class Particle{ PVector pos; PVector speed; int col; int circular_nb; int circular_id; // the id in the circular buffer PVector[] circular_pos; boolean draw_previous; // pour pouvoir faire les trainer il faudrait retenir les position precedente // avoir un beffer tournant // retenir l'index actuel void init_circular(int nb_previous, boolean previous_drawing){ draw_previous = previous_drawing; circular_nb = nb_previous; circular_id = 0; circular_pos = new PVector[circular_nb]; for (int i = 0; i < circular_pos.length; i++){ circular_pos[i] = new PVector(pos.x, pos.y, 0); } } void init_particle(){ pos = new PVector(random(50, 750), random(50, 70)); speed = new PVector(0, 0, 0); col = getColInt(255, 255, 255); } Particle(){ init_particle(); init_circular(1, false); } Particle(int nb_previous){ init_particle(); init_circular(nb_previous, true); } void update_position(Attractor[] attractors){ for (Attractor att : attractors){ if (!att.is_active) continue; PVector d = vecSub(att.pos, pos); float dist = sqrt(d.x * d.x + d.y * d.y); float factor = att.weight * 1.0 / (dist + 10); normalize(d); speed.x += d.x * factor; speed.y += d.y * factor; float cross = cross_product(getNormalized(speed), d); float slow_distance = 0.2; // limitation de l'eloignement if (cross < 0){ speed.x *= 1.0 - (slow_distance * abs(cross)); speed.y *= 1.0 - (slow_distance * abs(cross)); } pos.x += speed.x; pos.y += speed.y; circular_id = (circular_id + 1) % circular_pos.length; circular_pos[circular_id].x = float(int(pos.x)); circular_pos[circular_id].y = float(int(pos.y)); } } void draw(){ //println("hello im drowing:", pos); if (draw_previous){ int id; Point[] previous_pos = new Point[circular_pos.length]; for (int i = 0; i < circular_pos.length; i++){ id = (circular_id - i + circular_pos.length) % circular_pos.length; previous_pos[i] = new Point(int(circular_pos[id].x), int(circular_pos[id].y), getColInt(0, 255, 0)); } //println("plop"); laser_frame.add_line(previous_pos); } else laser_frame.add_line(create_point(pos, getColInt(0, 255, 0))); } } Point[] create_point(PVector pos, int col){ Point[] point = new Point[2]; point[0] = new Point(int(pos.x), int(pos.y), col); point[1] = new Point(int(pos.x+1), int(pos.y+1), col); return point; }