2019-01-16 01:50:24 +01:00

314 lines
9.5 KiB

# coding=UTF-8
LJ v0.8.1
Some LJ functions useful for python clients (was framy.py)
Config(redisIP, client number)
Text(word, color, PL, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz) : Display a word
Send(adress,message) : remote control. See commands.py
WebStatus(message) : display message on webui
DrawPL(point list number) : once you stacked all wanted elements, like 2 polylines, send them to lasers.
Sam Neurohack
import math
import redis
from OSC import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage
redisIP = ''
r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redisIP, port=6379, db=0)
ClientNumber = 0
point_list = []
pl = [[],[],[],[]]
LJIP = ""
osclientlj = OSCClient()
oscmsg = OSCMessage()
osclientlj.connect((redisIP, 8002))
def Send(oscaddress,oscargs=''):
oscmsg = OSCMessage()
#print ("sending to bhorosc : ",oscmsg)
osclientlj.sendto(oscmsg, (redisIP, 8002))
print ('Connection to LJ refused : died ?')
def WebStatus(message):
[(-50,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (10,30), (-50,30)], #0
[(-20,30), (0,-30), (-20,30)], #1
[(-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10), (30,0), (-30,30), (30,30)], #2
[(-30,-30), (0,-30), (30,-10), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #3
[(30,10), (-30,10), (0,-30), (0,30)], #4
[(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #5
[(30,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-10), (-30,30), (0,30), (30,10), (30,0), (-30,0)], #6
[(-30,-30), (30,-30), (-30,30)], #7
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,0)], #8
[(30,0), (-30,0), (-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-30), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #9
# A implementer
[(-30,10), (30,-10), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,10), (-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10)], #:
[(-30,-10), (0,-30), (0,30)], [(-30,30), (30,30)], #;
[(-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10), (30,0), (-30,30), (30,30)], #<
[(-30,-30), (0,-30), (30,-10), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #=
[(30,10), (-30,10), (0,-30), (0,30)], #>
[(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #?
[(30,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-10), (-30,30), (0,30), (30,10), (30,0), (-30,0)], #@
# Implementé
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (30,0), (-30,0)], #A
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (30,0), (-30,0)], #A
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,0)], #B
[(30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], #C
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30)], #D
[(30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-0), (30,0), (-30,0), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], #E
[(-30,30), (-30,-0), (30,0), (-30,0), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], #F
[(0,0), (30,0), (30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-30),(30,-30)], #G
[(-30,-30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,0), (30,30), (30,-30)], #H
[(0,30), (0,-30)], #I
[(-30,30), (0,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], #J
[(-30,-30), (-30,30), (-30,0), (30,-30), (-30,0), (30,30)], #K
[(30,30), (-30,30), (-30,-30)], #L
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (0,0), (30,-30), (30,30)], #M
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,30), (30,-30)], #N
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,30), (-30,30)], #O
[(-30,0), (30,0), (30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,30)], #P
[(30,30), (30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,30), (30,30),(35,35)], #Q
[(-30,30), (-30,-30), (30,-30), (30,0), (-30,0), (30,30)], #R
[(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (30,0), (30,30), (-30,30)], #S
[(0,30), (0,-30), (-30,-30), (30,-30)], #T
[(-30,-30), (-30,30), (30,30), (30,-30)], #U
[(-30,-30), (0,30), (30,-30)], #V
[(-30,-30), (-30,30), (0,0), (30,30), (30,-30)], #W
[(-30,30), (30,-30)], [(-30,-30), (30,30)], #X
[(0,30), (0,0), (30,-30), (0,0), (-30,-30)], #Y
[(30,30), (-30,30), (30,-30), (-30,-30)], #Z
# A implementer
[(-30,-10), (0,-30), (0,30)], [(-30,30), (30,30)], #[
[(-30,-10), (0,-30), (30,-10), (30,0), (-30,30), (30,30)], #\
[(-30,-30), (0,-30), (30,-10), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #]
[(30,10), (-30,10), (0,-30), (0,30)], #^
[(30,-30), (-30,-30), (-30,0), (0,0), (30,10), (0,30), (-30,30)], #_
[(30,-30), (0,-30), (-30,-10), (-30,30), (0,30), (30,10), (30,0), (-30,0)], #`
# Implementé
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (20,0), (-20,0)], #a
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (-20,20), (-20,0), (20,0)], #b
[(20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], #c
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (-20,20)], #d
[(20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-0), (20,0), (-20,0), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], #e
[(-20,20), (-20,-0), (20,0), (-20,0), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], #f
[(0,0), (20,0), (20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-20),(20,-20)], #g
[(-20,-20), (-20,20), (-20,0), (20,0), (20,20), (20,-20)], #H
[(0,20), (0,-20)], #I
[(-20,20), (0,-20), (0,-20), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], #J
[(-20,-20), (-20,20), (-20,0), (20,-20), (-20,0), (20,20)], #K
[(20,20), (-20,20), (-20,-20)], #L
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (0,0), (20,-20), (20,20)], #M
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,20), (20,-20)], #N
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,20), (-20,20)], #O
[(-20,0), (20,0), (20,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,20)], #P
[(20,20), (20,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,20), (20,20),(25,25)], #Q
[(-20,20), (-20,-20), (20,-20), (20,0), (-20,0), (20,20)], #R
[(20,-20), (-20,-20), (-20,0), (20,0), (20,20), (-20,20)], #S
[(0,20), (0,-20), (-20,-20), (20,-20)], #T
[(-20,-20), (-20,20), (20,20), (20,-20)], #U
[(-20,-20), (0,20), (20,-20)], #V
[(-20,-20), (-20,20), (0,0), (20,20), (20,-20)], #W
[(-20,20), (20,-20)], [(-20,-20), (20,20)], #X
[(0,20), (0,0), (20,-20), (0,0), (-20,-20)], #Y
[(20,20), (-20,20), (20,-20), (-20,-20)], #Z
[(-2,15), (2,15)] # Point a la place de {
def Config(redisIP,client):
global ClientNumber
r = redis.StrictRedis(host=redisIP, port=6379, db=0)
ClientNumber = client
def LineTo(xy, c, PL):
pl[PL].append((xy + (c,)))
def Line(xy1, xy2, c, PL):
LineTo(xy1, 0, PL)
LineTo(xy2, c , PL)
def PolyLineOneColor(xy_list, c, PL , closed ):
#print "--"
#print "c",c
#print "xy_list",xy_list
#print "--"
xy0 = None
for xy in xy_list:
if xy0 is None:
xy0 = xy
#print "xy0:",xy0
LineTo(xy0,0, PL)
LineTo(xy0,c, PL)
#print "xy:",xy
LineTo(xy,c, PL)
if closed:
LineTo(xy0,c, PL)
# Computing points coordinates for rPolyline function from 3D and around 0,0 to pygame coordinates
def Pointransf(xy, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0):
x = xy[0] * resize
y = xy[1] * resize
z = 0
rad = rotx * math.pi / 180
cosaX = math.cos(rad)
sinaX = math.sin(rad)
y2 = y
y = y2 * cosaX - z * sinaX
z = y2 * sinaX + z * cosaX
rad = roty * math.pi / 180
cosaY = math.cos(rad)
sinaY = math.sin(rad)
z2 = z
z = z2 * cosaY - x * sinaY
x = z2 * sinaY + x * cosaY
rad = rotz * math.pi / 180
cosZ = math.cos(rad)
sinZ = math.sin(rad)
x2 = x
x = x2 * cosZ - y * sinZ
y = x2 * sinZ + y * cosZ
#print xy, (x + xpos,y+ ypos)
return (x + xpos,y+ ypos)
to understand why it get negative Y
# 3D to 2D projection
factor = 4 * gstt.cc[22] / ((gstt.cc[21] * 8) + z)
print xy, (x * factor + xpos, - y * factor + ypos )
return (x * factor + xpos, - y * factor + ypos )
# Send 2D point list around 0,0 with 3D rotation resizing and reposition around xpos ypos
#def rPolyLineOneColor(self, xy_list, c, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =1, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0):
def rPolyLineOneColor(xy_list, c, PL , closed, xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0):
xy0 = None
for xy in xy_list:
if xy0 is None:
xy0 = xy
LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),0, PL)
LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL)
LineTo(Pointransf(xy, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL)
if closed:
LineTo(Pointransf(xy0, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz),c, PL)
def LinesPL(PL):
print "Stupido !! your code is to old : use DrawPL() instead of LinesPL()"
def DrawPL(PL):
#print '/pl/0/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL])
if r.set('/pl/'+str(ClientNumber)+'/'+str(PL), str(pl[PL])) == True:
pl[PL] = []
return True
return False
def ResetPL(self, PL):
pl[PL] = []
def DigitsDots(number,color):
dots =[]
for dot in ASCII_GRAPHICS[number]:
#print dot
#self.point_list.append((xy + (c,)))
return dots
def CharDots(char,color):
dots =[]
for dot in ASCII_GRAPHICS[ord(char)-46]:
return dots
def Text(message,c, PL, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz):
dots =[]
l = len(message)
i= 0
#print message
for ch in message:
#print ""
# texte centre en x automatiquement selon le nombre de lettres l
x_offset = 26 * (- (0.9*l) + 3*i)
#print i,x_offset
if ord(ch)<58:
char_pl_list = ASCII_GRAPHICS[ord(ch) - 48]
char_pl_list = ASCII_GRAPHICS[ord(ch) - 46]
char_draw = []
#dots.append((char_pl_list[0][0] + x_offset,char_pl_list[0][1],0))
for xy in char_pl_list:
char_draw.append((xy[0] + x_offset,xy[1],c))
i +=1
#print ch,char_pl_list,char_draw
rPolyLineOneColor(char_draw, c, PL , False, xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz)