#!/usr/bin/python2.7 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' LJ Laser Server v0.8.1 Inspiration for new WebUI icon menu : https://codepen.io/AlbertFeynman/pen/mjXeMV Laser server + webUI servers (ws + OSC) - get point list to draw : /pl/lasernumber - for report /lstt/lasernumber /lack/lasernumber /cap/lasernumber - A nice ws debug tool : websocat - a "plugin" is a generator that send points to LJ. Plugins if they have an open OSC port can be checked and restart if in the same computer. Todo : - If no plugin ping is not received, restart the plugin. - upgrade to python3 All used ports: 8002 OSC incoming 9001 WS communication with WebGUI Plugins OSC Ports (see LJ.conf) ''' print "" print "" print "LJ Laser Server" print "v0.8.2" print "" import redis from libs import gstt, settings settings.Read() # Arguments may alter .conf file so import settings first then cli from libs import cli settings.Write() from multiprocessing import Process, Queue, TimeoutError import random, ast from libs import plugins, tracer, homographyp, commands, font1 import subprocess import sys import os #import midi from OSC import OSCServer, OSCClient, OSCMessage from websocket_server import WebsocketServer #import socket import types, thread, time r = redis.StrictRedis(host=gstt.LjayServerIP , port=6379, db=0) args =[0,0] def dac_process(number, pl): while True: try: d = tracer.DAC(number,pl) d.play_stream() except Exception as e: import sys, traceback if gstt.debug == 2: print '\n---------------------' print 'Exception: %s' % e print '- - - - - - - - - - -' traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) print "\n" pass except KeyboardInterrupt: sys.exit(0) # # webUI server # print "Laser client number :",gstt.SceneNumber serverIP = gstt.LjayServerIP print "Redis IP :", serverIP oscserverIP = gstt.oscIPin print "OSCserver IP :", oscserverIP nozoscIP = gstt.nozoscip print "Nozosc IP :", nozoscIP debug = gstt.debug print "Debug :", debug lasernumber = gstt.LaserNumber -1 print "Lasers requested :", gstt.LaserNumber # Websocket listening port wsPORT = 9001 # oscserver # OSC Server : accept OSC message on port 8002 #oscIPin = ""s oscserverIPin = serverIP print "oscserverIPin", oscserverIPin oscserverPORTin = 8002 # OSC Client : to send OSC message to an IP port 8001 oscserverIPout = oscserverIP oscserverPORTout = 8001 # Nozoid OSC Client : to send OSC message to Nozoid inport 8003 NozoscIPout = nozoscIP NozoscPORTout = plugins.Port("nozoid") # Planetarium OSC Client : to send OSC message to planetarium inport 8005 planetIPout = nozoscIP planetPORTout = plugins.Port("planet") # Bank0 OSC Client : to send OSC message to bank0 inport 8010 bank0IPout = nozoscIP bank0PORTout = plugins.Port("bank0") oscserver = OSCServer( (oscserverIPin, oscserverPORTin) ) oscserver.timeout = 0 OSCRunning = True def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True oscserver.handle_timeout = types.MethodType(handle_timeout, oscserver) # OSC default path handler : send incoming OSC message to UI via websocket 9001 def handler(path, tags, args, source): oscpath = path.split("/") if gstt.debug > 0: print "" print "OSC handler in main said : path", path," oscpath ", oscpath," args", args if oscpath[1] != "pong": sendWSall(path + " " + str(args[0])) commands.handler(oscpath,args) # RAW OSC Frame available ? def osc_frame(): #print 'oscframe' # clear timed_out flag oscserver.timed_out = False # handle all pending requests then return while not oscserver.timed_out: oscserver.handle_request() def PingAll(): print ("Pinging all plugins...") for plugin in gstt.plugins.keys(): print("pinging", plugin) #sendWSall("/"+ plugin + "/start 0") plugins.Ping(plugin) # OSC server Thread : handler, dacs reports and simulator points sender to UI. def osc_thread(): #while True: try: while True: time.sleep(0.1) osc_frame() for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): # Laser not used -> led is not lit lstt = r.get('/lstt/'+ str(laserid)) #print "laserid", laserid,"lstt",lstt if lstt == "0": # Dac IDLE state(0) -> led is blue (3) sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 3") if lstt == "1": # Dac PREPARE state (1) -> led is cyan (2) sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 2") if lstt == "2": # Dac PLAYING (2) -> led is green (1) sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 1") lack= r.get('/lack/'+str(laserid)) if gstt.debug >1: print "laserid", laserid, "lack", lack if lack == 'a': # Dac sent ACK ("a") -> led is green (1) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) +" 1") if lack == 'F': # Dac sent FULL ("F") -> led is orange (5) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) +" 5") if lack == 'I': # Dac sent INVALID ("I") -> led is yellow (4) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid)+" 4") #print lack if lack == "64" or lack =="35": # no connection to dac -> leds are red (6) sendWSall("/lack/" + str(laserid) + " 0") sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 0") #sendWSall("/lstt/" + str(laserid) + " 0") sendWSall("/points/" + str(laserid) + " 0") else: # last number of points sent to etherdream buffer sendWSall("/points/" + str(laserid) + " " + str(r.get('/cap/'+str(laserid)))) #print "Sending simu frame from",'/pl/'+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+'/'+str(gstt.Laser) #print r.get('/pl/'+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+'/'+str(gstt.Laser)) sendWSall("/simul" +" "+ r.get('/pl/'+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+'/'+str(gstt.Laser))) except Exception as e: import sys, traceback print '\n---------------------' print 'Exception: %s' % e print '- - - - - - - - - - -' traceback.print_tb(sys.exc_info()[2]) print "\n" # # Websocket part # # Called for every WS client connecting (after handshake) def new_client(client, wserver): print("New WS client connected and was given id %d" % client['id']) sendWSall("/status Hello %d" % client['id']) for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): sendWSall("/ip/" + str(laserid) + " " + str(gstt.lasersIPS[laserid])) sendWSall("/kpps/" + str(laserid)+ " " + str(gstt.kpps[laserid])) sendWSall("/laser"+str(laserid)+"/start 1") if gstt.swapX[laserid] == 1: sendWSall("/swap/X/" + str(laserid)+ " 1") else: sendWSall("/swap/X/" + str(laserid)+ " 0") if gstt.swapY[laserid] == 1: sendWSall("/swap/Y/" + str(laserid)+ " 1") else: sendWSall("/swap/Y/" + str(laserid)+ " 0") # Called for every WS client disconnecting def client_left(client, wserver): print("WS Client(%d) disconnected" % client['id']) # Called for each WS received message. def message_received(client, wserver, message): if len(message) > 200: message = message[:200]+'..' #if gstt.debug >0: # print ("") # print("WS Client(%d) said: %s" % (client['id'], message)) print("") oscpath = message.split(" ") if gstt.debug > 0: print "WS Client", client['id'], "said :", message, "splitted in an oscpath :", oscpath PingAll() message4plugin = False # WS received Message is for a plugin ? for plugin in gstt.plugins.keys(): if oscpath[0].find(plugin) != -1: message4plugin = True if plugins.Send(plugin,oscpath): print "message sent correctly to", plugin else: print"plugin was offline" # WS received message is an LJ command if message4plugin == False: if len(oscpath) == 1: args[0] = "noargs" #print "noargs command" elif len(oscpath) > 1: args[0] = str(oscpath[1]) #print "arg",oscpath[1] commands.handler(oscpath[0].split("/"),args) print "" # if needed a loop back : WS Client -> server -> WS Client #sendWSall("ws"+message) def handle_timeout(self): self.timed_out = True def sendWSall(message): #if gstt.debug >0: #print("WS sending %s" % (message)) wserver.send_message_to_all(message) ''' print "" print "Midi Configuration" midi.InConfig() midi.OutConfig() ''' # Creating a startup point list for each client : 0,1,2,... print "" for clientid in range(0,gstt.MaxScenes+1): print "Creating startup point lists for client",clientid,"..." digit_points = font1.DigitsDots(clientid,65280) # Order all lasers to show the laser client number at startup -> tell all 4 laser process to USER PLs for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): if r.set('/pl/'+str(clientid)+'/'+str(laserid), str(digit_points)) == True: print "/pl/"+str(clientid)+"/"+str(laserid)+" ", ast.literal_eval(r.get('/pl/'+str(clientid)+'/'+str(laserid))) r.set('/order/'+str(laserid), 0) if r.set("/clientkey","/pl/"+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+"/")==True: print "sent clientkey : /pl/"+str(gstt.SceneNumber)+"/" print "" print "Etherdream connection check is NOT DISPLAYED" # Launch one process (a newdacp instance) by etherdream print "" dac_worker0= Process(target=dac_process,args=(0,0)) print "Launching Laser 0 Process..." dac_worker0.start() if lasernumber >0: dac_worker1= Process(target=dac_process,args=(1,0)) print "Launching Laser 1 Process..." dac_worker1.start() if lasernumber >1: dac_worker2= Process(target=dac_process,args=(2,0)) print "Launching Laser 2 Process..." dac_worker2.start() if lasernumber >2: dac_worker3= Process(target=dac_process,args=(3,0)) print "Launching Laser 3 Process..." dac_worker3.start() # Main loop do nothing. Maybe do the webui server ? try: #while True: # Websocket startup wserver = WebsocketServer(wsPORT,host=serverIP) plugins.Init(wserver) # Launch OSC thread listening to oscserver print "" print "Launching OSC server..." print "at", oscserverIPin, "port",str(oscserverPORTin) print "Will update webUI dac status every second" oscserver.addMsgHandler( "/noteon", commands.NoteOn ) # Default OSC handler for all OSC incoming message oscserver.addMsgHandler("default", handler) thread.start_new_thread(osc_thread, ()) #print wserver print "" print "Launching webUI Websocket server..." print "at", serverIP, "port",wsPORT wserver.set_fn_new_client(new_client) wserver.set_fn_client_left(client_left) wserver.set_fn_message_received(message_received) print "" print "Resetting all Homographies.." for laserid in range(0,gstt.LaserNumber): homographyp.newEDH(laserid) print "" print "WS server running forever..." wserver.run_forever() except KeyboardInterrupt: pass # Gently stop on CTRL C finally: dac_worker0.join() if lasernumber >0: dac_worker1.join() if lasernumber >1: dac_worker2.join() if lasernumber >2: dac_worker3.join() for laserid in range(0,lasernumber+1): print "Laser",laserid,"feedbacks reset." r.set('/lack/'+str(laserid),64) r.set('/lstt/'+str(laserid),64) r.set('/cap/'+str(laserid),0) print "Fin de LJ." ''' Some code previously used, for reference : random_points = [(300.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 200.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 0), (500.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 200.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280), (500.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 400.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280), (300.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 400.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280), (300.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 200.0+random.randint(-100, 100), 65280)] '''