# coding=UTF-8 ''' lj23 v0.7.6 for LJ v0.8+ Some LJ functions useful for python clients Class management : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/739882/iterating-over-object-instances-of-a-given-class-in-python https://stackoverflow.com/questions/8628123/counting-instances-of-a-class http://effbot.org/pyfaq/how-do-i-get-a-list-of-all-instances-of-a-given-class.htm Config(redisIP, client number,name) Basic Draw : - PolyLineOneColor, rPolyLineOneColor, LineTo, Line - PolyLineRGB, rPolyLineRGB, LineRGBTo, LineRGB - rgb2int(r,g,b) - DrawPL(point list number) : once you stacked all wanted elements, like 2 polylines, send them to lasers. - DrawDests(): Draw all requested destinations for each PL. High level draw : - Text(word, integercolor, PL, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz) : Display a word - TextRGB(word, red, green, blue, ...) - Embeded font1 Laser objects (name and convenient group of parameters for one or several point lists) - RelativeObject - FixedObject PL "Destinations" : tells Live what PL to draw and to what scene/Laser ("destination") to send it. OSC and plugins functions : SendLJ(adress,message) : LJ remote control. See commands.py SendResol(address,message): Send OSC message to Resolume. WebStatus(message) : display message on webui LjClient(client): Change Client number in redis keys LjPl(pl): Change pl number in redis keys = laser target. ClosePlugin(name): Send UI closing info of given plugin OSCstart(): Start the OSC system. OSCframe(): Handle incoming OSC message. Calling the right callback OSCstop(): Properly close the OSC system OSCping(): /ping Answer to LJ pings by sending /pong name OSCquit(): /quit Exit calling script using name in terminal OSCadddest(): PL, scene, laser Add a destination OSCdeldest(): PL, scene, lasers delete a destination OSCobj(): /name/obj objectname attribute value for automation OSCvar(): /name/var variablename value for automation setup_controls(joystick) XboxController : getLeftHori, getLeftVert, getRightHori, getRightVert, getLeftTrigger, getRightTrigger Ps3Controller : getLeftHori, getLeftVert, getRightHori, getRightVert, getLeftTrigger, getRightTrigger, getUp, getDown, getLeft, getRight, getFire1, getFire2(self): MySaitekController : getLeftHori,getLeftVert, getRightHori,getRightVert, getLeftTrigger,getRightTrigger MyThrustController : getLeftHori, getLeftVert, getRightHori, getRightVert, getLeftTrigger, getRightTrigger CSLController : getLeftHori,getLeftVert,getRightHori, getRightVert,getLeftTrigger,getRightTrigger,getFire1,getFire2 my USB Joystick : getUp,getDown,getLeft,getRight,etLeftTrigger, getRightTrigger,getFire1, getFire2 LICENCE : CC Sam Neurohack ''' import math import redis import sys import weakref import struct import numpy as np from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, TimeoutError is_py2 = sys.version[0] == '2' if is_py2: from OSC import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage #print ("Importing lj23 and OSC from libs...") else: from OSC3 import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage #print ("Importing lj23 and OSC3 from libs...") #redisIP = '' #r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redisIP, port=6379, db=0) ClientNumber = 0 name = "noname" oscrun = True point_list = [] pl = [[],[],[],[]] fft3Groups = [-1,-1,-1,-1] Dests = dict() oscIPresol = "" oscPORTresol = 7000 ''' Laser "objects" set a name and convenient group of parameters for one or several point lists RelativeObject is for point lists around 0,0 with builtin move/rotation. How to init with object color, xpos,... : osciObj = lj.RelativeObject('osciObj', True, 255, [], white, red, green,blue,0 , False, centerX , centerY , 1 , Xrot , Yrot , Zrot) How to use in drawing functions : you're free to use 0, some or all of any laserobject attributes - draw one or several pointlists with 'A' laserobject color and 'B' laserobject xpos ypos ? - Change color of 'main' object and all other objects using it will change also how to change attribute : osciObj.resize = 2 or /pluginame/change 'OsciObj' 'resize' 2 ''' class RelativeObject: kind = 'relative' counter = 0 def __init__(self, name, active, intensity, xy, color, red, green, blue, PL , closed, xpos , ypos , resize , rotx , roty , rotz): self.name = name self.active = active # True/False self.intensity = intensity self.xy = [] # Dots list self.color = color # RGB color in int self.red = red self.green = green self.blue = blue self.PL = PL self.closed = closed self.xpos = xpos self.ypos = ypos self.resize = resize self.rotx = rotx self.roty = roty self.rotz = rotz RelativeObject.counter += 1 #type(self).counter += 1 def __del__(self): RelativeObject.counter -= 1 # Fixed Laser object : point list in 'pygame' space (top left = 0,0 / bottom right) class FixedObject: kind = 'fixed' counter = 0 def __init__(self, name, intensity, active, xy, color, red, green, blue, PL , closed): self.name = name self.active = active # True/False self.intensity = intensity self.xy = [] self.color = color self.red = red self.green = green self.blue = blue self.PL = PL self.closed = closed FixedObject.counter += 1 def __del__(self): FixedObject.counter -= 1 ''' class IterDest(type): def __new__ (cls, name, bases, dct): dct['_instances'] = [] return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, dct) def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs): instance = super().__call__(*args, **kwargs) cls._instances.append(instance) return instance def __iter__(cls): return iter(cls._instances) class DestObject(): # class Destinations(metaclass=IterDest): __metaclass__ = IterDest counter = 0 def __init__(self, name, number, active, PL , scene, laser): self.name = name self.number = number self.active = active self.PL = PL self.scene = scene self.laser = laser DestObject.counter += 1 def __del__(self): DestObject.counter -= 1 ''' class DestObject(): # class Destinations(metaclass=IterDest): _instances = set() counter = 0 def __init__(self, name, number, active, PL , scene, laser): self.name = name self.number = number self.active = active self.PL = PL self.scene = scene self.laser = laser self._instances.add(weakref.ref(self)) DestObject.counter += 1 @classmethod def getinstances(cls): dead = set() for ref in cls._instances: obj = ref() if obj is not None: yield obj else: dead.add(ref) cls._instances -= dead def __del__(self): DestObject.counter -= 1 def Config(redIP,client,myname): global ClientNumber, name, redisIP, r redisIP = redIP r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redisIP, port=6379, db=0) # ClientNumber 255 are not drawing anything like artnet ClientNumber = client #print ("client configured",ClientNumber) name = myname print ("Plugin declare its name",name) #print pl return r def LjClient(client): global ClientNumber ClientNumber = client def LjPl(pl): global PL PL = pl def fromRedis(n): encoded = r.get(n) #print("") #print('fromredis key',n,":",encoded) h, w = struct.unpack('>II',encoded[:8]) #print("fromredis array size",n,":",h,w) a = np.frombuffer(encoded, dtype=np.int16, offset=8).reshape(h,w) #print("fromredis array",n,":",a) return a # Store Numpy array 'a' in Redis key 'n' # Write also in redis key 'a' numpy array, its 2 dimensions size : h time w values def toRedis(n,a): #print("array.shape", a.shape, len(a.shape) ) if len(a.shape) == 1: h = a.shape[0] w = 1 else: h,w = a.shape #print("toredis", n,"h",h,"w",w,"a",a) shape = struct.pack('>II',h,w) #shape = struct.pack('>II',len(a),1) #print("toredis",n,a) encoded = shape + a.tobytes() # Store encoded data in Redis return r.set(n,encoded) # # OSC functions # # OSC clients def SendLJ(oscaddress,oscargs=''): oscmsg = OSCMessage() oscmsg.setAddress(oscaddress) oscmsg.append(oscargs) osclientlj = OSCClient() osclientlj.connect((redisIP, 8002)) print("lj23 in",name," sending OSC message : ", oscmsg, "to", redisIP, ":8002") try: osclientlj.sendto(oscmsg, (redisIP, 8002)) oscmsg.clearData() except: print ('Connection to LJ refused : died ?') pass #time.sleep(0.001 # Resolume OSC Arena client. # sendresol(oscaddress, [arg1, arg2,...]) # example : sendresol("/noteon",note) def SendResol(oscaddress,oscargs): oscmsg = OSCMessage() oscmsg.setAddress(oscaddress) oscmsg.append(oscargs) osclientresol = OSCClient() osclientresol.connect((oscIPresol, oscPORTresol)) print("lj sending OSC message : ", oscmsg, "to Resolume", oscIPresol, ":", oscPORTresol) try: osclientresol.sendto(oscmsg, (oscIPresol, oscPORTresol)) oscmsg.clearData() except: print ('Connection to Resolume refused : died ?') pass def WebStatus(message): SendLJ("/status", message) # Closing plugin messages to LJ def ClosePlugin(): WebStatus(name+" Exiting") SendLJ("/"+name+"/start",0) # RAW OSC Frame available ? def OSCframe(): # clear timed_out flag #print "oscframe" oscserver.timed_out = False # handle all pending requests then return while not oscserver.timed_out: oscserver.handle_request() # Answer to LJ pings with /pong value def OSCping(path, tags, args, source): #def OSCping(): print(name, "got /ping from LJ -> reply /pong", name) SendLJ("/pong",name) # Properly close the system. Todo def OSCstop(): oscserver.close() # /quit def OSCquit(path, tags, args, source): global oscrun oscrun = False print('lj23 got /quit for',name) #WebStatus(name + " quit.") #SendLJ("/"+name+"/start",0) #print("Stopping OSC...") #OSCstop() #sys.exit() # default handler def OSChandler(path, tags, args, source): oscaddress = ''.join(path.split("/")) print("Default OSC Handler in",name,": msg from Client : " + str(source[0]),) print("OSC address", path) if len(args) > 0: print("with args", args) #oscIPout = str(source[0]) #osclient.connect((oscIPout, oscPORTout)) # for any laser object : /pluginame/obj objectname attribute value # like : /pluginname/obj 'fft' 'xpos' 100 # attributes for all lj Objects: name, xy_list, c, PL # + for RelativeObjects : closed, xpos , ypos , resize , rotx , roty , rotz def OSCobj(path, tags, args, source): obj = eval(args[0]+"."+ args[1]) obj = args[2] def OSCvar(path, tags, args, source): obj = eval(args[0]) obj = args[1] def addOSCdefaults(server): global oscserver oscserver = server oscserver.addMsgHandler( "default", OSChandler ) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/ping", OSCping) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/quit", OSCquit) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/"+ name + "/adddest", OSCadddest) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/"+ name + "/deldest", OSCdeldest) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/"+ name + "/obj", OSCobj) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/"+ name + "/var", OSCvar) # # Drawing basic functions # def rgb2int(r,g,b): return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (r,g,b),0) def LineTo(xy, c, PL): pl[PL].append((xy + (c,))) def rLineTo(xy, c, PL, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): pl[PL].append((Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz) + (c,))) def Line(xy1, xy2, c, PL): LineTo(xy1, 0, PL) LineTo(xy2, c , PL) def rLine(xy1, xy2, c, PL, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): rLineTo(xy1, 0, PL) rLineTo(xy2, c , PL) def PolyLineOneColor(xy_list, c, PL , closed ): #print "--" #print "c",c #print "xy_list",xy_list #print "--" xy0 = None for xy in xy_list: if xy0 is None: xy0 = xy #print "xy0:",xy0 LineTo(xy0,0, PL) LineTo(xy0,c, PL) else: #print "xy:",xy LineTo(xy,c, PL) if closed: LineTo(xy0,c, PL) # Computing points coordinates for rPolyline function from 3D and around 0,0 to pygame coordinates def Pointransf(xy, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): x = xy[0] * resize y = xy[1] * resize z = 0 rad = math.radians(rotx) cosaX = math.cos(rad) sinaX = math.sin(rad) y2 = y y = y2 * cosaX - z * sinaX z = y2 * sinaX + z * cosaX rad = math.radians(roty) cosaY = math.cos(rad) sinaY = math.sin(rad) z2 = z z = z2 * cosaY - x * sinaY x = z2 * sinaY + x * cosaY rad = math.radians(rotz) cosZ = math.cos(rad) sinZ = math.sin(rad) x2 = x x = x2 * cosZ - y * sinZ y = x2 * sinZ + y * cosZ #print xy, (x + xpos,y+ ypos) return (x + xpos,y+ ypos) ''' to understand why it get negative Y # 3D to 2D projection factor = 4 * gstt.cc[22] / ((gstt.cc[21] * 8) + z) print xy, (x * factor + xpos, - y * factor + ypos ) return (x * factor + xpos, - y * factor + ypos ) ''' def rLineTo(xy, c, PL, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): pl[PL].append((Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz) + (c,))) def rLine(xy1, xy2, c, PL, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): LineTo(Pointransf(xy1, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),0, PL) LineTo(Pointransf(xy2, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL) # Send 2D point list around 0,0 with 3D rotation resizing and reposition around xpos ypos #def rPolyLineOneColor(self, xy_list, c, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): def rPolyLineOneColor(xy_list, c, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): xy0 = None for xy in xy_list: if xy0 is None: xy0 = xy LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),0, PL) LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL) else: LineTo(Pointransf(xy, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL) if closed: LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL) def LineRGBTo(xy, red, green, blue, PL): LineTo(xy, int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (red,green,blue),0), PL) def LineRGB(xy1, xy2, red,green,blue, PL): LineTo(xy1, 0, PL) LineTo(xy2, int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (red,green,blue),0) , PL) def PolyLineRGB(xy_list, red, green, blue, PL , closed ): PolyLineOneColor(xy_list, int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (red,green,blue),0), PL , closed ) def rPolyLineRGB(xy_list, red, green, blue, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0): rPolyLineOneColor(xy_list, int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (red,green,blue),0), PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0) def LinesPL(PL): print("Stupido !! your code is to old : use DrawPL() instead of LinesPL()") DrawPL(PL) def DrawPL(PL): #print '/pl/0/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL]) if r.set('/pl/'+str(ClientNumber)+'/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL])) == True: #print '/pl/'+str(ClientNumber)+'/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL]) pl[PL] = [] return True else: return False def ResetPL(self, PL): pl[PL] = [] # # "Destinations" management for PLs # # Add a destination for a given PL def Addest(PL, scene, laser): print (name,'adding',PL,scene,laser,'?') if Findest(PL, scene, laser) == -1: newdest = DestsObjects.counter + 1 Dest0 = lj.DestObject(str(newdest), newdest, True, PL , scene, laser) print("New destination added with number", newdest) else: print("Destination already existed") # OSC add a destination for a given PL # /pluginame/dest PL, scene, laser def OSCadddest(path, tags, args, source): Addests(int(args[0]),int(args[1]),int(args[2])) # Find PL destination with its parameters in destinations dictionnary def Findest(PL, scene, laser): print(name, 'searching PL,scene,laser',PL,scene,laser) for item in DestObjects.getinstances(): #print(item) if item.PL == PL and item.scene == scene and item.laser == laser: #Dests.append(item[0]) print('found number',item.number) return item.number else: print('no destination found') return -1 ''' #Dests = list() allDests = Dests.items() for item in allDests: print(item) if item[1] == PL and item[2] == scene and item[3] == laser: #Dests.append(item[0]) return Dests[item[0]] else: return -1 ''' # Find and remove a PL destination with its parameters in destinations dictionnary def Deldest(PL, scene, laser): Destnumber = Findest(PL, scene, laser) print(name,'deleting Destination PL, scene, laser', PL,scene, laser) if Destnumber != -1: print('found DestObject', Destnumber) delattr(DestObjects, str(Destnumber)) print("Destination", Destnumber,"was removed") else: print("Destination was not found") # OSC Delete a destination for a given PL # /pluginame/deldests PL, scene, laser def OSCdeldest(path, tags, args, source): Deldests(args[0],args[1],args[2]) # Replace DrawPL if Destinations paradigm is implemented in plugin code def DrawDests(): # Objects style #print("DrawDest") for destination in DestObject.getinstances(): #print (destination.name, destination.number, destination.active, destination.PL, destination.scene, destination.laser, pl[destination.PL] ) #print(Dests[str(destination)]) #print('/pl/'+str(Dests[str(destination)]["scene"])+'/'+str(Dests[str(destination)]["laser"]), ":", str(pl[Dests[str(destination)]["PL"]])) #print(len(pl[destination.PL])) if destination.active == True: if r.set('/pl/'+str(destination.scene)+'/'+str(destination.laser), str(pl[destination.PL])) == True: #print ('pl', destination.PL, '/pl/'+str(destination.scene)+'/'+str(destination.laser), str(pl[destination.PL])) pass else: print('Redis key modification failed') # Maybe one PL can be sent to multiple destination so they are all reset *after* all sending. for pls in range(4): pl[pls] = [] ''' # Dictionnary style #print(Dests) for destination in range(len(Dests)): #print(Dests[str(destination)]) #print('/pl/'+str(Dests[str(destination)]["scene"])+'/'+str(Dests[str(destination)]["laser"]), ":", str(pl[Dests[str(destination)]["PL"]])) if r.set('/pl/'+str(Dests[str(destination)]["scene"])+'/'+str(Dests[str(destination)]["laser"]), str(pl[Dests[str(destination)]["PL"]])) == True: #print '/pl/'+str(ClientNumber)+'/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL]) pass else: print('Redis key modification failed') # Maybe one PL can be sent to multiple destination so they are all reset *after* all sending. for destination in range(len(Dests)): pl[Dests[str(destination)]["PL"]] = [] ''' ''' scenes = 4 def DrawDestsPL(PL): for scene in range(scenes): if Dests[laser]["scene"] != -1: if r.set('/pl/'+str(Dests[laser]["scene"])+'/'+str(Dests[laser]["laser"]), str(pl[Dests[laser]["laser"]])) == True: if r.set('/pl/'+str(ClientNumber)+'/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL])) == True: #print '/pl/'+str(ClientNumber)+'/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL]) pl[Dests[laser]["laser"]] = [] return True else: return False ''' # # High level drawing functions # # Font1 ASCII_GRAPHICS = [ #implementé [(-50,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (10,30), (-50,30)], # 0 [(-20,30), (0,-30), (-20,30)], # 1 [(-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10), (30,0), (-30,30), (30,30)], # 2 [(-30,-30), (0,-30), (30,-10), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # 3 [(30,10), (-30,10), (0,-30), (0,30)], # 4 [(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # 5 [(30,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-10), (-30,30), (0,30), (30,10), (30,0), (-30,0)], # 6 [(-30,-30), (30,-30), (-30,30)], # 7 [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,0)], # 8 [(30,0), (-30,0), (-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-30), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # 9 # A implementer [(-30,10), (30,-10), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,10), (-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10)], #: [(-30,-10), (0,-30), (0,30)], [(-30,30), (30,30)], # ; [(-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10), (30,0), (-30,30), (30,30)], # < [(-30,-30), (0,-30), (30,-10), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # = [(30,10), (-30,10), (0,-30), (0,30)], # > [(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # ? [(30,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-10), (-30,30), (0,30), (30,10), (30,0), (-30,0)], # @ # Implementé [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (30,0), (-30,0)], # A [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (30,0), (-30,0)], # A [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,0)], # B [(30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], # C [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30)], # D [(30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-0), (30,0), (-30,0), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], # E [(-30,30), (-30,-0), (30,0), (-30,0), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], # F [(0,0), (30,0), (30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-30),(30,-30)], # G [(-30,-30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,0), (30,30), (30,-30)], # H [(0,30), (0,-30)], # I [(-30,30), (0,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], # J [(-30,-30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,-30), (-30,0), (30,30)], # K [(30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-30)], # L [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (0,0), (30,-30), (30,30)], # M [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,30), (30,-30)], # N [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30)], # O [(-30,0), (30,0), (30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,30)], # P [(30,30), (30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,30), (30,30),(35,35)], # Q [(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,0), (-30,0), (30,30)], # R [(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (30,0), (30,30), (-30,30)], # S [(0,30), (0,-30), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], # T [(-30,-30), (-30,30), (30,30), (30,-30)], # U [(-30,-30), (0,30), (30,-30)], # V [(-30,-30), (-30,30), (0,0), (30,30), (30,-30)], # W [(-30,30), (30,-30), (-30,-30), (30,30)], # X [(0,30), (0,0), (30,-30), (0,0), (-30,-30)], # Y [(30,30), (-30,30), (30,-30), (-30,-30)], # Z # A implementer [(-30,-10), (0,-30), (0,30)], [(-30,30), (30,30)], # [ [(-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10), (30,0), (-30,30), (30,30)], # \ [(-30,-30), (0,-30), (30,-10), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # ] [(30,10), (-30,10), (0,-30), (0,30)], # ^ [(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], # _ [(30,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-10), (-30,30), (0,30), (30,10), (30,0), (-30,0)], # ` # Implementé [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (20,0), (-20,0)], # a [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (-20,20), (-20,0), (20,0)], # b [(20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], # c [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (-20,20)], # d [(20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-0), (20,0), (-20,0), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], # e [(-20,20), (-20,-0), (20,0), (-20,0), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], # f [(0,0), (20,0), (20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-20),(20,-20)], # g [(-20,-20), (-20,20), (-20,0), (20,0), (20,20), (20,-20)], # h [(0,20), (0,-20)], # i [(-20,20), (0,-20), (0,-20), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], # j [(-20,-20), (-20,20), (-20,0), (20,-20), (-20,0), (20,20)], # k [(20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-20)], # l [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (0,0), (20,-20), (20,20)], # m [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,20), (20,-20)], # n [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (-20,20)], # o [(-20,0), (20,0), (20,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,20)], # p [(20,20), (20,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,20), (20,20),(25,25)], # q [(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,0), (-20,0), (20,20)], # r [(20,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,0), (20,0), (20,20), (-20,20)], # s [(0,20), (0,-20), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], # t [(-20,-20), (-20,20), (20,20), (20,-20)], # u [(-20,-20), (0,20), (20,-20)], # v [(-20,-20), (-20,20), (0,0), (20,20), (20,-20)], # w [(-20,20), (20,-20)], [(-20,-20), (20,20)], # x [(0,20), (0,0), (20,-20), (0,0), (-20,-20)], # y [(20,20), (-20,20), (20,-20), (-20,-20)], # z [(-2,15), (2,15)] # Point a la place de { ] def DigitsDots(number,color): dots =[] for dot in ASCII_GRAPHICS[number]: #print dot dots.append((gstt.xy_center[0]+dot[0],gstt.xy_center[1]+dot[1],color)) #self.point_list.append((xy + (c,))) return dots def CharDots(char,color): dots =[] for dot in ASCII_GRAPHICS[ord(char)-46]: dots.append((dot[0],dot[1],color)) return dots def Text(message,c, PL, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz): dots =[] l = len(message) i= 0 #print() # print (message) for ch in message: #print "" # texte centre en x automatiquement selon le nombre de lettres l x_offset = 26 * (- (0.9*l) + 3*i) # Digits if ord(ch)<58: char_pl_list = ASCII_GRAPHICS[ord(ch) - 48] else: char_pl_list = ASCII_GRAPHICS[ord(ch) - 46] char_draw = [] #dots.append((char_pl_list[0][0] + x_offset,char_pl_list[0][1],0)) for xy in char_pl_list: char_draw.append((xy[0] + x_offset,xy[1],c)) i +=1 #print ch,char_pl_list,char_draw rPolyLineOneColor(char_draw, c, PL , False, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz) #dots.append(char_draw) def TextRGB(message,c, PL, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz): Text(message,int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (red,green,blue),0), PL, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz)