Class IDS_Log_File


Implements interfaces:

File logging wrapper

The file wrapper is designed to store data into a flatfile. It implements the singleton pattern.

Located in /Log/File.php (line 52)

Method Summary
static object getInstance (mixed $config)
void __construct (string $logfile)
mixed execute (IDS_Report $data)
string prepareData (mixed $data)
static method getInstance (line 110)

Returns an instance of this class

This method allows the passed argument to be either an instance of IDS_Init or a path to a log file. Due to the singleton pattern only one instance for each file can be initiated.

  • access: public
static object getInstance (mixed $config)
  • mixed $config: IDS_Init or path to a file
Constructor __construct (line 86)


  • access: protected
void __construct (string $logfile)
  • string $logfile: path to the log file
execute (line 184)

Stores given data into a file

  • throws: Exception if the logfile isn't writeable
  • access: public
mixed execute (IDS_Report $data)
  • object $data: IDS_Report

Implementation of:
Interface method
prepareData (line 146)

Prepares data

Converts given data into a format that can be stored into a file. You might edit this method to your requirements.

  • access: protected
string prepareData (mixed $data)
  • mixed $data: incoming report data

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