2016-12-02 17:19:11 -02:00

126 lines
4.6 KiB

define( 'DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT', '' );
require_once DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . 'dvwa/includes/';
dvwaPageStartup( array( 'authenticated', 'phpids' ) );
$page = dvwaPageNewGrab();
$page[ 'title' ] = 'DVWA Security' . $page[ 'title_separator' ].$page[ 'title' ];
$page[ 'page_id' ] = 'security';
$securityHtml = '';
if( isset( $_POST['seclev_submit'] ) ) {
// Anti-CSRF
checkToken( $_REQUEST[ 'user_token' ], $_SESSION[ 'session_token' ], 'security.php' );
$securityLevel = '';
switch( $_POST[ 'security' ] ) {
case 'low':
$securityLevel = 'low';
case 'medium':
$securityLevel = 'medium';
case 'high':
$securityLevel = 'high';
$securityLevel = 'impossible';
dvwaSecurityLevelSet( $securityLevel );
dvwaMessagePush( "Security level set to {$securityLevel}" );
if( isset( $_GET['phpids'] ) ) {
switch( $_GET[ 'phpids' ] ) {
case 'on':
dvwaPhpIdsEnabledSet( true );
dvwaMessagePush( "PHPIDS is now enabled" );
case 'off':
dvwaPhpIdsEnabledSet( false );
dvwaMessagePush( "PHPIDS is now disabled" );
$securityOptionsHtml = '';
$securityLevelHtml = '';
foreach( array( 'low', 'medium', 'high', 'impossible' ) as $securityLevel ) {
$selected = '';
if( $securityLevel == dvwaSecurityLevelGet() ) {
$selected = ' selected="selected"';
$securityLevelHtml = "<p>Security level is currently: <em>$securityLevel</em>.<p>";
$securityOptionsHtml .= "<option value=\"{$securityLevel}\"{$selected}>" . ucfirst($securityLevel) . "</option>";
$phpIdsHtml = 'PHPIDS is currently: ';
if( dvwaPhpIdsIsEnabled() ) {
$phpIdsHtml .= '<em>enabled</em>. [<a href="?phpids=off">Disable PHPIDS</a>]';
else {
$phpIdsHtml .= '<em>disabled</em>. [<a href="?phpids=on">Enable PHPIDS</a>]';
// Anti-CSRF
// Able to write to the PHPIDS log file?
$WarningHtml = '';
if( !is_writable( $PHPIDSPath ) ) {
$WarningHtml .= "<div class=\"warning\"><em>Cannot write to the PHPIDS log file</em>: ${PHPIDSPath}</div>";
$page[ 'body' ] .= "
<div class=\"body_padded\">
<h1>DVWA Security <img src=\"" . DVWA_WEB_PAGE_TO_ROOT . "dvwa/images/lock.png\" /></h1>
<br />
<h2>Security Level</h2>
<form action=\"#\" method=\"POST\">
<p>You can set the security level to low, medium, high or impossible. The security level changes the vulnerability level of DVWA:</p>
<li> Low - This security level is completely vulnerable and <em>has no security measures at all</em>. It's use is to be as an example of how web application vulnerabilities manifest through bad coding practices and to serve as a platform to teach or learn basic exploitation techniques.</li>
<li> Medium - This setting is mainly to give an example to the user of <em>bad security practices</em>, where the developer has tried but failed to secure an application. It also acts as a challenge to users to refine their exploitation techniques.</li>
<li> High - This option is an extension to the medium difficulty, with a mixture of <em>harder or alternative bad practices</em> to attempt to secure the code. The vulnerability may not allow the same extent of the exploitation, similar in various Capture The Flags (CTFs) competitions.</li>
<li> Impossible - This level should be <em>secure against all vulnerabilities</em>. It is used to compare the vulnerable source code to the secure source code.<br />
Priority to DVWA v1.9, this level was known as 'high'.</li>
<select name=\"security\">
<input type=\"submit\" value=\"Submit\" name=\"seclev_submit\">
" . tokenField() . "
<br />
<hr />
<br />
<p>" . dvwaExternalLinkUrlGet( '', 'PHPIDS' ) . " v" . dvwaPhpIdsVersionGet() . " (PHP-Intrusion Detection System) is a security layer for PHP based web applications.</p>
<p>PHPIDS works by filtering any user supplied input against a blacklist of potentially malicious code. It is used in DVWA to serve as a live example of how Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) can help improve security and in some cases how WAFs can be circumvented.</p>
<p>You can enable PHPIDS across this site for the duration of your session.</p>
[<a href=\"?test=%22><script>eval(</script>\">Simulate attack</a>] -
[<a href=\"ids_log.php\">View IDS log</a>]
dvwaHtmlEcho( $page );