#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' LJ Laser Pong v0.8 Sam Neurohack ''' import pygame import math import itertools import sys import os import types ''' is_py2 = sys.version[0] == '2' if is_py2: from Queue import Queue else: from queue import Queue ''' import thread import time import random import lj import entities from controller import setup_controls import argparse from OSC import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage OSCIP = "" OSCPort = 8020 score = None screen_size = [800,600] top_left = [200,100] bottom_left = [200,300] top_right = [600,100] bottom_right = [600,300] score_pos = [550,40] score2_pos = [259,40] text_pos = [300,500,200] ball_origin = [400,300,200] BALL_SPEED = 5 BALL_SIZE_X = 3 BALL_SIZE_Y = 3 BALL_acc = 0.06 PADDLE_height = 100 PADDLE_width = 10 FlipsSpeed = 7 FLIPS_lorigin = [10,300,0] FLIPS_rorigin = [780,300,400] FlipsLx, FlipsLy = FLIPS_lorigin[0], FLIPS_lorigin[1] FlipsRx, FlipsRy = FLIPS_rorigin[0], FLIPS_rorigin[1] xy_center = [screen_size[0]/2,screen_size[1]/2] GAME_FS_QUIT = -1 GAME_FS_MENU = 0 GAME_FS_PLAY = 1 GAME_FS_GAMEOVER = 2 GAME_FS_LAUNCH = 2 SCORE_ZOOM_PLAYING = 1.6 SCORE_ZOOM_GAMEOVER = 5.0 SCORE_DZOOM_PLAYING = -0.4 SCORE_DZOOM_GAMEOVER = 0.1 Score1Zoom = SCORE_ZOOM_PLAYING GRAVITY = 0.0001 fs = GAME_FS_MENU def rgb2int(r,g,b): return int('0x%02x%02x%02x' % (r,g,b),0) white = rgb2int(255,255,255) red = rgb2int(255,0,0) blue = rgb2int(0,0,255) green = rgb2int(0,255,0) # # Arguments handling # print ("") print ("Arguments parsing if needed...") argsparser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="Laserpong") argsparser.add_argument("-r","--redisIP",help="IP of the Redis server used by LJ ( by default) ",type=str) argsparser.add_argument("-c","--client",help="LJ client number (0 by default)",type=int) argsparser.add_argument("-l","--laser",help="Laser number to be displayed (0 by default)",type=int) args = argsparser.parse_args() if args.client: ljclient = args.client else: ljclient = 0 if args.laser: plnumber = args.laser else: plnumber = 0 # Redis Computer IP if args.redisIP != None: redisIP = args.redisIP else: redisIP = '' lj.Config(redisIP,ljclient) def StartPlaying(first_time = False): global fs lscore = 0 rscore = 0 fs = GAME_FS_LAUNCH x = ball_origin[0] y = ball_origin[1] app_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) # # Pads via pygame # print "Pygame init..." pygame.init() #sounds.InitSounds() clock = pygame.time.Clock() Nbpads = pygame.joystick.get_count() print ("Joypads : ", str(Nbpads)) if Nbpads != 2: print ('') print ('') print ("THIS VERSION NEEDS 2 PADS. PLEASE CONNECT THEM.") print ('') sys.exit() if Nbpads > 1: pad2 = pygame.joystick.Joystick(1) pad2.init() print "Pad2 :", pad2.get_name() numButtons = pad2.get_numbuttons() #print ("Axis Pad 2 :", str(pad2.get_numaxes())) #print ("Buttons Pad 2 :" , str(numButtons)) # joy is pad abstraction to handle many different devices. joy2 = setup_controls(pad2) if Nbpads > 0: pad1 = pygame.joystick.Joystick(0) pad1.init() print "Pad1 :",pad1.get_name() numButtons = pad1.get_numbuttons() joy1 = setup_controls(pad1) #print ("Axis Pad 1 :", str(pad1.get_numaxes())) #print ("Buttons Pad 1 :" , str(numButtons)) update_screen = False xvel = - 1 yvel = 0 lscore = 0 rscore = 0 ly = FLIPS_lorigin[1] ry = FLIPS_rorigin[1] flipsy = [ly, ry] stick = 0 x = ball_origin[0] y = ball_origin[1] keystates = pygame.key.get_pressed() # # OSC # oscserver = OSCServer( (OSCIP, OSCPort) ) oscserver.timeout = 0 OSCRunning = True def OSCljclient(path, tags, args, source): print("LJ Pong got /ljpong/ljclient with value", args[0]) lj.WebStatus("LJPong to virtual "+ str(args[0])) ljclient = args[0] lj.LjClient(ljclient) def OSCpl(path, tags, args, source): print("LJ Pong got /ljpong/pl with value", args[0]) lj.WebStatus("LJPong to pl "+ str(args[0])) plnumber = args[0] # /ping def OSCping(path, tags, args, source): print("LJ Pong got /ping") lj.SendLJ("/pong","ljpong") lj.SendLJ("/ljpong/start",1) def OSC_frame(): # clear timed_out flag oscserver.timed_out = False # handle all pending requests then return while not oscserver.timed_out: oscserver.handle_request() def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True print "" print "Launching OSC server..." print "at", OSCIP, "port",str(OSCPort) oscserver.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(handle_timeout, oscserver) # OSC callbacks oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/ljpong/ljclient", OSCljclient ) oscserver.addMsgHandler("/ljpong/pl", OSCpl) oscserver.addMsgHandler("/ping", OSCping) print "Running..." # # Game main loop # while fs != GAME_FS_QUIT: for event in pygame.event.get(): if event.type == pygame.QUIT: fs = GAME_FS_QUIT OSC_frame() keystates_prev = keystates[:] keystates = pygame.key.get_pressed()[:] # Etats du jeu if fs == GAME_FS_MENU: if keystates[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: fs = GAME_FS_QUIT elif keystates[pygame.K_SPACE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_SPACE]: StartPlaying(True) lscore = 0 rscore = 0 if joy1.getFire1() or joy2.getFire1(): StartPlaying(False) lscore =0 rscore = 0 elif fs == GAME_FS_PLAY: if keystates[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: fs = GAME_FS_MENU ''' if Nbpads > 0: print "pad 1 :", joy1.getUp(), joy1.getDown(), joy1.getLeftTrigger(),joy1.getRightTrigger() print "pad 2 :", joy2.getUp(), joy2.getDown(), joy2.getLeftTrigger(),joy2.getRightTrigger() ''' # Lost ball / first to ten points ? #print " ball : " , x, y, " left : ", ly, " right : ", ry if x < FLIPS_lorigin[0] + PADDLE_width: print ("ball.y : ", y, " ly : ", ly) if y > (ly + PADDLE_height + 1) or y < (ly - BALL_SIZE_Y - 1): rscore += 1 xvel = random.uniform(-1,-0.6) if rscore == 11: fs = GAME_FS_MENU else: fs = GAME_FS_LAUNCH else: x = FLIPS_lorigin[0] + PADDLE_width xvel *= -1 if x > FLIPS_rorigin[0] - PADDLE_width: print ("ball.y : ", y, " ry : ", ry) if y < (ry - BALL_SIZE_Y - 1) or y > (ry + PADDLE_height + 1): lscore += 1 xvel = random.uniform(1,0.6) if lscore == 11: fs = GAME_FS_MENU else: fs = GAME_FS_LAUNCH else: xvel *= -1 x = FLIPS_rorigin[0] - PADDLE_width # wall detect if y < 0: y = 1 yvel *= -1 if y > screen_size[1]: y = screen_size[1] - 1 yvel *= -1 # Anim x += BALL_SPEED * xvel y += BALL_SPEED * yvel yvel += GRAVITY entities.BallMove(x,y) if Nbpads > 0: flipsy = entities.FlipsMove(joy1.getUp(),joy1.getDown(),joy2.getUp(),joy2.getDown()) else: flipsy = entities.FlipsMove(keystates[pygame.K_a],keystates[pygame.K_q],keystates[pygame.K_UP],keystates[pygame.K_DOWN]) ly = flipsy[0] ry = flipsy[1] elif fs == GAME_FS_LAUNCH: ''' if Nbpads > 0: print "pad 1 :", joy1.getUp(), joy1.getDown(), joy1.getLeftTrigger(),joy1.getRightTrigger() print "pad 2 :", joy2.getUp(), joy2.getDown(), joy2.getLeftTrigger(),joy2.getRightTrigger() print pad1.get_axis(0),pad2.get_axis(0) ''' if keystates[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: fs = GAME_FS_MENU if keystates[pygame.K_SPACE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_SPACE]: fs = GAME_FS_PLAY yvel = 0 while math.fabs(xvel + yvel) < 1: #xvel = random.uniform(-1,1) yvel = random.uniform(-1,1) if joy1.getFire1() or joy2.getFire1(): fs = GAME_FS_PLAY yvel = 0 while math.fabs(xvel + yvel) < 1: #xvel = random.uniform(-1,1) yvel = random.uniform(-1,1) x = ball_origin[0] y = ball_origin[1] entities.BallMove(x,y) if Nbpads > 0: flipsy = entities.FlipsMove(joy1.getUp(),joy1.getDown(),joy2.getUp(),joy2.getDown()) else: flipsy = entities.FlipsMove(keystates[pygame.K_a],keystates[pygame.K_q],keystates[pygame.K_UP],keystates[pygame.K_DOWN]) ly = flipsy[0] ry = flipsy[1] elif fs == GAME_FS_GAMEOVER: #TODO : MODE GAME OVER, autres opérations d'animation # Remarque : on peut supprimer le mode GAME OVER et le gérer dans le mode jeu # si les traitements sont les mêmes ''' if keystates[pygame.K_SPACE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_SPACE]: StartPlaying(False) ''' if joy1.getFire1() or joy2.getFire1(): StartPlaying(False) elif keystates[pygame.K_ESCAPE] and not keystates_prev[pygame.K_ESCAPE]: fs = GAME_FS_MENU # Peut-être aussi réinitialiser l'état dans le mode menu if fs == GAME_FS_PLAY or fs == GAME_FS_GAMEOVER or fs == GAME_FS_LAUNCH: entities.Score1Draw(lscore, plnumber) entities.Score2Draw(rscore, plnumber) entities.FlipsDraw(plnumber) entities.BallDraw(plnumber) entities.FiletDraw(plnumber) lj.DrawPL(plnumber) if fs == GAME_FS_MENU: entities.LogoDraw(plnumber) lj.DrawPL(plnumber) clock.tick(100) pygame.quit()