2024-01-03 22:40:11 +01:00

164 lines
5.3 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python3
import re
import xml
import yaml
# Première partie : Les relations individuelles de travail
re_partie = re.compile("^[^ ]+ partie :")
# Livre Ier : Dispositions préliminaires
re_livre = re.compile("^Livre")
# Titre Ier : Champ d'application et calcul des seuils d'effectifs
re_titre = re.compile("^Titre")
# Chapitre unique.
re_chapitre = re.compile("^Chapitre")
# Chapitre unique.
re_chapitre = re.compile("^Chapitre")
# Section 3 : Organismes consultatifs
re_section = re.compile("^Section ")
# Article L1111-1
re_article = re.compile("^Article")
class Doc():
content: dict = {}
partie: str = ""
livre: str = ""
titre: str = ""
chapitre: str = ""
section: str = ""
article: str = ""
text: str = ""
splits: list = []
def set_partie(self, arg: str):
self.partie = arg
self.livre = self.titre = self.chapitre = self.section = self.article = self.text = ""
def set_livre(self, arg: str):
self.livre = arg
self.titre = self.chapitre = self.section = self.article = self.text = ""
def set_titre(self, arg: str):
self.titre = arg
self.chapitre = self.section = self.article = self.text = ""
def set_chapitre(self, arg: str):
self.chapitre = arg
self.section = self.article = self.text = ""
def set_section(self, arg: str):
self.section = arg
self.article = self.text = ""
def set_article(self, arg: str):
self.article = arg
self.text = ""
def set_text(self, arg: str):
# Certains livre n'ont pas de chapitre manifest
if not self.chapitre:
self.chapitre = "Chapitre unique"
if not self.section:
self.section = "Section unique"
self.text += arg + " "
if not self.partie in self.content:
self.content[self.partie] = {}
if not self.livre in self.content[self.partie]:
self.content[self.partie][self.livre] = {}
if not self.titre in self.content[self.partie][self.livre]:
self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre] = {}
if not self.chapitre in self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre]:
self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre][self.chapitre] = {}
if not self.section in self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre][self.chapitre]:
self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre][self.chapitre][self.section] = {}
if not self.article in self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre][self.chapitre][self.section]:
self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre][self.chapitre][self.section][self.article] = ""
self.content[self.partie][self.livre][self.titre][self.chapitre][self.section][self.article] = self.text
def parse_line(line: str, doc: Doc) -> int:
if re_partie.match(line):
elif re_livre.match(line):
elif re_titre.match(line):
elif re_chapitre.match(line):
elif re_section.match(line):
elif re_article.match(line):
# Read the text as list of line
with open("./sources/code-travail-2022.txt") as fh:
lines = fh.readlines()
doc = Doc()
# Parse the line to get its type and value
for line in lines:
line = line.rstrip()
if not line:
parse_line(line, doc)
# with open("./sources/code-travail.yaml", "w") as fh:
# yaml.safe_dump(doc.content, fh)
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
# Create the root element of the XML tree
root = ET.Element('data')
# Iterate through the list of dictionaries
for partie, partie_value in doc.content.items():
for livre, livre_value in partie_value.items():
for titre, titre_value in livre_value.items():
for chapitre, chapitre_value in titre_value.items():
for section, section_value in chapitre_value.items():
for article, article_value in section_value.items():
entry = ET.SubElement(root, 'entry')
# Add the "metadata" as child elements of "entry"
metadata = ET.SubElement(entry, 'metadata')
metadata_content = {
"partie": partie,
"livre": livre,
"titre": titre,
"chapitre": chapitre,
"section": section,
"article": article
for key, value in metadata_content.items():
element = ET.SubElement(metadata, key)
element.text = value
# # Add "page_content" as a child element of "entry"
page_content = ET.SubElement(entry, 'page_content')
page_content.text = article_value
# Create an ElementTree object
tree = ET.ElementTree(root)
# Specify the XML file name
xml_filename = './sources/code-travail.xml'
# Save the XML tree to a file