--- - hosts: synapse # todo: create user for synapse vars: # matrix_synapse_version: "v1.3.1" # localhosts causes certificate generation bugs # matrix_server_name: localhost matrix_server_name: dev matrix_synapse_deployment_method: pip matrix_synapse_baseurl: "https://{{ matrix_server_name }}" matrix_synapse_signing_key_path: "{{ matrix_synapse_base_path }}/tls/{{ matrix_server_name }}.signing.key" # Test variables, doesn't seem to be working. Maybe a hostname problem matrix_synapse_tls_cert: "" matrix_synapse_tls_key: "" matrix_synapse_pg_host: localhost matrix_synapse_pg_user: "{{ synapse_dbuser }}" matrix_synapse_pg_pass: "{{ synapse_dbpw }}" matrix_synapse_pg_db: "{{ synapse_dbname }}" matrix_synapse_report_stats: false # Report stats to matrix.org? matrix_synapse_extra_config: # no_tls:true disables port 8448 no_tls: false # pre_tasks: # tasks: roles: - synapse