 380, 680, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[2] = ['belka3' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 360, 700, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[3] = ['hhhead' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[4] = ['hhhead2', xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[5] = ['hhhead4', xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[6] = ['hhred' , xy_center[0] - 250, xy_center[1] + 220, 550, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[7] = ['hhred2' , xy_center[0] - 200, xy_center[1] + 200, 550, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[8] = ['lady1' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[9] = ['lady1' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[10] = ['lady2' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[11] = ['lady3' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[12] = ['lady4' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[13] = ['mila6' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[14] = ['mila5' , xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[15] = ['idiotia1', xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[16] = ['idiotia1', xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 300, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[17] = ['belka4', xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] anims[18] = ['belka3', xy_center[0] - 100, xy_center[1] + 280, 600, 0, 0, 0, animspeed] #for laseranims in anims: for anim in anims: #print(anim) anim[5] = lengthPOSE(anim[0]) WebStatus("Checking "+ anim[0] +"...") if debug > 0: print('plugins/VJing/poses/' + anim[0], "length :", anim[5], "frames") print("Current IdiotIA anim is",anims[currentIdiotia][0],"("+str(currentIdiotia)+")") ''' pose_keypoints_2d face_keypoints_2d hand_left_keypoints_2d hand_right_keypoints_2d pose_keypoints_3d face_keypoints_3d hand_left_keypoints_3d hand_right_keypoints_3d "/0/face_keypoints_2d" "[-0.0946419, -0.521328, 0.675269, -0.0883931, -0.413923, 0.69358, -0.0758954, -0.302815, 0.73599, -0.059232, -0.191707, 0.640398, -0.0384026, -0.0917102, 0.683398, -0.00507569, -0.00652742, 0.643006, 0.0428318, 0.0601374, 0.558626, 0.0844904, 0.108284, 0.576597, 0.142813, 0.108284, 0.621916, 0.178223, 0.0749518, 0.546389, 0.207384, 0.0193979, 0.556877, 0.22613, -0.0361562, 0.660514, 0.244876, -0.102821, 0.713871, 0.267789, -0.1843, 0.706604, 0.290701, -0.265779, 0.680418, 0.307364, -0.347258, 0.617497, 0.31153, -0.428738, 0.53877, -0.0446514, -0.547253, 0.784288, -0.00715858, -0.569474, 0.873856, 0.0303342, -0.558364, 0.835336, 0.0740758, -0.543549, 0.827985, 0.111569, -0.525031, 0.809191, 0.213632, -0.543549, 0.819012, 0.242794, -0.569474, 0.884373, 0.265706, -0.5954, 0.842317, 0.292784, -0.613918, 0.804365, 0.313613, -0.625028, 0.740405, 0.163642, -0.443552, 0.805348, 0.169891, -0.362073, 0.837128, 0.169891, -0.280594, 0.839031, 0.174057, -0.213929, 0.68711, 0.111569, -0.162078, 0.725528, 0.134481, -0.154671, 0.837339, 0.159476, -0.150968, 0.887387, 0.178223, -0.158375, 0.835752, 0.196969, -0.180597, 0.698174, 0.00950491, -0.432441, 0.864517, 0.0345001, -0.458366, 0.859197, 0.0636612, -0.46207, 0.867471, 0.0907393, -0.432441, 0.852409, 0.0636612, -0.417627, 0.876186, 0.0324172, -0.413923, 0.834265, 0.21155, -0.454663, 0.875569, 0.232379, -0.491699, 0.816674, 0.26154, -0.50281, 0.878064, 0.282369, -0.476884, 0.839634, 0.263623, -0.450959, 0.912212, 0.24071, -0.450959, 0.896937, 0.0719929, -0.047267, 0.761505, 0.101154, -0.065785, 0.864081, 0.130315, -0.0694886, 0.910774, 0.159476, -0.065785, 0.895222, 0.17614, -0.0731922, 0.846551, 0.194886, -0.0731922, 0.74389, 0.209467, -0.0731922, 0.573107, 0.194886, -0.0213418, 0.677465, 0.17614, 0.0156941, 0.755373, 0.15531, 0.0231014, 0.765641, 0.124066, 0.0231014, 0.863117, 0.0928223, -0.00282377, 0.823042, 0.0928223, -0.0398598, 0.743914, 0.128232, -0.0361562, 0.932259, 0.157393, -0.0361562, 0.877732, 0.17614, -0.0398598, 0.853163, 0.196969, -0.0620813, 0.645926, 0.17614, -0.0398598, 0.80738, 0.157393, -0.0324526, 0.872388, 0.128232, -0.0361562, 0.924673, 0.0511636, -0.450959, 0.801577, 0.244876, -0.480588, 0.915322]" "/peopleCount" "2" ''' def bodyREDIS(people): dots = [] pose = [] redispose = [] pose_points = [10,9,8,1,11,12,13] print ("people body", people) print ("/"+str(people)+"/pose_keypoints_2d") #pose = np.array(ast.literal_eval(r.get("/"+str(people)+"/pose_keypoints_2d"))) redispose = r.get("/"+str(people)+"/pose_keypoints_2d") #print ("redispose",redispose) poseast = ast.literal_eval(redispose) #print ("poseast",poseast) #print (poseast[0]) pose = np.array(poseast) #print (np.array((ast.literal_eval(strg)))) #print pose #print(pose[0], pose[1]) #print("len pose", len(pose)) ''' for dot in range(len(pose)/3): #print dot dots.append(((pose[dot * 3], pose[(dot * 3)+1]))) #print((pose[dot * 3], pose[(dot * 3)+1])) ''' for dot in range(len(pose_points)): bodypoint = pose_points[dot] if pose[bodypoint * 3] != -1 and pose[(bodypoint * 3)+1] != -1: dots.append(((pose[bodypoint * 3], pose[(bodypoint * 3)+1]))) #print((pose[dot * 3], pose[(dot * 3)+1])) #print "body point ", pose_points[dot],dot, (pose[bodypoint * 3], pose[(bodypoint * 3)+1]) print dots return dots # display the Realtime open pose face according to flag. def LivePose(): laser = 0 # Old style : if display flag is True for given laser, send the face points. # New style : should send the people points in a PL, then use the PL's dest object to describe # what to do with it if liveDisplay[0]: peoplenumber = int(r.get("/peopleCount")) print peoplenumber for currentnumber in range(peoplenumber): PL = 0 #print PL, anim # Draw Pose x_offset = 26 * (- (0.9*peoplenumber) + 3*currentnumber) for people in range(peoplenumber): print("people", people) x_offset = 26 * (- (0.9*peoplenumber) + 3*currentnumber) print x_offset lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(bodyREDIS(people), c= white, PL = PL, closed = False, xpos = xy_center[0]+ x_offset, ypos = xy_center[1], resize = 250) lj3.DrawPL(PL) # get relative (-1 0 1) body position points. a position -1, -1 means doesn't exist def getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people): dots = [] for dot in pose_points: #print pose_points if len(pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d']) != 0: #print "people 0" if pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3] != -1 and pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1] != -1: dots.append((pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3], pose_json['people'][people]['pose_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1])) return dots # get absolute face position points def getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people): dots = [] for dot in pose_points: if len(pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d']) != 0: #print "people 0" if pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3] != -1 and pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1] != -1: dots.append((pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][dot * 3], pose_json['people'][people]['face_keypoints_2d'][(dot * 3)+1])) return dots # Body parts def bodyCOCO(pose_json, people): pose_points = [10,9,8,1,11,12,13] return getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people) def armCOCO(pose_json, people): pose_points = [7,6,5,1,2,3,4] return getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people) def headCOCO(pose_json, people): pose_points = [1,0] return getBODY(pose_json,pose_points, people) # Face keypoints def face(pose_json, people): pose_points = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def browL(pose_json, people): pose_points = [26,25,24,23,22] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def browR(pose_json, people): pose_points = [21,20,19,18,17] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def eyeR(pose_json, people): pose_points = [36,37,38,39,40,41,36] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def eyeL(pose_json, people): pose_points = [42,43,44,45,46,47,42] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def pupR(pose_json, people): pose_points = [68,68] print(getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people)) return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def pupL(pose_json, people): pose_points = [69,69] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def nose(pose_json, people): pose_points = [27,28,29,30] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) def mouth(pose_json, people): pose_points = [48,59,58,57,56,55,54,53,52,51,50,49,48,60,67,66,65,64,63,62,61,60] return getFACE(pose_json,pose_points, people) # display the currentIdiotia animation on all lasers according to display flag def IdiotIA(): # All laser loop for laser in range(LaserNumber): # for anim in anims[laseranims]: # if display flag is True, send the face points. if idiotiaDisplay[laser]: anim = anims[currentIdiotia] #print(anim) PL = laser dots = [] # increase current frame [4] of speed [7] frames # print(anim[4],anim[7],anim[4]+anim[7]) # print("frame", anim[4]) anim[4] = anim[4]+anim[7] # print("animspeed",anim[7], "newframe", anim[4], "maximum frame", anim[5] ) # compare to total frame [5] if anim[4] >= anim[5]: anim[4] = 0 posename = 'plugins/VJing/poses/' + anim[0] + '/' + anim[0] +'-'+str("%05d"%int(anim[4]))+'.json' # print(posename) posefile = open(posename , 'r') posedatas = posefile.read() pose_json = json.loads(posedatas) #WebStatus("Frame : "+str("%05d"%int(anim[4]))) # Draw Face for people in range(len(pose_json['people'])): #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(face(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(pupR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(pupL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(nose(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(mouth(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.DrawPL(PL) # Init Starfields def prepareSTARFIELD(): global star, stars0, stars1, stars2, starfieldcount, starspeed, displayedstars, displayedstars, num_stars, max_depth WebStatus("Init starfields...") stars0=[] stars1=[] stars2=[] #stars3=[] num_stars = 50 max_depth = 20 stars = [] starfieldcount = 0 displayedstars = 5 starspeed = 0.05 for i in range(num_stars): # A star is represented as a list with this format: [X,Y,Z] star = [randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, max_depth)] stars0.append(star) star = [randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, max_depth)] stars1.append(star) star = [randrange(-25,25), randrange(-25,25), randrange(1, max_depth)] stars2.append(star) # Todo : Currently compute all starfields even if field display flag is False. def Starfield(hori=0,verti=0): global star, stars0, stars1, stars2, starfieldcount, starspeed, displayedstars, displayedstars, num_stars, max_depth starfieldcount += 1 #print starfieldcount starpoints = [] #print displayedstars, 'stars displayed' # Increase number of if displayedstars < num_stars and starfieldcount % 15 == 0: displayedstars += 1 #if displayedstars == num_stars and starfieldcount % 10 == 0: # starspeed += 0.005 #print starspeed for starnumber in range(0,displayedstars): # The Z component is decreased on each frame. stars0[starnumber][2] -= starspeed * 3 stars1[starnumber][2] -= starspeed * 3 stars2[starnumber][2] -= starspeed * 3 # If the star has past the screen (I mean Z<=0) then we # reposition it far away from the screen (Z=max_depth) # with random X and Y coordinates. if stars0[starnumber][2] <= 0: stars0[starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25) stars0[starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25) stars0[starnumber][2] = max_depth if stars1[starnumber][2] <= 0: stars1[starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25) stars1[starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25) stars1[starnumber][2] = max_depth if stars2[starnumber][2] <= 0: stars2[starnumber][0] = randrange(-25,25) stars2[starnumber][1] = randrange(-25,25) stars2[starnumber][2] = max_depth # Convert the 3D coordinates to 2D using perspective projection. k0 = 128.0 / stars0[starnumber][2] k1 = 128.0 / stars1[starnumber][2] k2 = 128.0 / stars2[starnumber][2] # Move Starfield origin. # if stars xpos/ypos is same sign (i.e left stars xpos is <0) than (joystick or code) acceleration (hori and verti moves the star field origin) if np.sign(stars0[starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori): x0 = int(stars0[starnumber][0] * k0 + xy_center[0] + (hori*600)) else: x0 = int(stars0[starnumber][0] * k0 + xy_center[0] + (hori*500)) if np.sign(stars0[starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti): y0 = int(stars0[starnumber][1] * k0 + xy_center[1] + (verti*600)) else: y0 = int(stars0[starnumber][1] * k0 + xy_center[1] + (verti*500)) if np.sign(stars1[starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori): x1 = int(stars1[starnumber][0] * k1 + xy_center[0] + (hori*600)) else: x1 = int(stars1[starnumber][0] * k1 + xy_center[0] + (hori*300)) if np.sign(stars1[starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti): y1 = int(stars1[starnumber][1] * k1 + xy_center[1] + (verti*600)) else: y1 = int(stars1[starnumber][1] * k1 + xy_center[1] + (verti*300)) if np.sign(stars2[starnumber][0]) == np.sign(hori): x2 = int(stars2[starnumber][0] * k2 + xy_center[0] + (hori*600)) else: x2 = int(stars2[starnumber][0] * k2 + xy_center[0] + (hori*300)) if np.sign(stars2[starnumber][1]) == np.sign(verti): y2 = int(stars2[starnumber][1] * k2 + xy_center[1] + (verti*600)) else: y2 = int(stars2[starnumber][1] * k2 + xy_center[1] + (verti*300)) # Add star to pointlist PL 0 if field display flag is true if fieldsDisplay[0] and 0 <= x0 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y0 < screen_size[1] - 2: lj3.PolyLineOneColor([(x0,y0),((x0+1),(y0+1))], c = white, PL = 0, closed = False) # Add star to pointlist PL 1 if field display flag is true if fieldsDisplay[1] and 0 <= x1 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y1 < screen_size[1] - 2: lj3.PolyLineOneColor([(x1,y1),((x1+1),(y1+1))], c = white, PL = 1, closed = False) # Add star to pointlist PL 2 if field display flag is true if fieldsDisplay[2] and 0 <= x2 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y2 < screen_size[1] - 2: lj3.PolyLineOneColor([(x2,y2),((x2+1),(y2+1))], c= white, PL = 2, closed = False) ''' if starfieldcount < 200: if 0 <= x3 < screen_size[0] - 2 and 0 <= y3 < screen_size[1] - 2: fwork.PolyLineOneColor([(x3,y3),((x3+2),(y3+2))], c=colorify.rgb2hex([255,255,255]), PL = 3, closed = False) ''' # Laser 3 Display a word. if fieldsDisplay[3]: lj3.Text(message, white, PL = 3, xpos = 300, ypos = 300, resize = 1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0) # If field display is True for each laser for laser in range(LaserNumber): # Actually send the field point list. if fieldsDisplay[laser]: lj3.DrawPL(laser) # display the Realtime open pose face according to flag. def LiveFace(): # All laser loop for laser in range(LaserNumber): # for anim in anims[laseranims]: print ("laser", laser) # if display flag is True, send the face points. if liveDisplay[laser]: PL = laser #print PL, anim dots = [] pose_json = json.loads(posedatas) # Draw Face for people in range(len(pose_json['people'])): r.get(n) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(bodyCOCO(pose_json, people), c=colorify.rgb2hex(gstt.color), PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(armCOCO(pose_json, people), c=colorify.rgb2hex(gstt.color), PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(headCOCO(pose_json, people), c=colorify.rgb2hex(gstt.color), PL = 0, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(face(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(browR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(pupR(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(eyeL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) #lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(pupL(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(nose(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.rPolyLineOneColor(mouth(pose_json, people), c = white, PL = laser, closed = False, xpos = anim[1], ypos = anim[2], resize = anim[3]) lj3.DrawPL(PL) # if display flag is True, send the face points. if liveDisplay[laser]: pass # /pose/idiotia/lasernumber 1 def OSCidiotia(path, tags, args, source): print("pose idiotia got",path, args) laser = int(args[0]) value = int(args[1]) if value == 1: print("switch on idiotia for laser", laser, value) idiotiaDisplay[laser] = True liveDisplay[laser] = False fieldsDisplay[laser] = False #print(idiotiaDisplay,liveDisplay,fieldsDisplay) else: idiotiaDisplay[laser] = False print(idiotiaDisplay,liveDisplay,fieldsDisplay) UpdatePoseUI() # /pose/anim def OSCanim(path, tags, args, source): print("pose anim got",path, args) anim = int(args[0]) state = int(args[1]) #print(anim, state) if state == 1: print("/pose/anim switch to",anim) currentIdiotia = anim UpdatePoseUI() WebStatus("Ruuning "+ anims[currentIdiotia][0]+"...") # /pose/live/lasernumber value def OSClive(path, tags, args, source): print("pose live got",path, args) laser = int(args[0]) value = int(args[1]) if value == "1": print("live for laser", laser) idiotiaDisplay[value] = False liveDisplay[value] = True fieldsDisplay[value] = False UpdatePoseUI() # /pose/field/lasernumber value def OSCfield(path, tags, args, source): print("pose field got",path, args) laser = int(args[0]) value = int(args[1]) if value == "1": print("field for laser", laser) idiotiaDisplay[value] = False liveDisplay[value] = False fieldsDisplay[value] = True UpdatePoseUI() # /pose/ljclient def OSCljclient(path, tags, args, source): print("pose got /viewgen/ljclient with value", args[0]) lj.WebStatus("viewgen to virtual "+ str(args[0])) ljclient = args[0] lj.LjClient(ljclient) ''' # Starfield, idiotia def OSCrun(value): # Will receive message address, and message data flattened in s, x, y print("Pose bank got /run with value", value) doit = value ''' ''' # /quit def OSCquit(): WebStatus("Pose bank stopping") print("Stopping OSC...") lj3.OSCstop() sys.exit() ''' def WebStatus(message): lj3.SendLJ("/status",message) # Update Pose webUI def UpdatePoseUI(): WebStatus("Updating Pose UI...") for laser in range(LaserNumber): if idiotiaDisplay[laser]: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/idiotia/" + str(laser) + " 1") else: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/idiotia/" + str(laser) + " 0") if liveDisplay[laser]: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/live/" + str(laser) + " 1") else: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/live/" + str(laser) + " 0") if fieldsDisplay[laser]: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/field/" + str(laser) + " 1") else: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/field/" + str(laser) + " 0") for anim in range(19): if anim == currentIdiotia: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/anim/" + str(anim) + " 1") else: lj3.SendLJ("/pose/anim/" + str(anim) + " 0") print('Loading Pose bank...') WebStatus("Loading Pose bank...") oscserver.addMsgHandler("/pose/ljclient", OSCljclient) oscserver.addMsgHandler("/pose/idiotia", OSCidiotia) oscserver.addMsgHandler("/pose/field", OSCfield) oscserver.addMsgHandler("/pose/live", OSClive) oscserver.addMsgHandler("/pose/anim", OSCanim) # Add OSC generic plugins commands : 'default", /ping, /quit, /pluginame/obj, /pluginame/var, /pluginame/adddest, /pluginame/deldest lj3.addOSCdefaults(oscserver) anims =[[]]*19 prepareIdiotIA(0) prepareSTARFIELD() #doit = Starfield #doit = IdiotIA white = lj3.rgb2int(255,255,255) red = lj3.rgb2int(255,0,0) blue = lj3.rgb2int(0,0,255) green = lj3.rgb2int(0,255,0) print("Updating Pose UI...") UpdatePoseUI() WebStatus("Pose "+ anims[currentIdiotia][0]+".") #WebStatus("Pose bank running.") #print("Pose bank running") print("Pose "+ anims[currentIdiotia][0]+" ready on " + str(LaserNumber) +" lasers.") def Run(): try: while lj3.oscrun: # If you want an idea # t0 = time.time() lj3.OSCframe() #Starfield(hori=0,verti=0) #IdiotIA() LivePose() #LiveFace() time.sleep(0.002) #t1 = time.time() # looptime = t1 - t0 # 25 frames/sec -> 1 frame is 0.04 sec long # if looptime is 0.01 sec # 0.04/0.01 = 4 loops with the same anim # so speedanim is 1 / 4 = 0.25 # speedanim = 1 / (0.04 / looptime) #print("Took %f" % (t1 - t0, )) #except KeyboardInterrupt: # pass except Exception: traceback.print_exc() # Gently stop on CTRL C finally: WebStatus("Pose bank Exit") print("Stopping OSC...") lj3.OSCstop() print ("Pose bank Stopped.") Run()