
550 lines
21 KiB
Executable File

#! /usr/bin/env python3
# Source :
# smartmontools disk status
# Copyright (c) 2015 Andreas Thienemann <>
# Use all available SMART data to ascertain whether a disk is probably okay or not.
# As customer available SMART attributes are basically unusable to predict failure,
# the script will schedule selftests in order to discover disk (hopefully) before
# they result in loss of data.
# Licensed under the GPL v3.0 or any later version
import sys
import subprocess
import os
import time
import re
import pprint
import traceback
import stat
import argparse
class bcolors:
HEADER = '\033[95m'
OKBLUE = '\033[94m'
OKGREEN = '\033[92m'
WARNING = '\033[93m'
FAIL = '\033[91m'
ENDC = '\033[0m'
class smart_status:
def __init__(self):
# The errorcode decoder map for smartctl taken from the manpage
self.error_map = (
'Command line did not parse.',
'Device open failed, device did not return an IDENTIFY DEVICE structure, or device is in a low-power mode',
'Some SMART or other ATA command to the disk failed, or there was a checksum error in a SMART data structure',
'SMART status check returned "DISK FAILING"',
'We found prefail Attributes <= threshold.',
'SMART status check returned "DISK OK" but we found that some (usage or prefail) Attributes have been <= threshold at some time in the past.',
'The device error log contains records of errors.',
'The device self-test log contains records of errors. [ATA only] Failed self-tests outdated by a newer successful extended self-test are ignored.'
self.cfg = dict()
self.cfg['smartctl_bin'] = 'smartctl'
self.cfg['strict'] = False
self.cfg['smartctl_test_threshold'] = 0
self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] = 0
self.cfg['verbose'] = False
self.cfg['color'] = False
self.cfg['disks'] = list()
def colorize(self, mode):
if mode == False:
bcolors.HEADER = ''
bcolors.WARNING = ''
bcolors.OKGREEN = ''
bcolors.OKBLUE = ''
bcolors.FAIL = ''
bcolors.ENDC = ''
def find_disks(self):
disks = list()
for dev in sorted(os.listdir('/sys/block')):
with open('/sys/block/{}/device/type'.format(dev)) as f:
if == '0':
return disks
def schedule_selftest(self, dev, report = False):
(smart_health, smart_selftest, smart_log, smart_attr) = self.fetch_smart(dev, report)
if not self.judge_selftest(dev, smart_selftest, report = report):
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} Cannot schedule SMART selftest.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.FAIL, dev = dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return False
if self.judge_selftest_log(dev, smart_log, smart_attr, report = report)[1]:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} SMART selftest ran recently. Not scheduling a new one.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.OKBLUE, dev = dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return False
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} Scheduling SMART selftest.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.HEADER, dev = dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
output = subprocess.check_output([self.cfg['smartctl_bin'], '-t', 'long', dev], universal_newlines=True)
if 'Drive command "Execute SMART Extended self-test routine immediately in off-line mode" successful.' not in output:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} Scheduling SMART selftest failed.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.FAIL, dev = dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return False
elif 'Testing has begun.' in output:
for l in output.split("\n"):
if l.startswith("Please wait "):
duration = l.split()[2]
if l.startswith("Test will complete after "):
eta = l[len("Test will complete after "):]
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} Scheduling SMART selftest successful. Expected duration {duration} min, ETA: {eta}.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.OKBLUE, dev = dev, duration = duration, eta = eta, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return True
def judge_health(self, dev, smart_health, report = False):
# Overall health
if smart_health == "PASSED":
healthy = True
col = bcolors.HEADER
col = bcolors.FAIL
healthy = False
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} SMART Health status is {health}. (This value cannot necessarily be trusted){cls}".format(col = col, dev = dev, health = smart_health, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} SMART Health status cannot be determined.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.FAIL, dev = dev, health = smart_health, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
healthy = None
return healthy
def judge_attributes(self, dev, smart_attr, report = False):
healthy = None
# Smart Attributes to watch
# for a in ('Reallocated_Sector_Ct', 'Reported_Uncorrect', 'Command_Timeout', 'Current_Pending_Sector', 'Offline_Uncorrectable'):
# try:
# print a, smart_attr[a]['raw_value']
# except:
# print
if int(smart_attr['Current_Pending_Sector']['raw_value']) > 0:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} SMART Attribute Current_Pending_Sector indicates failing disk.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.FAIL, dev = dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
healthy = False
healthy = True
return healthy
def judge_selftest(self, dev, smart_selftest, report = False):
"""Judge whether we can schedule a selftest
(selftest_num, selftest_txt) = smart_selftest
if selftest_num == 0:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} No SMART selftest is currently running.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.OKBLUE, dev = dev, txt = selftest_txt, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return True
elif selftest_num >= 240 and selftest_num <= 250:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} SMART selftest is currently running: {txt}.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.OKBLUE, dev = dev, txt = selftest_txt, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return False
elif selftest_num == 25:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} Last SMART selftest had a problem: {txt}.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.WARNING, dev = dev, txt = selftest_txt, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return True
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} SMART selftest had a problem: {txt}.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.FAIL, dev = dev, txt = selftest_txt, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
return True
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} cannot determine selftest status.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.WARNING, dev = dev, cls = bcolors.ENDC) )
return False
def judge_selftest_log(self, dev, smart_log, smart_attr, report = False):
returns (selftest ok, selftest current)
healthy = True
current = None
uptime = int(smart_attr['Power_On_Hours']['raw_value'])
if report:
#print "{col}{dev} cannot determine power on hours.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.WARNING, dev=dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC)
# Iterate over the log entrys and ignore useless/invalid logs
for entry in sorted(smart_log):
if smart_log[entry]['Status'] in ('Self-test routine in progress', 'Interrupted (host reset)' and 'Aborted by host'):
last_test = int(smart_log[entry]['LifeTime(hours)'])
test_type = smart_log[entry]['Test_Description']
test_state = smart_log[entry]['Status']
test_diff = uptime - last_test
if test_diff < self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] * 24 and test_state == 'Completed without error':
if self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] == 0:
col = bcolors.HEADER
col = bcolors.OKGREEN
current = True
elif test_diff >= self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] * 24 * 2 and test_state == 'Completed without error':
if self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] == 0:
col = bcolors.HEADER
col = bcolors.FAIL
current = False
elif test_diff >= self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] * 24 and test_state == 'Completed without error':
if self.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] == 0:
col = bcolors.HEADER
col = bcolors.WARNING
current = False
elif test_state.startswith('Self-test routine in'):
col = ''
healthy = None
current = True
col = bcolors.FAIL
healthy = False
current = False
if report:
hrs = uptime - last_test
if hrs < 1:
tspec = '1 hour'
elif hrs <= 24:
tspec = '{} hours'.format(hrs)
elif hrs > 24 and hrs < 24 * 2:
tspec = '{} day {} hours'.format(hrs / 24, hrs % 24)
elif hrs >= 24 * 2 and hrs < 24 * 14:
tspec = '{} days {} hours'.format(hrs / 24, hrs % 24)
tspec = '{} weeks {} days {} hours'.format(hrs / 24 / 7, hrs / 24, hrs % 24)
print( "{col}{dev} last {type} selftest {state} and finished {tspec} ago.{cls}".format(col = col, dev = dev, tspec = tspec, type = test_type.lower(), state = test_state.lower(), cls = bcolors.ENDC) )
except Exception as err:
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} never finished a SMART selftest.{cls}".format(col = bcolors.WARNING, dev = dev, cls = bcolors.ENDC) )
return (healthy, current)
def verify_smart(self, dev, report = False):
"""Verify the SMART status of a disk and return True or False depending on state.
This is a guesstimate as SMART is basically unreliable"""
health = []
(smart_health, smart_selftest, smart_log, smart_attr) = self.fetch_smart(dev, report)
# Overall health
health.append(self.judge_health(dev, smart_health, report = report))
# Attribute health
health.append(self.judge_attributes(dev, smart_attr, report = report))
# Smart Selftest capability
self.judge_selftest(dev, smart_selftest, report = report)
# Selftest log
health.append(self.judge_selftest_log(dev, smart_log, smart_attr, report = report)[0])
except Exception as err:
print( traceback.format_exc() )
if None in health and self.cfg['strict'] == True:
return None
elif False in health:
return False
return True
def fetch_smart(self, dev, report = False):
"""Verify the disk is still safe to use according to smartctl output.
Yes, this is only a best effort... SMART is not trustworthy.
output = subprocess.check_output([self.cfg['smartctl_bin'], '-H', '-c', '-A', '-l', 'selftest', dev], universal_newlines=True)
except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
ret = e.returncode
output = e.output
# Decode bitmasked return code
msg = list()
for i in range(0,len(self.error_map)):
if ((ret & 2**i) >> i) != 0:
for m in msg:
if report and self.error_map.index(m) in (2,) and smart.cfg['strict'] == False:
col = bcolors.WARNING
col = bcolors.FAIL
if report:
print( "{col}{dev} smartctl output: {msg}{cls}".format(col=col, dev=dev, msg=m, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
if report:
if 'SMART Attributes Data Structure revision number' not in output:
print( "{col}{dev} does not support SMART attributes.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.WARNING, dev=dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
if 'SMART Self-test log structure revision number' not in output:
print( "{col}{dev} does not support SMART selftest.{cls}".format(col=bcolors.WARNING, dev=dev, cls=bcolors.ENDC) )
# Simple smartctl output parser
# Attributes we can split by whitespace
# Log entries we need to parse by looking at str.find() based using the header as a template
section = None
attrs = dict()
logs = dict()
health = None
selftest = list()
linecont = False # Is the next line a continuation of the current item? Important for capabilities
for l in output.split("\n"):
attr = dict()
log = list()
# section end
if section is not None and l == "":
section = None
# Overall health
if l.startswith("SMART overall-health self-assessment test result"):
health = l.split(':')[1].strip()
# Capabilities, we're only caring for the selftest status
if l.startswith("General SMART Values"):
section = 'cap'
if section == 'cap':
if l.startswith('Self-test execution status'):
linecont = 'selftest'
if linecont is not None and l.startswith("\t"):
if linecont == 'selftest':
linecont = None
# Attr
if l.startswith("Vendor Specific SMART Attributes with Thresholds"):
section = 'attr'
if section == 'attr':
if l.startswith("ID#"):
attr = dict(zip(('id', 'name', 'flag', 'value', 'worst', 'thresh', 'type', 'updated', 'when_failed', 'raw_value'), l.split(None, 9)))
attrs[attr['name']] = attr
# Log
if l.startswith("SMART Self-test log structure revision number"):
section = 'log'
if section == 'log':
if l.startswith("Num"):
log_header = l
log_item_pos = map(log_header.find, log_header.split())
elif l.startswith('No self-tests have been logged.'):
section = None
try :
log_item_pos = list(log_item_pos)
for i in range(0, len(log_item_pos)):
if i == 3:
s = log_item_pos[i] + 5 # Special handling for the status where the table header doesn't line up with the table data
s = log_item_pos[i]
if i < len(log_item_pos) - 1:
if i == 2:
e = log_item_pos[i + 1] + 5 # Special handling for the status where the table header doesn't line up with the table data
e = log_item_pos[i + 1]
e = len(l)
logs[log[0]] = dict(zip(log_header.split(), log))
except UnboundLocalError as exc :
print(f"Device {dev} doesn't offer logs capacity")
# Fixup the selftest status
m ='\([ ]*(?P<num_status>\d+)\)\s(?P<text_status>.*)', selftest[0])
num = int('num_status'))
txt = (['text_status')])
txt.extend(map(str.strip, selftest[1:]))
txt = " ".join(txt)
selftest = (num, txt)
selftest = None
return health, selftest, logs, attrs
def check_single_dev(dev, report = True):
res = smart.verify_smart(dev, report)
return res
except Exception as err:
print( "{0} Error getting SMART data".format(dev) )
print( traceback.format_exc() )
def parse_opts():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="""Hard drives use Self-Monitoring, Analysis and Reporting Technology (SMART) to export data about the health of a disk device.
{prog} is a tool to parse this data and tries to detect pending or post disk failures and report on disk status.
Unfortunately SMART failure prediction is rarely reliable.
Reporting on actual disk failures however generally works.""".format(prog=os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])))
group_op_sel = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group(required=True)
group_op_sel.add_argument("-a", "--autodetect", "--all", action='store_true', help="Autodetect disks and scan.")
group_op_sel.add_argument("-d", "--disks", action='append', nargs=1, help="Only handle specific disk device.")
group_op_sel.add_argument("-b", "--smartctl", help="Overide smartctl binary location if not in path.", default = 'smartctl')
group_nag = parser.add_argument_group('Nagios', description="Format output to be usable as a Nagios compatible plugin.")
group_nag.add_argument("-n", "--nagios", action='store_true', help="Return data in a form usable as a nagios check.")
group_nag.add_argument("-u", "--unknown", choices=['warning', 'critical'], help="Change alert level of unknown smart status.")
group_nag.add_argument("-w", "--warning", choices=['unknown', 'critical'], help="Change alert level of warning smart status.")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--ignore", action='append', nargs="+", help="Ignore specific disk devices. Helpful when scanning for all disks.", default = [])
parser.add_argument("-s", "--schedule", type=int, help="Frequency in days after which a selftest is considered out of date and will be rescheduled.")
parser.add_argument("-t", "--threshold", type=int, help="Frequency in days after which a selftest is considered out of date and will be warned about but not rescheduled.")
parser.add_argument("-v", "--verbose", action='store_true', help="Print more status information.")
parser.add_argument("-x", "--strict", action='store_true', help="Strict checking. Report a device not supporting SMART attributes or selftest as unknown/error instead of relying on the unreliable general SMART health feedback.", default = False)
parser.add_argument("-c", "--color", "--colour", action='store_true', help="Colorize output.", default = False)
args = parser.parse_args()
return args
if __name__ == '__main__':
smart = smart_status()
args = parse_opts()
smart.cfg['smartctl_bin'] = args.smartctl
if args.autodetect:
smart.cfg['disks'] = smart.find_disks()
if args.strict:
smart.cfg['strict'] = True
if args.schedule == None:
smart.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] = 0
smart.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] = args.schedule
if args.schedule == None:
smart.cfg['smartctl_test_threshold'] = 0
smart.cfg['smartctl_test_threshold'] = args.schedule
if not args.color:
if args.verbose:
smart.cfg['verbose'] = True
if args.disks :
map(lambda x: x[0], args.disks)
smart.cfg['disks'] = sorted(list(set(map(lambda x: x[0], args.disks)) - set(map(lambda x: x[0], args.ignore))))
except Exception as e:
print( traceback.format_exc() )
if len(smart.cfg['disks']) > 0 and not args.nagios:
col = list()
msg = list()
ret = list()
sched = list()
for disk in smart.cfg['disks']:
if not stat.S_ISBLK(os.stat(disk).st_mode):
msg.append("Invalid device")
if smart.cfg['verbose']:
print( "Checking {}:".format(disk) )
res = check_single_dev(disk, report = smart.cfg['verbose'])
if res == True:
msg.append("Disk healthy")
elif res == None:
msg.append("Insufficient SMART support")
msg.append("Disk failing")
if smart.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] > 0:
if smart.cfg['verbose']:
print( "Scheduling selftest {}:".format(disk) )
if smart.schedule_selftest(disk, report = smart.cfg['verbose']):
sched.append('New selftest scheduled.')
for i in range(0, len(smart.cfg['disks'])):
print( "{disk}: {col}{msg}{cls} {sched}".format(col=col[i], msg=msg[i], disk=smart.cfg['disks'][i], cls=bcolors.ENDC, sched = sched[i]) )
elif 'disks' in args and args.nagios:
res = dict()
for disk in smart.cfg['disks']:
res[disk] = check_single_dev(disk, report = smart.cfg['verbose'])
if smart.cfg['smartctl_test_frequency'] > 0:
smart.schedule_selftest(disk, report = smart.cfg['verbose'])
# Format nagios line
line = ''
for disk in sorted(res):
if res[disk] == True:
status = 'Ok'
elif res[disk] == None:
status = 'Unkn'
elif res[disk] == False:
status = 'Err'
line += "{}: {}, ".format(disk, status)
line = line[:-2]
if False in res.values():
print( 'CRITICAL: smart_status reports {} disk(s) as having errors. {}'.format(res.values().count(False), line) )
print( 'OK: smart_status reports {} disk(s) as okay. {}'.format(res.values().count(True), line) )