#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' This is the most basic generator you can imagine: straight up static! v0.1.0 Use it to test your filters and outputs LICENCE : CC by cocoa ''' from __future__ import print_function import time import argparse import sys name="generator::dummy" def debug(*args, **kwargs): if( verbose == False ): return print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs) argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="dummy generator") argsparser.add_argument("-f","--fps",help="Frame Per Second",default=30,type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-s","--speed",help="point per frame progress",default=3,type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",action="store_true",help="Verbose output") args = argsparser.parse_args() fps=args.fps verbose=args.verbose optimal_looptime = 1 / fps debug(name+" optimal looptime "+str(optimal_looptime)) color = 16777215 square = [[100.0, 100.0, color], [100.0, 500.0, color], [500.0, 500.0, color], [500.0, 100.0, color], [100.0, 100.0, color]] line =[] for i in range(00,800,int(800/120)): line.append([i, 400, color]) square = [[100.0, 100.0, color], [100.0, 500.0, color], [500.0, 500.0, color], [500.0, 100.0, color], [100.0, 100.0, color]] mire = [ [600,600,0], [600,600,color], [700,600,color], [700,700,color], [600,700,color], [600,600,color], [100,100,0], [100,100,color], [200,100,color], [200,200,color], [100,200,color], [100,100,color], [0,0,0], [0,0,color], [800,0,color], [800,800,color], [0,800,color], [0,0,color], [350,400,0], [350,400,color], [450,400,color], [400,350,0], [400,350,color], [400,450,color], ] shape = mire while True: start = time.time() print(shape, flush=True); looptime = time.time() - start if( looptime < optimal_looptime ): time.sleep( optimal_looptime - looptime) debug(name+" micro sleep:"+str( optimal_looptime - looptime))