2016-12-02 17:19:11 -02:00

27 lines
643 B

if( isset( $_POST[ 'Submit' ] ) ) {
// Get input
$id = $_POST[ 'id' ];
$id = mysql_real_escape_string( $id );
// Check database
$getid = "SELECT first_name, last_name FROM users WHERE user_id = $id;";
$result = mysql_query( $getid ); // Removed 'or die' to suppress mysql errors
// Get results
$num = @mysql_numrows( $result ); // The '@' character suppresses errors
if( $num > 0 ) {
// Feedback for end user
$html .= '<pre>User ID exists in the database.</pre>';
else {
// Feedback for end user
$html .= '<pre>User ID is MISSING from the database.</pre>';