Video Timelapse with IP Webcam
alban c48d96155b [fix] forgot a comment 2019-10-08 22:35:00 +02:00
.gitignore [init] 2019-10-02 21:43:07 +02:00
LICENSE [enh] Beerware License 2019-10-02 22:32:32 +02:00 Update '' 2019-10-02 19:59:04 +00:00 [init] 2019-10-02 21:43:07 +02:00 [fix] forgot a comment 2019-10-08 22:35:00 +02:00

#Time lapse using phone

Goal : upcycle an old phone into an IP Webcam and then make time lapse.

Hardware :

  • and old phone
  • a strong stand for your phone, use clamps and metal sticks
  • a WIFI network
  • a PC always on (server, raspberry, old laptop)
  • free space on the PC hard drive

Requirement :

  • a linux like system
  • python
  • ffmpeg

##Installation of IP Webcam

  • get an old phone
  • setup Wifi on the phone

Install an IP Webcam software on it

##Using IP Webcam

On Mobile

  • Setup the camera settings
  • Setup the network settings, notice the capture image URL : \url{http://192.168.?.?:8080/photo.jpg}
  • Position the phone and start the server

On the PC

##Picture automation

###Using the python script

 $ python <directory> <delay> <resolution>

current script take 1 picture and save it as last.jpg it also make a copy of this image, convert it to smaller resolution and save it with an timestamp name you can change line resolution = "1280x960"

##Produce the timelapse

 $ bash -d <directory> -s <rate> -p <prefix> -v <video_dir> -s <size>

 Opt | Variable      | Type  | Definition                           | Default value
 -d    directory       path    Directory path of images to convert    ./pics
 -r    rate            int     Convert only 1/N images                1
 -p    prefix          str     Images filename prefix.                ''
 -v    video_dir       path    Directory path to store video file.    ./videos
 -s    size            str     Images geometry.                       '1024x768'

Will save an mp4