Help - SQL Injection (Blind)


When an attacker executes SQL injection attacks, sometimes the server responds with error messages from the database server complaining that the SQL query's syntax is incorrect. Blind SQL injection is identical to normal SQL Injection except that when an attacker attempts to exploit an application, rather then getting a useful error message, they get a generic page specified by the developer instead. This makes exploiting a potential SQL Injection attack more difficult but not impossible. An attacker can still steal data by asking a series of True and False questions through SQL statements, and monitoring how the web application response (valid entry retunred or 404 header set).

"time based" injection method is often used when there is no visible feedback in how the page different in its response (hence its a blind attack). This means the attacker will wait to see how long the page takes to response back. If it takes longer than normal, their query was successful.


Find the version of the SQL database software through a blind SQL attack.

Low Level

The SQL query uses RAW input that is directly controlled by the attacker. All they need to-do is escape the query and then they are able to execute any SQL query they wish.

Spoiler: ?id=1' AND sleep 5&Submit=Submit.

Medium Level

The medium level uses a form of SQL injection protection, with the function of "". However due to the SQL query not having quotes around the parameter, this will not fully protect the query from being altered.

The text box has been replaced with a pre-defined dropdown list and uses POST to submit the form.

Spoiler: ?id=1 AND sleep 3&Submit=Submit.

High Level

This is very similar to the low level, however this time the attacker is inputting the value in a different manner. The input values are being set on a different page, rather than a GET request.

Spoiler: ID: 1' AND sleep 10&Submit=Submit.
			Spoiler: Should be able to cut out the middle man..

Impossible Level

The queries are now parameterized queries (rather than being dynamic). This means the query has been defined by the developer, and has distinguish which sections are code, and the rest is data.
