[fix] clitools many tweaks and changes batch

This commit is contained in:
alban 2020-10-03 17:50:28 +02:00
parent 4b07dfc263
commit 371003fce2
4 changed files with 380 additions and 44 deletions

clitools/filters/anaglyph.py Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: Python -*-
Attempts to create a valid 3D-glasses structure
by cocoa
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import ast
import math
import os
import random
import sys
import time
name = "filters::cycle"
maxDist = 300
argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Redis exporter LJ")
argsparser.add_argument("-x","--centerX",help="geometrical center X position",default=400,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-y","--centerY",help="geometrical center Y position",default=400,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-m","--min",help="Minimal displacement (default:2) ",default=1,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-M","--max",help="Maximal displacement (default:20) ",default=5,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-f","--fps",help="Frame Per Second",default=30,type=int)
args = argsparser.parse_args()
fps = args.fps
minVal = args.min
maxVal = args.max
centerX = args.centerX
centerY = args.centerY
verbose = args.verbose
optimal_looptime = 1 / fps
name = "filters::anaglyph"
def debug(*args, **kwargs):
if( verbose == False ):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def rgb2int(rgb):
#debug(name,"::rgb2int rbg:{}".format(rgb))
return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(rgb),0)
def isValidColor( color, intensityColThreshold ):
if color[0] + color[1] + color[2] > intensityColThreshold:
return True
return False
# These are paper colors
red = (41,24,24)
white = (95,95,95)
blue = (0,41,64)
red = (86,0,0)
blue = (0,55,86)
white = (125,125,125)
def anaglyph( pl ):
debug(name,'--------------- new loop ------------------')
# We will send one list after the other to optimize color change
blueList = list()
redList = list()
whiteList = list()
out = []
out1 = []
out2 = []
out3 = []
# The anaglyphic effect will be optained by :
# * having close objects appear as white
# * having distant objects appear as blue + red
# * having in between objects appear as distanceDecreased(white) + blue + red
for i, point in enumerate(pl):
ref_x = point[0]-centerX
ref_y = point[1]-centerY
ref_color = point[2]
angle = math.atan2( ref_x , ref_y )
dist = ref_y / math.cos(angle)
white_rvb = (0,0,0)
blue_rvb = (0,0,0)
red_rvb = (0,0,0)
# Calculate the point's spread factor (0.0 to 1.0)
# The spread is high if the point is close to center
dist = 0 : spread = 1.0
dist = maxDist spread = 0.0
if dist == 0:
spread = 1.0
else :
spread =( maxDist - dist ) / maxDist
if spread < 0.0:
spread = 0.0
#debug(name,"dist:{} spread:{}".format(dist,spread))
# White color is high if spread is low, i.e. point away from center
spread = 1.0 : white_c = 0.0
spread = 0.0 : whice_c = 1.0
if point[2] == 0:
white_color = 0
white_factor = 1.0 - math.pow(spread,0.5)
white_rvb = tuple(map( lambda a: int(white_factor* a), white))
white_color = rgb2int( white_rvb)
#debug(name,"spread:{}\t white_rvb:{}\t white_color:{}".format(spread, white_rvb, white_color))
# Blue and Red colors are high if spread is high, i.e. close to center
spread = 1.0 : red_c = 1.0
spread = 0.0 : red_c = 0.0
color_factor = math.pow(spread,1)
if point[2] == 0:
blue_color = 0
red_color = 0
blue_rvb = tuple(map( lambda a: int(color_factor * a), blue))
blue_color = rgb2int( blue_rvb)
red_rvb = tuple(map( lambda a: int(color_factor * a), red))
red_color = rgb2int( red_rvb)
#debug(name,"color_factor:{}\t\t blue_color:{}\t\t red_color:{}".format(color_factor,blue_color,red_color))
# Blue-to-Red spatial spread is high when spread is high, i.e. point close to center
spread = 1.0 : spatial_spread = maxVal
spread = 0.0 : spatial_spread = minVal
spatial_spread = minVal + spread * (maxVal - minVal)
red_x = int(point[0] + spatial_spread)
blue_x = int(point[0] - spatial_spread )
red_y = int(point[1] )
blue_y = int(point[1])
white_point = [point[0], point[1], white_color]
blue_point = [blue_x,blue_y,blue_color]
red_point = [red_x,red_y,red_color]
# Do not append "black lines" i.e. a color where each composent is below X
# if isValidColor(white_rvb, 150):
# out1.append(white_point)
# if isValidColor(blue_rvb, 50):
# out2.append(blue_point)
# if isValidColor(red_rvb, 30):
# out3.append(red_point)
#debug(name,"source pl:{}".format(pl))
return out3 + out2
return out1 + out3 + out2
#return out1 + out2 + out3
while True:
start = time.time()
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if line == "":
line = line.rstrip('\n')
pointsList = ast.literal_eval(line)
# Do the filter
result = anaglyph( pointsList )
print( result, flush=True )
looptime = time.time() - start
# debug(name+" looptime:"+str(looptime))
if( looptime < optimal_looptime ):
time.sleep( optimal_looptime - looptime)
# debug(name+" micro sleep:"+str( optimal_looptime - looptime))
except EOFError:
debug(name+" break")# no more information

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@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ def kaleidoscope( pl ):
quad1 = []
# Iterate trough the segments
for i in range( 0, len(pl) ):
#debug(name+" point #", i)
currentpoint = cp = pl[i]
@ -74,8 +73,8 @@ def kaleidoscope( pl ):
#debug(name+" rect: ", rect,"curr",currentpoint,"next",nextpoint )
# Enumerate the points in rectangle to see
# how many right / wrong there are to add or skip early
# how many right / wrong there are
# either to add or skip early
for iterator, p in enumerate(rect):
if p[0] >= centerX and p[1] >= centerY:
right += 1
@ -118,7 +117,7 @@ def kaleidoscope( pl ):
#print("on x axis, v=",str(v)," and absnewY=",str(absnewY))
crossY = [( absnewY*v[0] + cy ),( absnewY*v[1]+cy ), nc]
# Inject in order
# If current is valid, Add
# If current point is the quadrant, add it
if cx >= centerX and cy >= centerY :
quad1.append( currentpoint )
# If absnewX smaller, it is closest to currentPoint
@ -128,6 +127,9 @@ def kaleidoscope( pl ):
else :
if None != crossY : quad1.append( crossY )
if None != crossX : quad1.append( crossX )
# Add a black point at the end
#lastQuad1Point = quad1[-1]
#quad1.append( [lastQuad1Point[0],lastQuad1Point[1],0] )
## Stage 2 : Mirror points
@ -144,10 +146,10 @@ def kaleidoscope( pl ):
point = quad3[iterator]
quad4.append([ 2*centerX - point[0], point[1], point[2] ])
debug(name+" quad1:",quad1)
#debug(name+" quad1:",quad1)
#debug(name+" quad2:", quad2 )
debug(name+" quad3:", quad3 )
debug(name+" quad4:", quad4 )
#debug(name+" quad3:", quad3 )
#debug(name+" quad4:", quad4 )
return quad3+quad4

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@ -34,16 +34,18 @@ def debug(*args, **kwargs):
if( verbose == False ):
print(*args, file=sys.stderr, **kwargs)
def now():
return time.time() * 1000
def msNow():
return time.time()
# The list of available modes and the redis keys they need
# The list of available modes => redis keys each requires to run
oModeList = {
"rms_noise": ["rms"],
"rms_size": ["rms"],
"bpm_size": ["bpm"]
"bpm_size": ["bpm"],
"bpm_detect_size": ["bpm","bpm_delay","bpm_sample_interval","beats"]
# General Args
@ -58,17 +60,19 @@ argsparser.add_argument("-x","--centerX",help="geometrical center X position",de
argsparser.add_argument("-y","--centerY",help="geometrical center Y position",default=400,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-f","--fps",help="Frame Per Second",default=30,type=int)
# Modes And Common Modes Parameters
argsparser.add_argument("-l","--redisLatency",help="Latency in ms to substract. Default:{}".format(REDISLATENCY),default=REDISLATENCY,type=float)
argsparser.add_argument("-m","--modelist",required=True,help="Comma separated list of modes to use from: {}".format("i, ".join(oModeList.keys())),type=str)
argsparser.add_argument("--chaos",help="How much disorder to bring. High value = More chaos. Default {}".format(CHAOS), default=CHAOS, type=str)
args = argsparser.parse_args()
ip = args.ip
port = args.port
redisFreq = args.redis_freq
redisFreq = args.redis_freq / 1000
verbose = args.verbose
fps = args.fps
centerX = args.centerX
centerY = args.centerY
redisLatency = args.redisLatency
chaos = float(args.chaos)
optimal_looptime = 1 / fps
@ -82,33 +86,127 @@ for mode in modeList:
redisKeys = list(set(redisKeys))
debug(name,"Redis Keys:{}".format(redisKeys))
redisData = {}
redisLastHit = now() - redisFreq
redisLastHit = msNow() - 99999
r = redis.Redis(
# Records the last bpm
last_bpm = time.time()
tsLastBeat = time.time()
def gauss(x, mu, sigma):
return( math.exp(-math.pow((x-mu),2)/(2*math.pow(sigma,2))/math.sqrt(2*math.pi*math.pow(sigma,2))))
previousPTTL = 0
tsNextBeatsList = []
def bpmDetect( ):
An helper to compute the next beat time in milliseconds
Returns True if the cache was updated
global tsNextBeatsList
global previousPTTL
global redisLastHit
global redisLatency
# Get the redis PTTL value for bpm
PTTL = redisData["bpm_pttl"]
def bpm_size( pl ):
global last_bpm
# Skip early if PTTL < 0
if PTTL < 0 :
debug(name,"bpmDetect skip detection : PTTL expired for 'bpm' key")
return False
# Skip early if the record hasn't been rewritten
if PTTL <= previousPTTL :
previousPTTL = PTTL
#debug(name,"bpmDetect skip detection : {} <= {}".format(PTTL, previousPTTL))
return False
debug(name,"bpmDetect running detection : {} > {}".format(PTTL, previousPTTL))
previousPTTL = PTTL
# Skip early if beat list is empty
beatsList = ast.literal_eval(redisData["beats"])
tsNextBeatsList = []
if( len(beatsList) == 0 ):
return True
# Read from redis
bpm = float(redisData["bpm"])
# Milliseconds ber beat
milliSecondsPerBeat = int(60 / bpm * 1000)
msBpmDelay = float(redisData["bpm_delay"])
samplingInterval = float(redisData["bpm_sample_interval"])
# Calculate some interpolations
lastBeatTiming = float(beatsList[len(beatsList) - 1])
msPTTLDelta = 2 * samplingInterval - float(PTTL)
sPerBeat = 60 / bpm
lastBeatDelay = msBpmDelay - lastBeatTiming*1000 + msPTTLDelta
countBeatsPast = math.floor( (lastBeatDelay / 1000) / sPerBeat)
#debug(name,"bpmDetect lastBeatTiming:{}\tmsPTTLDelta:{}\tsPerBeat:{}".format(lastBeatTiming,msPTTLDelta,sPerBeat))
#debug(name,"lastBeatDelay:{}\t countBeatsPast:{}".format(lastBeatDelay, countBeatsPast))
for i in range( countBeatsPast, 1000):
beatTime = i * sPerBeat - lastBeatTiming
if beatTime < 0:
if beatTime * 1000 > 2 * samplingInterval :
#debug(name, "bpmDetect beat add beatTime:{} redisLastHit:{}".format(beatTime, redisLastHit))
tsNextBeatsList.append( redisLastHit + beatTime - redisLatency/1000)
debug(name, "bpmDetect new tsNextBeatsList:{}".format(tsNextBeatsList))
return True
def bpm_detect_size( pl ):
# Find the next beat in the list
tsNextBeat = 0
now = time.time()
msNearestBeat = None
msRelativeNextBTList = list(map( lambda a: abs(now - a) * 1000, tsNextBeatsList))
msToBeat = min( msRelativeNextBTList)
#debug(name,"bpm_detect_size msRelativeNextBTList:{} msToBeat:{}".format(msRelativeNextBTList,msToBeat))
# Calculate the intensity based on bpm coming/leaving
# The curb is a gaussian
mu = math.sqrt(milliSecondsPerBeat)
milliTimeToLastBeat = (time.time() - last_bpm) * 1000
milliTimeToNextBeat = (milliSecondsPerBeat - milliTimeToLastBeat)
intensity = gauss( milliTimeToNextBeat, 0 , mu)
debug(name,"bpm_size","milliSecondsPerBeat:{}\tmu:{}".format(milliSecondsPerBeat, mu))
debug(name,"bpm_size","milliTimeToLastBeat:{}\tmilliTimeToNextBeat:{}\tintensity:{}".format(milliTimeToLastBeat, milliTimeToNextBeat, intensity))
if milliTimeToNextBeat <= 0 :
last_bpm = time.time()
mu = 15
intensity = gauss( msToBeat, 0 , mu)
#debug(name,"bpm_size","mu:{}\t msToBeat:{}\tintensity:{}".format(mu, msToBeat, intensity))
if msToBeat < 20:
debug(name,"bpm_detect_size kick:{}".format(msToBeat))
for i, point in enumerate(pl):
ref_x = point[0]-centerX
ref_y = point[1]-centerY
#debug(name,"In new ref x:{} y:{}".format(point[0]-centerX,point[1]-centerY))
angle=math.atan2( point[0] - centerX , point[1] - centerY )
l = ref_y / math.cos(angle)
new_l = l * intensity
#debug(name,"bpm_size","angle:{} l:{} new_l:{}".format(angle,l,new_l))
new_x = math.sin(angle) * new_l + centerX
new_y = math.cos(angle) * new_l + centerY
#debug(name,"x,y:({},{}) x',y':({},{})".format(point[0],point[1],new_x,new_y))
pl[i][0] = new_x
pl[i][1] = new_y
#debug( name,"bpm_detect_size output:{}".format(pl))
return( pl );
def bpm_size( pl ):
global tsLastBeat
bpm = float(redisData["bpm"])
# msseconds ber beat
msPerBeat = int(60 / bpm * 1000)
# Calculate the intensity based on bpm coming/leaving
# The curb is a gaussian
mu = math.sqrt(msPerBeat)
msTimeToLastBeat = (time.time() - tsLastBeat) * 1000
msTimeToNextBeat = (msPerBeat - msTimeToLastBeat)
intensity = gauss( msTimeToNextBeat, 0 , mu)
debug(name,"bpm_size","msPerBeat:{}\tmu:{}".format(msPerBeat, mu))
debug(name,"bpm_size","msTimeToLastBeat:{}\tmsTimeToNextBeat:{}\tintensity:{}".format(msTimeToLastBeat, msTimeToNextBeat, intensity))
if msTimeToNextBeat <= 0 :
tsLastBeat = time.time()
for i, point in enumerate(pl):
ref_x = point[0]-centerX
ref_y = point[1]-centerY
@ -158,21 +256,30 @@ def rms_noise( pl ):
return pl
def updateRedis():
def refreshRedis():
global redisLastHit
global redisData
for key in redisKeys:
redisData[key] = r.get(key).decode('ascii')
debug("name","updateRedis key:{} value:{}".format(key,redisData[key]))
if key == 'bpm':
redisData['bpm_ttl'] = r.pttl(key)
# Skip if cache is sufficent
diff = msNow() - redisLastHit
if diff < redisFreq :
#debug(name, "refreshRedis not updating redis, {} < {}".format(diff, redisFreq))
#debug(name, "refreshRedis updating redis, {} > {}".format(diff, redisFreq))
redisLastHit = msNow()
for key in redisKeys:
redisData[key] = r.get(key).decode('ascii')
#debug(name,"refreshRedis key:{} value:{}".format(key,redisData[key]))
# Only update the TTLs
if 'bpm' in redisKeys:
redisData['bpm_pttl'] = r.pttl('bpm')
#debug(name,"refreshRedis key:bpm_ttl value:{}".format(redisData["bpm_pttl"]))
return True
while True:
# it is time to query redis
if now() - redisLastHit > redisFreq:
start = time.time()
line = sys.stdin.readline()
if line == "":

View File

@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="tunnel generator")
argsparser.add_argument("-f","--fps",help="Frame Per Second",default=30,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-i","--interval",help="point per shape interval",default=30,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-m","--max-size",help="maximum size for objects",default=500,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-m","--max-size",help="maximum size for objects",default=400,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-r","--randomize",help="center randomization",default=5,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-s","--speed",help="point per frame progress",default=3,type=int)
argsparser.add_argument("-v","--verbose",action="store_true",help="Verbose output")
@ -77,14 +77,19 @@ class polylineGenerator( object ):
self.polylineList = [[0,[currentCenter[0],currentCenter[1]]]]
self.buf = []
def init(self):
finished = False
while not finished:
finished = self.increment()
debug(name,"init done:{}".format(self.polylineList))
def draw( self ):
self.buf = []
for it_pl, infoList in enumerate(self.polylineList):
size = infoList[0]
center = infoList[1]
for it_sqr, point in enumerate(shape):
x = center[0] + point[0]*size
y = center[1] + point[1]*size
x = int( center[0] + point[0]*size )
y = int( center[1] + point[1]*size )
# Add an invisible point in first location
if 0 == it_sqr:
@ -114,22 +119,43 @@ class polylineGenerator( object ):
speed = origSpeed
elif speed > (origSpeed + randomize / 2) :
speed = origSpeed + randomize / 2
debug(name, "currentCenter:{} speed:{}".format(currentCenter,speed))
#debug(name, "currentCenter:{} speed:{}".format(currentCenter,speed))
for i, shapeInfo in enumerate(self.polylineList):
size = shapeInfo[0]
size += speed
# Augment speed with size
size = 0 : += sqrt(speed)
size = half max size : +=speed
if size < max_size / 4:
size += math.pow(speed, 0.1)
elif size < max_size / 3:
size += math.pow(speed, 0.25)
elif size < max_size / 2:
size += math.pow(speed, 0.5)
size += math.pow(speed, 1.25)
if size < min_size : min_size = size
if size > max_size : delList.append(i)
self.polylineList[i][0] = size
for i in delList:
del self.polylineList[i]
if min_size >= interval: self.polylineList.append([0,[currentCenter[0],currentCenter[1]]])
#debug(name, "polyline:",self.polylineList)
if min_size >= interval:
debug(name, "new shape")
# Return True if we delete a shape
if len(delList):
return True
return False
pgen = polylineGenerator()
while True:
start = time.time()
@ -140,7 +166,7 @@ while True:
# send
pl = pgen.draw()
print(pl, flush=True)
looptime = time.time() - start
if( looptime < optimal_looptime ):