# from galaxy
- src: geerlingguy.pip
- src: geerlingguy.postgresql
- src: geerlingguy.ansible-role-certbot

# from GitHub, overriding the name and specifying a specific tag
# - src: https://github.com/bennojoy/nginx
#   version: master
#   name: nginx_role

# from a webserver, where the role is packaged in a tar.gz
# - src: https://some.webserver.example.com/files/master.tar.gz
#   name: http-role

# from GitLab or other git-based scm, using git+ssh
- src: https://gitlab.com/famedly/ansible/synapse
  scm: git
  # version: "0.1"  # quoted, so YAML doesn't parse this as a floating-point value