# Maubot installer Bash installer for https://github.com/maubot/maubot/ with nginx and letsencrypt frontend. Once installed, you will be able to run matrix bots in the wild! ## Requirements Debian Buster minimum as you need Python 3.6 or higher ## crash course ``` # First create a subdomain which points to your server IP address # Then download and install wget https://git.interhacker.space/alban/maubot-installer/ bash install.sh ``` The script asks you some questions before install. * **Which domain will be used to connect to your bot (ex: maubot.example.com)?** Caution, this one requires you to act BEFORE you install, or things might not work. Maubot has a web frontend, so it is recommanded to create a subdomain to host it. Provide the subdomain you created as a reply. * **Which domain is the matrix 'Home Server' you register your bots on?** If you're not sure, you probably don't run your own matrix server. It's fine. Just provide the matrix server on which you will create your bot's account. * **What will be your user name in the maubot interface?** Maubot is a web app with a login / password interface. What will be your login? * **What will be the pass for user '$maubot_user' in the maubot interface?** Maubot is a web app with a login / password interface. What will be your password? * **Do you want to enable SSL via letsencrypt [Y/n]?** By default, this script will get an SSL/TLS certificate for you. This is the recommended and secure way. * **If the 'Home Server' is yours, what is the registration secret (ignore if you don't know what this is)?** If you run your own matrix server, provide the hyper secure registration secret password. Otherwise, let it empty. * **Which install dir to use (Default: /opt/maubot)?** Where do you intend the maubot code to reside on your server. * **Which unix user will own and execute the maubot code?** Which system user will be responsible for running the server. ## config You can optionally copy the config.sample as config to skip answering questions.