stages: # - ansible-lint - deploy_app # ansible-lint: # only: # - master # stage: ansible-lint # image: yokogawa/ansible-lint # allow_failure: true # script: # - 'ansible-lint setup.yml' deploy_app: only: - master stage: deploy_app # TODO: use private ubuntu w/ ansible image to not reinstall ansible at every build # not working: # image: williamyeh/ansible:ubuntu18.04 # running systemd requires privileged container so instead of running services we run processes as daemons # not working: # image: jrei/systemd-ubuntu:latest image: ubuntu:latest script: - apt-add-repository --yes --update ppa:ansible/ansible # useless? # - apt update # sudo is used by some roles and not installed on docker - apt install --yes sudo software-properties-common ansible - "ansible-playbook -i gitlab-ci-inventory.ini setup.yml -vv --extra-var docker_enabled=true"