#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' LJ Laser Server v0.8.2 Inspiration for a future WebUI icon menu : https://codepen.io/AlbertFeynman/pen/mjXeMV Laser server + webUI servers (ws + OSC) - get point list to draw : /pl/lasernumber - for report /lstt/lasernumber /lack/lasernumber /cap/lasernumber - a nice ws debug tool : websocat - a "plugin" is a generator that send points to LJ. Plugins if they have an open OSC port can be checked and restart if in the same computer. All used ports: 8002 OSC incoming 9001 Websocket communication with WebGUI Plugins OSC Ports (see LJ.conf) ''' #import pdb from libs3 import log print("") print("") log.infog("LJ Laser Server") log.infog("v0.8.2") print("") print("-h will display help") print("") import redis import os ljpath = r'%s' % os.getcwd().replace('\\','/') import sys #sys.path.append('libs3/') from libs3 import gstt, settings gstt.ljpath = ljpath log.info("Reading " + gstt.ConfigName + " setup file...") settings.Read() # Arguments may alter .conf file so import settings first then cli from libs3 import cli settings.Write() from multiprocessing import Process, set_start_method import random, ast from libs3 import plugins #from libs3 import lasytracer as tracer from libs3 import tracer3 as tracer #from libs3 import niptracer3 as tracer from libs3 import homographyp, commands, font1 #import subprocess import os #from libs3 import midi3 from libs3 import OSC3 from websocket_server import WebsocketServer #import socket import types, _thread, time import traceback serverIP = gstt.RediServerIP print("Redis server IP :", gstt.RediServerIP) r = redis.StrictRedis(host=gstt.RediServerIP , port=6379, db=0) # r = redis.StrictRedis(host=gstt.RediServerIP , port=6379, db=0, password='-+F816Y+-') args =[0,0] os_name = sys.platform print(f"Système d'exploitation: {os_name}") # Plateformes spécifiques if os_name == "Windows": print("Plateform: Windows") elif os_name == "Darwin": # macOS print("Plateform: macOS") elif os_name == "Linux": print("Plateform: Linux") def dac_process(number, pl): import sys from libs3 import gstt print("Starting dac process", number) while True: try: d = tracer.DAC(number,pl) d.play_stream() except Exception as e: import sys import traceback if gstt.debug > 0: log.err('\n---------------------') log.err('Exception: %s' % e) log.err('- - - - - - - - - - -') traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) print("\n") pass except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) # # Init variables # debug = gstt.debug print("Debug :", debug) print("Start Scene number :",gstt.SceneNumber) print("Laser feedbacks resetting...") for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): r.set('/lack/'+str(laserid),64) r.set('/lstt/'+str(laserid),64) r.set('/cap/'+str(laserid),0) r.set('/order/'+str(laserid), 0) ''' # Nozoid OSC Client : to send OSC message to Nozoid inport 8003 nozoscIP = gstt.nozoscip print("Nozosc IP :", nozoscIP) NozoscIPout = nozoscIP NozoscPORTout = plugins.Port("nozoid") ''' '''' # Planetarium OSC Client : to send OSC message to planetarium inport 8005 planetIPout = nozoscIP planetPORTout = plugins.Port("planet") ''' import socket #retry = 1 #delay = 1 # # OSC # # oscserver oscserverIP = gstt.oscIPin # OSC Server : accept OSC message on port 8002 #oscIPin = ""s oscserverIPin = serverIP oscserverPORTin = 8002 # OSC Client : to send OSC message to an IP port 8001 oscserverIPout = oscserverIP oscserverPORTout = 8101 oscserver = OSC3.OSCServer( (oscserverIPin, oscserverPORTin) ) oscserver.timeout = 0 OSCRunning = True def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True oscserver.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(handle_timeout, oscserver) # OSC default path handler : send incoming OSC message to UIs : OSC 8001 & websocket 9001 def handler(path, tags, args, source): # OSC ui connection if path == "/connect" : print("OSCUI asked by", source) gstt.TouchOSCUI = True gstt.TouchOSCIP= source[0] print(gstt.LaserNumber) for laserid in range(gstt.LaserNumber): commands.UpdateOSCUI(laserid) return oscpath = path.split("/") if gstt.debug > 0: print("") print("OSC handler in main got : path", path," oscpath", oscpath," args", args, " source",source) if oscpath[1] != "pong": sendWSall(path + " " + str(args[0])) commands.sendOSCUI(path,oscargs=args) commands.handler(oscpath,args) # RAW OSC Frame available ? def osc_frame(): #print 'oscframe' # clear timed_out flag oscserver.timed_out = False # handle all pending requests then return while not oscserver.timed_out: oscserver.handle_request() def PingAll(): if gstt.debug > 0: print("Pinging all plugins...") for plugin in list(gstt.plugins.keys()): if gstt.debug > 0: print("pinging", plugin) #sendWSall("/"+ plugin + "/start 0") plugins.Ping(plugin) ''' gstt.lasertype[i gstt.sizeX[i] = gstt.sizeY[i] = ''' ''' # OSC UI feedback def sendOSCUI(oscaddress,oscargs=''): if gstt.TouchOSCUI == True: oscmsg = OSC3.OSCMessage() oscmsg.setAddress(oscaddress) oscmsg.append(oscargs) oscui = OSC3.OSCClient() oscui.connect((gstt.TouchOSCIP, 8001)) print("main sending OSC UI message :", oscmsg, "to", gstt.TouchOSCIP, ":8001") if gstt.debug >0: print("main sending OSC UI message :", oscmsg, "to", gstt.TouchOSCIP, ":8001") try: oscui.sendto(oscmsg, (gstt.TouchOSCIP, 8001)) oscmsg.clearData() except: print ('Connection to OSC UI refused : died ?') pass #time.sleep(0.001 ''' # OSC server Thread : handler, dacs reports and simulator points sender to UI. def osc_thread(): try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) osc_frame() for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): # Laser not used -> led is not lit lstate = {'0': 'IDLE', '1': 'PREPARE', '2': "PLAYING", '64': "NOCONNECTION ?" } lstt = r.get('/lstt/'+ str(laserid)).decode('ascii') #print ("laserid", laserid,"lstt",lstt, type(lstt)) commands.sendOSCUI("/stt/" + str(laserid), lstate[str(lstt)]) if gstt.debug >1: print("DAC", laserid, "is in (lstt) :", lstt , lstate[str(lstt)]) if lstt == "0": # Dac IDLE state(0) -> led is blue (3) sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 3") if lstt == "1": # Dac PREPARE state (1) -> led is cyan (2) sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 2") if lstt == "2": # Dac PLAYING (2) -> led is green (1) sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 1") ackstate = {'61': 'ACK', '46': 'FULL', '49': "INVALID", '21': 'STOP', '64': "NOCONNECTION ?", '35': "NOCONNECTION ?" , '97': 'ACK', '70': 'FULL', '73': "INVALID", '33': 'STOP', '100': "NOCONNECTION", '48': "NOCONNECTION", 'a': 'ACK', 'F': 'FULL', 'I': "INVALID", '!': 'STOP', 'd': "NOCONNECTION", '0': "NOCONNECTION"} lack= r.get('/lack/'+str(laserid)).decode('ascii') commands.sendOSCUI("/ack/" + str(laserid), ackstate[str(lack)]) if gstt.debug >1: print("DAC", laserid, "answered (lack):", lack, chr(int(lack)), ackstate[str(lack)]) if chr(int(lack)) == 'a': # Dac sent ACK ("a") -> led is green (1) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) +" 1") if chr(int(lack)) == 'F': # Dac sent FULL ("F") -> led is orange (5) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) +" 5") if chr(int(lack)) == 'I': # Dac sent INVALID ("I") -> led is yellow (4) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid)+" 4") #print lack if lack == "64" or lack =="35": # no connection to dac -> leds are red (6) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) + " 6") sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 6") #sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 0") sendWSall("/points/" + str(laserid) + " 6") else: # last number of points sent to etherdream buffer sendWSall("/points/" + str(laserid) + " " + str(r.get('/cap/'+str(laserid)).decode('ascii'))) #print("Sending simu frame from",'/pl/'+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+'/'+str(gstt.Laser)) #print(r.get('/pl/'+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+'/'+str(gstt.Laser))) sendWSall("/simul" +" "+ str(r.get('/pl/'+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+'/'+str(gstt.Laser)).decode('ascii'))) #commands.sendOSCUI("/cap/" + str(laserid), str(r.get('/cap/'+str(laserid)).decode('ascii'))) if random.randint(0,100)>95: plugins.sendbroadcast() except Exception as e: import sys, traceback print('\n--------------------------') print('OSC Thread Exception: %s' % e) print('- - - - - - - - - - - - - - ') traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) print("\n") # # Websocket part # def get_Host_name_IP(): try: host_name = socket.gethostname() host_ip = socket.gethostbyname(host_name) print("Hostname : ", host_name) print("IP : ", host_ip) except: print("Unable to get Hostname and IP") return host_ip # Called for every WS client connecting (after handshake) def new_client(client, wserver): print("New WS client connected and was given id %d" % client['id']) sendWSall("/status Hello " + str(client['id'])) #commands.sendOSCUI("/status", "Hello " + str(client['id'])) for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): sendWSall("/ip/" + str(laserid) + " " + str(gstt.lasersIPS[laserid])) sendWSall("/kpps/" + str(laserid)+ " " + str(gstt.kpps[laserid])) #sendWSall("/laser"+str(laserid)+"/start 1") sendWSall("/laser "+str(laserid)) #print("/laser "+str(laserid)) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) + " 6") #print("/lack/" + str(laserid) + " 6") sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 6") #print("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 6") sendWSall("/points/" + str(laserid) + " 0") #print("/points/" + str(laserid) + " 0") if gstt.swapX[laserid] == 1: sendWSall("/swap/X/" + str(laserid)+ " 1") else: sendWSall("/swap/X/" + str(laserid)+ " 0") if gstt.swapY[laserid] == 1: sendWSall("/swap/Y/" + str(laserid)+ " 1") else: sendWSall("/swap/Y/" + str(laserid)+ " 0") # Called for every WS client disconnecting def client_left(client, wserver): try: print("WS Client(%d) disconnected" % client['id']) except: print("Something weird is coming from",client,"on the wire...") pass # Called for each WS received message. def message_received(client, wserver, message): #if len(message) > 200: # message = message[:200]+'..' #if gstt.debug >0: # print ("") # print("WS Client(%d) said: %s" % (client['id'], message)) oscpath = message.split(" ") #print "WS Client", client['id'], "said :", message, "splitted in an oscpath :", oscpath if gstt.debug > 0: print("WS Client", client['id'], "said :", message, "splitted in an oscpath :", oscpath) PingAll() message4plugin = False # WS received Message is for a plugin ? for plugin in list(gstt.plugins.keys()): if oscpath[0].find(plugin) != -1: message4plugin = True #print(oscpath) if plugins.Send(plugin, oscpath): print("plugins sent incoming WS correctly to", plugin) else: print("plugins detected", plugin, "offline.") # WS received message is an LJ command if message4plugin == False: if len(oscpath) == 1: args[0] = "noargs" #print "noargs command" elif len(oscpath) > 1: args[0] = str(oscpath[1]) #print "arg",oscpath[1] commands.handler(oscpath[0].split("/"),args) # if needed a loop back : WS Client -> server -> WS Client #sendWSall("ws"+message) def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True def sendWSall(message): #if gstt.debug >0: #print("WS sending %s" % (message)) wserver.send_message_to_all(message) if gstt.TouchOSCUI == True: if message[:7] == '/status': print("Main WSall", message, message[:6]) commands.sendOSCUI('/status', message[8:]) if message[:5] == '/line1': print("Main WSall", message, message[:6]) commands.sendOSCUI('/line1', message[6:]) ''' print ("") log.info("Midi Configuration...") midi3.check() ''' def fff(name): print() print('HELLO', name ) #indent print() # # Create a startup point list for each laser : 0,1,2,... # print("") log.info("Creating startup point lists...") if r.set("/clientkey","/pl/"+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+"/")==True: print("sent clientkey : /pl/"+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+"/") #pdb.set_trace() for sceneid in range(0,gstt.MaxScenes+1): print("Scene "+ str(sceneid)) #digit_points = font1.DigitsDots(sceneid,65280) # Order all lasers to show its number at startup -> tell all 4 laser process to USER PLs for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): digit_points = font1.DigitsDots(laserid,65280) if r.set('/pl/'+str(sceneid)+'/'+str(laserid), str(digit_points)) == True: pass #print( ast.literal_eval(r.get('/pl/'+str(sceneid)+'/'+str(laserid)).decode('ascii'))) #print("/pl/"+str(sceneid)+"/"+str(laserid)+" "+str(ast.literal_eval(r.get('/pl/'+str(sceneid)+'/'+str(laserid)).decode('ascii')))) r.set('/order/'+str(laserid), 0) # # Starts one DAC process per requested Laser # if __name__ == '__main__': # Bug in 3.8.4 MacOS default multiprocessing start method is spawn. Spawn doesn't work properly set_start_method('fork') #print("gstt.LaserNumber", gstt.LaserNumber) if gstt.LaserNumber == -1: log.infog("Autodetected DACs mode") commands.DAChecks() print("dacs", gstt.dacs) else: log.infog("Resquested DACs mode") lasernumber = gstt.LaserNumber -1 print("LaserNumber = ", gstt.LaserNumber) log.info("Starting "+str(gstt.LaserNumber) + " DACs process...") # Launch one process (a tracer3 instance) by laser dac_worker0= Process(target=dac_process, args=(0,0,)) dac_worker0.start() commands.worker0 = dac_worker0 print("Tracer 0 : name", dac_worker0.name , "pid", dac_worker0.pid ) if lasernumber >0: dac_worker1= Process(target=dac_process, args=(1,0,)) commands.worker1 = dac_worker1 print("Tracer 1 : name", dac_worker1.name , "pid", dac_worker1.pid ) dac_worker1.start() if lasernumber >1: dac_worker2= Process(target=dac_process, args=(2,0,)) dac_worker2.start() commands.worker2 = dac_worker2 print("Tracer 2 : name", dac_worker2.name , "pid", dac_worker2.pid ) if lasernumber >2: dac_worker3= Process(target=dac_process, args=(3,0,)) print("Tracer 3 : name", dac_worker3.name , "pid", dac_worker3.pid ) commands.worker3 = dac_worker3 dac_worker3.start() print("") # # start WS and OSC servers # try: log.info("Starting servers...") hostIP= get_Host_name_IP() if hostIP != gstt.wwwIP: print("Host IP is : "+str(hostIP)) print("wwwIP in LJ.conf : "+str(gstt.wwwIP)) log.err("Host and wwwIP different : you must update Update LJ.conf :") print("python3 configure.py") log.err('Exiting...') #gstt.wwwIP = hostIP commands.LJautokill() sys.exit() # Launch OSC thread listening to oscserver print("OSC server to receive messages (UI,...)") print("binded at", oscserverIPin, "port",str(oscserverPORTin)) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/noteon", commands.NoteOn) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/scim", commands.Scim) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/line1", commands.Line1) oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/forwardui", commands.ForwardUI) # Default OSC handler for all OSC incoming message oscserver.addMsgHandler("default", handler) _thread.start_new_thread(osc_thread, ()) #print() # Websocket listening port print("WebUI WS server...") #hostIP= get_Host_name_IP() if hostIP != gstt.wwwIP: log.err("wwwIP in config is not set to "+str(hostIP)) gstt.wwwIP = hostIP #commands.LJautokill() print("binded at", gstt.wwwIP, "port",str(gstt.wsPORT)) wserver = WebsocketServer(gstt.wsPORT,host= gstt.wwwIP) plugins.Init(wserver) wserver.set_fn_new_client(new_client) wserver.set_fn_client_left(client_left) wserver.set_fn_message_received(message_received) print("") log.info("Resetting all Homographies...") for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): homographyp.newEDH(laserid) #midi3.check() # plugins autostart #print("") log.info("Plugins startup...") if gstt.autostart != "": for pluginname in gstt.autostart.split(","): print("Autostarting", pluginname, "...") plugins.Start(pluginname) print("") log.infog("LJ server running...") # websocket loop wserver.run_forever() except Exception: log.err("Exception") traceback.print_exc() # Gently stop on CTRL C finally: commands.LJautokill() ''' Some code previously used, for reference : random_points = [(300.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 200.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 0), (500.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 200.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280), (500.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 400.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280), (300.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 400.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280), (300.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 200.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280)] '''