= Web Interface You can load index.html file from your browser or have a webserver of your choice pointing to this directory. Webserver is mandatory if you want : - to remotely control LJ : imagine LJ can be installed in a dedicated computer/container with no easy access. - to use the face tracking, say from a smartphone. That's Lasercam (a clmtrackr plugin). == Simu A laser simulator. Choose lasernumber and it will display redis points for current scene/lasernumber == clmtrackr [![npm version](https://img.shields.io/npm/v/clmtrackr.svg)](https://www.npmjs.com/package/clmtrackr) ![tracked face](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/media/clmtrackr_03.jpg) **clmtrackr** is a javascript library for fitting facial models to faces in videos or images. It currently is an implementation of *constrained local models* fitted by *regularized landmark mean-shift*, as described in [Jason M. Saragih's paper](http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1938021). **clmtrackr** tracks a face and outputs the coordinate positions of the face model as an array, following the numbering of the model below: [![facemodel_numbering](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/media/facemodel_numbering_new_small.png)](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/media/facemodel_numbering_new.png) [Reference](http://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/docs/reference.html) - [Overview](https://www.auduno.com/2014/01/05/fitting-faces/) The library provides some generic face models that were trained on [the MUCT database](http://www.milbo.org/muct/) and some additional self-annotated images. Check out [clmtools](https://github.com/auduno/clmtools) for building your own models. For tracking in video, it is recommended to use a browser with WebGL support, though the library should work on any modern browser. For some more information about Constrained Local Models, take a look at Xiaoguang Yan's [excellent tutorial](https://sites.google.com/site/xgyanhome/home/projects/clm-implementation/ConstrainedLocalModel-tutorial%2Cv0.7.pdf?attredirects=0), which was of great help in implementing this library. ### Examples ### * [Tracking in image](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/clm_image.html) * [Tracking in video](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/clm_video.html) * [Face substitution](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/facesubstitution.html) * [Face masking](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/face_mask.html) * [Realtime face deformation](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/facedeform.html) * [Emotion detection](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/clm_emotiondetection.html) * [Caricature](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/caricature.html) ### Usage ### Download the minified library [clmtrackr.js](https://github.com/auduno/clmtrackr/raw/dev/build/clmtrackr.js), and include it in your webpage. ```html /* clmtrackr libraries */ ``` The following code initiates the clmtrackr with the default model (see the [reference](http://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/docs/reference.html) for some alternative models), and starts the tracker running on a video element. ```html ``` You can now get the positions of the tracked facial features as an array via ```getCurrentPosition()```: ```html ``` You can also use the built in function ```draw()``` to draw the tracked facial model on a canvas : ```html ``` See the complete example [here](https://auduno.github.io/clmtrackr/examples/example.html). ### Development ### First, install [node.js](http://nodejs.org/) with npm. In the root directory of clmtrackr, run `npm install` then run `npm run build`. This will create `clmtrackr.js` and `clmtrackr.module.js` in `build` folder. To test the examples locally, you need to run a local server. One easy way to do this is to install `http-server`, a small node.js utility: `npm install -g http-server`. Then run `http-server` in the root of clmtrackr and go to `https://localhost:8080/examples` in your browser. ### License ### **clmtrackr** is distributed under the [MIT License](http://www.opensource.org/licenses/MIT)