wip: helios_dac

This commit is contained in:
alban 2023-06-29 22:44:21 +02:00
parent 6c73bd9fc2
commit bc19e77f4f
1 changed files with 19 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -27,6 +27,8 @@ numDevices = HeliosLib.OpenDevices()
print("Found ", numDevices, "Helios DACs")
class TracerHelios(Tracer):
"""A connection to a DAC."""
@ -44,12 +46,19 @@ class TracerHelios(Tracer):
self.prev_x = 0
self.prev_y = 0
self.min_res = 0
self.max_res = 4095
# self.newstream = OnePointIterator()
# "Laser point List" Point generator
# each points is yielded : Getpoints() call n times OnePoint()
def clip(self, number):
return int( self.min_res if number < self.min_res else self.max_res if number > self.max_res else number)
def get_points_capacity(self):
return 1000
@ -87,8 +96,10 @@ class TracerHelios(Tracer):
points = [point for point in points]
for i, point in enumerate(points):
x, y, r, g, b = point
x = x if not math.isnan(x) else 0
y = x if not math.isnan(y) else 0
x *= 10
y *= 10
x = 0 if math.isnan(x) else self.clip(x)
y = 0 if math.isnan(y) else self.clip(y)
frame[i] = HeliosPoint(int(x), int(y), int(r), int(g), int(b), 255)
statusAttempts = 0
# Make 512 attempts for DAC status to be ready. After that, just give up and try to write the frame anyway
@ -96,44 +107,15 @@ class TracerHelios(Tracer):
statusAttempts += 1
f = ctypes.pointer(frame)
# int HeliosDac::WriteFrame(unsigned int devNum, unsigned int pps, std::uint8_t flags, HeliosPoint* points, unsigned int numOfPoints)
ret_helios = HeliosLib.WriteFrame(0, 3000, 0, f, len(frame))
# @todo : detect errors
if ret_helios != 1:
print(f"ERR ]Helios DAC #{self.laser_id} returned error {ret_helios}")
# ret_helios = HeliosLib.WriteFrame(0, 3000, 0, f, len(frame))
# # @todo : detect errors
# if ret_helios != 1:
# print(f"ERR ]Helios DAC #{self.laser_id} returned error {ret_helios}")
def get_warped_point(self, x, y):
# transform in one matrix, with warp !!
# Etherpoint all transform in one matrix, with warp !!
np_arr = np.array([(x, y, 0)])
laser_EDH = gstt.EDH[self.laser_id]
position = homographyp.apply(laser_EDH, np_arr)
laser_edh = gstt.EDH[self.laser_id]
position = homographyp.apply(laser_edh, np_arr)
return position[0][0], position[0][1]
# # Create sample frames
# frames = [0 for x in range(30)]
# frameType = HeliosPoint * 1000
# x = 0
# y = 0
# for i in range(30):
# y = round(i * 0xFFF / 30)
# frames[i] = frameType()
# for j in range(1000):
# if (j < 500):
# x = round(j * 0xFFF / 500)
# else:
# x = round(0xFFF - ((j - 500) * 0xFFF / 500))
# frames[i][j] = HeliosPoint(int(x), int(y), 255, 255, 255, 255)
# # Play frames on DAC
# for i in range(150):
# for j in range(numDevices):
# statusAttempts = 0
# # Make 512 attempts for DAC status to be ready. After that, just give up and try to write the frame anyway
# while (statusAttempts < 512 and HeliosLib.GetStatus(j) != 1):
# statusAttempts += 1
# HeliosLib.WriteFrame(j, 30000, 0, ctypes.pointer(frames[i % 30]), 1000) # Send the frame
# HeliosLib.CloseDevices()