#!/usr/bin/python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # -*- mode: Python -*- ''' Aurora tutorial generator Square LICENCE : CC Sam Neurohack 2 Cases : 1/ You generate one points position (x,y,z) list, like a one color square and send it back to Aurora that will add color, move your points,... cf code Case 1 2/ You need several points positions lists with different parameters like colors,... cf code Case 2 You need to use as much as primitive drawing functions you need : - PolyLineOneColor, rPolyLineOneColor, LineTo, Line - PolyLineRGB, rPolyLineRGB, LineRGBTo, LineRGB - Text(word, integercolor, layer , xpos, ypos, resize, rotx, roty, rotz) : Display a word - TextRGB(word, red, green, blue, ...) Your function get a LAY argument Layer properties from current UI. But you can use your numbers 'number': 0 'FX': "anim.Maxwell" 'scandots': 10 'scale': 2 'color': red "run": True 'Xcoord': 0 'Ycoord': 250 'Zcoord': 0 'Xtransamt': 0 'Ytransamt': 0 'Ztransamt': 0 'Xtranspeed': 0 'Ytranspeed': 0 'Ztranspeed': 0 'Xrotdirec': 0 'Yrotdirec': 0 'Zrotdirec': 0 'Xrotspeed': 0 'Yrotspeed': 0 'Zrotspeed': 0 'rotspeed': 0 'lineSize': 300 'radius': 150 'wavefreq': 3 'step':0 'steps': 500 'stepmax': 200 'stepvals': [] 'intensity': 255 'closed': False 'word': "hello" ''' import numpy as np # # Code Case 1 # def slinear(samples, min, max): return np.linspace(min, max, samples) # draw a square def User1(LAY): dots = [] size = LAY['lineSize'] number = LAY['scandots'] for x in slinear(number, 0, size): dots.append((x , 0, 0)) for y in slinear(number, 0, size): dots.append((size , y, 0)) for x in slinear(number, size, 0): dots.append((x , size, 0)) for y in slinear(number, size, 0): dots.append((0 , y, 0)) #print(dots) return dots # # Code Case 2 # import os, sys import math ljpath = r'%s' % os.getcwd().replace('\\','/') #import from LJ #sys.path.append(ljpath +'/libs/') sys.path.append('../libs3') #sys.path.append(ljpath +'/../../libs') import lj23layers as lj width = 800 height = 600 centerX = width / 2 centerY = height / 2 # colors examples white = lj.rgb2int(255,255,255) red = lj.rgb2int(255,0,0) blue = lj.rgb2int(0,0,255) green = lj.rgb2int(0,255,0) cyan = lj.rgb2int(255,0,255) yellow = lj.rgb2int(255,255,0) def User2(LAY): for y in range(0, 300): dots = [] lj.rLine((100 , y, 0), (150 , y, 0), c= red, layer = LAY['number'], xpos = LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) lj.rLineTo((200, y, 0), c= green, layer = LAY['number'], xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) lj.rLineTo((300, y, 0), c= red, layer = LAY['number'], xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) lj.rLineTo((350, y, 0), c= green, layer = LAY['number'], xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) lj.rLineTo((400,y, 0), c= red, layer = LAY['number'], xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) ''' for x in slinear(number, 0, 300): dots = [] if 50 < x < 60: dots.append((x , y, 0)) rLineTo(xy, c, layer , xpos = 0, ypos =0, resize =0.7, rotx =0, roty =0 , rotz=0) else: lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) for x in slinear(number, size, 0): dots.append((x , size, 0)) ''' #lj.rPolyLineRGBr(dots, c = white, layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) #lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) def User3(LAY, data): dots = [] for angle in slinear(LAY['scandots'], 0, 360): rad = angle * math.pi / 180 x = LAY['radius'] * math.cos(rad) y = LAY['radius'] * math.sin(rad) dots.append((x+LAY['lineSize']/2, y, 0)) lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = white, layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = LAY['color'], layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = -300 +LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) # draw an helix def User4(LAY): dots = [] for angle in slinear(LAY['scandots'], 0, 360*LAY['wavefreq']): rad = angle * math.pi / 180 x = LAY['radius'] * math.cos(rad) y = LAY['radius'] * math.sin(rad) z = angle * 2 dots.append((x+LAY['lineSize']/2, y, z)) #print(dots) return dots # draw a point def User4(LAY): dots = [] dots.append((centerX,centerY, 0)) dots.append((centerX +2,centerY+2, 0)) lj.rPolyLineOneColor(dots, c = red, layer = LAY['number'], closed = False, xpos = LAY['Xcoord'], ypos = -300+LAY['Ycoord'], resize = LAY['scale'], rotx = LAY['Xrotdirec'], roty = LAY['Yrotdirec'], rotz = LAY['Zrotdirec']) #print(dots) return dots