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2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
clients First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
webui First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
cli.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
gstt.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
homographyp.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
las.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
mainy.conf First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
mainyservers.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
newdacp.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
README.md First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
settings.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00
websocket_server.py First commit 2018-12-13 12:05:32 +01:00

LJ v0.7.0

By Sam Neurohack, Loloster, Cocoa



A software server with gui for up to 4 lasers live actions. Think creative like Laser "battles", planetarium,...

No .ild file here, you run your client that generate/send point lists to LJ. Any redis capable programming langage is fine.

Needs at least : an etherdream DAC connected to an ILDA laser, RJ 45 IP network (gigabits only !! no wifi, 100 mpbs doesn't work well with several lasers)

GUIs : WebUI, TouchOSC, Pure Data patch. You can build your own GUI and send/get commands to/from LJ through OSC. Attention : the Pure Data patch works with PD-extended 0.43. Any contribution for whatever "better" Pure Data version are welcome.

Devices supported : Launchpad mini, LP8, enttec DMX PRO, bhoreal, nozoids, gamepad, smartphone & tablet (with OSC like gyroscopes) and any MIDI controller that is recognised by your OS.

Nozosc : Semi modular synthetizers from Nozoids can send a lot of their inner sound curves and be displayed in many ways, i.e VCO 1 on X axis and LFO 2 on Y axis.

You can also send OSC commands to a video, music,... external software to trigger what you want.

The server approach is based on redis. One process per etherdream is spawn to : retrieve the given point list from redis, warp, resample and manage the given etherdream DAC dialog.

Features among many others.

(Doc in progress)

  • Automatically hook to Midi devices IN & OUT seen by OS. Very cool : LJ can script or be scripted by a midi device : Triggering different musics at given moments,... or in opposite, you can make a midi file with an external midi sequencer to script/trigger laser effects.

  • Automatic USB enttec PRO DMX interface detection. See mydmx.py

  • OSC server. Very cool : LJ can also script or be scripted with an OSC sequencer like Vezer or score.

  • OSC to midi bridge (see /note and /cc/number)

  • OSC to DMX bridge (see /cc/number)

  • Bhoreal and Launchpad device start animation

  • Control all leds of Bhoreal and Launchpad Mini through midi. Notes on and off, velocity is color.

  • Interactive (mouse style) warp correction for each laser.

  • Interactive (mouse style) any shape correction. Imagine you project on a building and want to use the windows like in a pinball. You need to define rectangle corner points and align them to the window, that's a shape you can use. The shape point list must be defined in the given laser "screen". See configuration file mainy.conf example.

  • Using python for client, you can use all bhorosc functions like control Resolume Arena video software through OSC : import bhorosc bhorosc.sendresol("/layer1/clip1/connect",1)

  • Web ui : In your browser open webui/index.html. Javascript is needed.

  • Status every 0.5 seconds : every etherdream DAC state, number of buffer points sent,...

  • "Optimisation" points automatically added, can be changed live for glitch art. See

External devices

(Doc in Progress)

  • LPD8 : A config file is included.
  • enttec USB pro
  • LaunchPad mini
  • Bhoreal
  • Joypads : Joypads are detected and read by pygame. You need to adapt the button mapping to your specific gamepad in the code. Search "joypad" in setexample.py


You need to update mainy.conf to your network/etherdreams IPs and Be sure to check command arguments : python mainyservers.py --help

LJ is meant for Live, so a lot of parameters can be changed via OSC/midi, webUI,...

Program your own "Client" :

  • Read the Introduction part in this readme.
  • Carefully read all comments in clients examples.
  • Generate at least one point list array (say a square).
  • Feed your point list string to redis server

If you need to receive data externally :

use /nozoid/osc/number value : Get the new value in gstt.osc[number] (number : 0-255) or program your own OSC commands in bhorosc.py

Joypads :

You need to decide what to do with joypads axis, hat, buttons. See joypads() in setexample.py. To adapt pygame button numbers to your gamepad use :

python joys.py

"Shapes" :

"Shapes" are mouse editable areas i.e you make a flipper on a building and want something happen with the building windows. "Shapes" are the list of points you see at the beginning of conf file. "Shapes" are grouped in "Screens" that will be displayed by a given laser. See curve 0 in setexample.py Again "Shapes" are only mousely editable list of points : you can display them or not.


In terminal type :


Check the bind line in /etc/redis/redis.conf :

  • If client and laser servers computers are the same, use
  • Client and laser server are different, use the laser server computer IP.

In webui/index.html change the ws ip adress to the server IP or if client computer = laser server computer.

Using the same idea check all ip address in mainy.conf.

For network Gurus : bind to all network interface scheme is not working yet.

To run

Always start the laser server first.

Case 1 : the laser server computer is the same that the computer running a client :

python mainyservers.py

Open/reload in browser webui/index.html. (javascript must be enabled)

Check in your client if the server IP is the good one

Run your client

to monitor redis server :

redis-cli monitor

Case 2 : Server and Client computers are different :

Say the laser server computer (running LJ) IP is, the client computer is

On the server computer : edit /etc/redis/redis.conf python mainyservers.py -r

on the client computer for all features :

to just generate and send list points node testredis.js

to monitor redis server :

redis-cli -h monitor


(Doc in Progress)

  • Find 3D rotations matrices and 2 projections, test speed / normal algo with algotest.py
  • Smaller cpu footprint (compute only when something has changed,...)
  • kpps live modification for glitch art.
  • Improve Bhoreal & LaunchPad inputs
  • Tags for automatic laser load/ balancing
  • Texts : multilasers support, more fonts.
  • Improve WebUI with simulator.
  • tomidi should not disable other targets.
  • Warp corrections should not used warpdestinations default values in conf file.

LJ OSC commands :


/noteon number velocity
: Note on sent to laser (see Midi below for notes effects). Noteon can also be send to midi targets if gstt.tomidi is True, but this disable all other targets for the moment. Todo.

/noteoff number : Note off is sent only to midi targets.

/accxyz x y z : TouchOSC gyroscope x assigned to cc 1 and y assigned to cc 2. See Midi below for cc effects.

/gyrosc/gyro x y z : Change 3D rotation angles with gyroscope float values. i.e for GyrOSC iOS app. At this time Z is ignored and Z rotation set to 0

/point x y z : Set point coordinates for "slave" curve. Need to be changed change to collections deque as in llstr.py

/stop/rotation : Set all 3D rotations speed and 3D rotation angles to 0

/cc/number value : Change the cc with given value. Effect will depend on flags set to True : gstt.todmx (value is forwarded to dmx channel) , gstt.tomidi, gstt.tolaser (center align or curve mode). See cc effects below

/number value : switch current displayed curve to value.

/quit : Do nothing yet

Laser Control

/display number : Select what point list (PL) is displayed by simulator

/swap/X/lasernumber value (0 or 1) : switch on and off general X inversion on given laser

/swap/Y/lasernumber value (0 or 1) : switch on and off general Y inversion on given laser

/loffset/X/lasernumber value : Move X center on given laser of value pixels

/loffset/Y/lasernumber value : Move Y center on given laser of value pixels

/scale/X/lasernumber value : Stretch laser display of given laser of value

/scale/Y/lasernumber value : Stretch laser display of given laser of value

/ip/lasernumber IP : Assign a new etherdream (by its IP adress) for given laser number

/angle/lasernumber value : Change geometric angle correction for given laser number by computing a new homgraphy

/intens/lasernumber value : Assign a new beam intensity for given laser (todo : if etherdream can actually change it)

/grid/lasernumber value (0 or 1) : Toggle a grid display for given laser

/mouse/lasernumber value (0 or 1) : Toggle the mapping function for given laser


For currently selected laser and in RGB Color mode (see below MIDI notes effects to switch Color mode and "current" laser selection)

/red 0 : Switch off blue laser.

/red 255 (or >0) Switch on blue laser

/green 0 : Switch off blue laser

/green 255 (or >0) Switch on blue laser

/blue 0 : Switch off blue laser

/blue 255 (or >0) Switch on blue laser

Bhoreal and Launchpad devices


/led led number color : Switch on given led with given color.

/led/xy x y color Switch on led with x y position to given color.

/xy x y

/allcolorbhor : Switch all Bhoreal Leds with given colour (0-127)

/clsbhor : Switch off all bhoreal leds

/padmode : Code not available yet in LJay. Different modes available for Bhoreal and Launchpad. "Prompt" = 10 ; "Myxo" = 2 ; "Midifile" = 3

Nozoids synthetizers

Nozoid synthetizer

Functions originated by nozosc.py and executed in llstr.py (See Nozosc readme for complete OSC implementation and how to control Nozosc). A new firmware by loloster is mandatory for OCS 2 (https://github.com/loloster/ocs-2) and MMO3 (https://github.com/loloster/mmo-3). "curve" means on of the 4 curves managed by nozosc. setllstr.py as differents Set/Curve generator called by LJay that displays these 4 "curves";

/nozoid/osc/number value : Store a new value for given oscillator/LFO/VCO

/nozoid/X value curve : Use given oscillator/LFO/VCO number as X axis for given curve . See llstr.py

/nozoid/Y value curve : use given oscillator/LFO/VCO number for Y axis for given curve. See llstr.py

/nozoid/color r g b curve : set current laser color for given curve

/nozoid/knob/number value : Not used yet

/nozoid/mix/number value : Not used yet

/nozoid/vco/number value : Not used yet

/nozoid/lfo/number value : Not used yet


Advanced Gui

/on : Accept a GUI with status widget. Automatically get its IP, send status,...

/off : Disconnect the GUI

/status text Display some text on status widget GUI

TouchOSC GUI button matrix

/clear : Clear status widget text.

/enter : should validate previous chosen number

/control/matrix/Y/X 0 or 1 First screen ("Control") buttons toggle state : on or off

/pad/rights/note 0 or 1 "Pad" screen (launchpad mini simulator screen), right column : Send note on and note off

/pad/tops/cc 0 or 1 "Pad" screen top raw : Send CC 0/127

Midi commands

Midi Note : built in midi notes assignation. More : if you hook a midi led matrix like bhoreal, led are updated. See Noteon_Update() in bhorosc.py

0-7 Curve choice. Note on 0 to set Curve O, Note on 1 for Curve 1,...

8-15 Set choice. All happening Live, so as the new Set may not have the same Curve number, changing Set autoselect the builtin "black" curve (-1) as a fallback, so you can safely choose a new Curve in the new Set. Example : to switch to Set 0, use note on 8. For Set 1 use note on 9,....

16-23 Laser choice. "Current laser" choice Example : to switch to Laser 0, use note on 16. For Laser 1 use note on 17,....

24-31 SimuPL choice. Example : to display PL 0 on simulator it's note on 24. To display PL 1 on simulator it's note on 25....

57 Color mode : Rainbow

58 Color mode : RGB

Midi CC channel effects (0-127) built in assignation, only if you use built in 3D rotation and 2D projection in your code. You can assign any CC to any function you code. You can get current value in gstt.cc[ccnumber]. See setexample.py

1 X position

2 Y position

5 X select for Lissa curves (set curve )

6 Y select for Lissa curves (set curve )

21 3D projection : FOV

22 3D projection : Distance

29 3D Rotation speed X

30 3D Rotation speed Y

31 3D Rotation speed Z

Resolume Arena commands

A dedicated OSC client is built in. To send OSC commands to resolume use something like


Remember to specify Resolume IP and port in the beginning of bhorosc.py

Ether dream configuration

Etherdream Laser DAC

This program suppose that the ether dream is configured in a certain way especially for its IP address. For ether dream 1 : write an autoplay.txt file inside an SD Card within the ether dream DAC, with the following lines you can adjust i.e for pps or fps. Yes, there is a builtin DHCP client in the ether dream DAC but if you run multiple lasers, having a fixed dedicated network makes you focus on laser stuff.




/ilda/pps 25000

/ilda/fps 25

About hardware setup, especially if you have several lasers : ILDA cables are insanely expensive. You may consider the Power Over Ethernet 'POE' option. Buy a very small ILDA cable, a POE splitter and connect everything to the ether dream fixed near your laser. You can have then a simple and very long network cable and use a Power Over Ethernet injector or switch closed to the driving computer. Beware some vendors use 24V POE Injector : POE injectors and splitters must match.

Coordinates if you use the proj() function

3D points (x,y,z) has 0,0,0 in the middle A square centered around origin and size 200 (z =0 is added automatically) : ([-200, -200, 0], [200, -200, 0], [200, 200, 0], [-200, 200, 0], [-200, -200, 0])

Pygame screen points are 2D. 0,0 is top left with no 3D rotations + 3D -> 2D Projection + translation to top left: [(300.0, 400.0), (500.0, 400.0), (500.0, 200.0), (300.0, 200.0), (300.0, 400.0)]

Pygame points with color is fed to laser renderer [(300.0, 400.0, 0), (500.0, 400.0, 16776960), (500.0, 200.0, 16776960), (300.0, 200.0, 16776960), (300.0, 400.0, 16776960)]

Laser points traced

Because of blanking many points are automatically added and converted in etherdream coordinates system -32765 to +32765 in x and y axis.

16 (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0), (-1500.0, 1500.0, 0, 0, 0) 8 (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, 1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0) 8 (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0) 8 (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0), (-1500.0, -1500.0, 65280, 65280, 0)