
110 lines
3.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

2018-12-13 11:05:32 +00:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# -*- mode: Python -*-
Settings Handler
import ConfigParser
import gstt
import ast
import numpy as np
def Write():
config.set('General', 'set', str(gstt.Set))
config.set('General', 'curve', str(gstt.Curve))
config.set('General', 'lasernumber', str(gstt.LaserNumber))
config.set('General', 'ljayserverip', str(gstt.LjayServerIP))
config.set('General', 'bhoroscip', str(gstt.oscIPin))
config.set('General', 'nozoscip', str(gstt.nozoscIP))
config.set('General', 'debug', str(gstt.debug))
2018-12-13 11:05:32 +00:00
for i in range(gstt.LaserNumber):
laser = 'laser' + str(i)
config.set(laser, 'ip', str(gstt.lasersIPS[i]))
config.set(laser, 'kpps', str(gstt.kpps[i]))
config.set(laser, 'centerx', str(gstt.centerX[i]))
config.set(laser, 'centery', str(gstt.centerY[i]))
config.set(laser, 'zoomx', str(gstt.zoomX[i]))
config.set(laser, 'zoomy', str(gstt.zoomY[i]))
config.set(laser, 'sizex', str(gstt.sizeX[i]))
config.set(laser, 'sizey', str(gstt.sizeY[i]))
config.set(laser, 'finangle', str(gstt.finANGLE[i]))
config.set(laser, 'swapx', str(gstt.swapX[i]))
config.set(laser, 'swapy', str(gstt.swapY[i]))
config.set(laser, 'warpdest', np.array2string(gstt.warpdest[i], precision=2, separator=',',suppress_small=True))
def Read():
gstt.Set = config.getint('General', 'set')
gstt.Curve = config.getint('General', 'curve')
gstt.LaserNumber = config.getint('General', 'lasernumber')
gstt.LjayServerIP= config.get('General', 'ljayserverip')
gstt.oscIPin = config.get('General', 'bhoroscip')
gstt.nozoscip = config.get('General', 'nozoscip')
gstt.debug = config.get('General', 'debug')
2018-12-13 11:05:32 +00:00
for i in range(4):
laser = 'laser' + str(i)
gstt.lasersIPS[i]= config.get(laser, 'ip')
gstt.lasersPLS[i] = config.getint(laser, 'PL')
gstt.kpps[i] = config.getint(laser, 'kpps')
#gstt.lasersPLcolor[i] = config.getint(laser, 'color')
gstt.centerX[i]= config.getint(laser, 'centerx')
gstt.centerY[i] = config.getint(laser, 'centery')
gstt.zoomX[i] = config.getfloat(laser, 'zoomx')
gstt.zoomY[i] = config.getfloat(laser, 'zoomy')
gstt.sizeX[i] = config.getint(laser, 'sizex')
gstt.sizeY[i] = config.getint(laser, 'sizey')
gstt.finANGLE[i] = config.getfloat(laser, 'finangle')
gstt.swapX[i] = config.getint(laser, 'swapx')
gstt.swapY[i] = config.getint(laser, 'swapy')
gstt.warpdest[i]= np.array(ast.literal_eval(config.get(laser, 'warpdest')))
print "* Reading", gstt.ConfigName, "setup file.*"
config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()
# Save all points for a given "shape" (=['Windows','0']) shapecoord is a list
# in any section of the mapping conf file
def MappingWrite(sections, shape, shapecoord):
shapestr = " ".join(str(x) for x in shapecoord)
config.set(sections[gstt.CurrentSection], shape, shapestr.replace("] [","],["))
def MappingWriteSection(sections, shape, shapecoord):
shapestr = " ".join(str(x) for x in shapecoord)
shapestr = "[" + shapestr.replace("] [","],[") + "]"
config.set(sections, shape, shapestr)
# Get a list of all points (="Corners") for a given "shape" = [section,option] like ['Windows','0']
def MappingRead(shape):
archi = ast.literal_eval(config.get(shape[0], shape[1]))
return archi
# Get shape numbers (i.e of windows in Windows section)
def Mapping(shape):
return len(config.options(shape))
# Get a list of all sections
def MappingSections():
return config.sections()