Class IDS_Filter_Storage


Filter Storage

This class provides various default functions for gathering filter patterns to be used later on by the detection mechanism. You might extend this class to your requirements.

Located in /Filter/Storage.php (line 51)

Variable Summary
Method Summary
void __construct (IDS_Init $init)
object addFilter (IDS_Filter $filter)
object getFilterFromJson ()
object getFilterFromXML ()
array getFilterSet ()
object setFilterSet (array $filterSet)
object IDS_Caching $cache = null (line 73)

Cache container

  • var: wrapper
  • access: protected
array $cacheSettings = null (line 66)

Holds caching settings

  • access: protected
array $filterSet = array() (line 80)

Filter container

  • access: protected
string $source = null (line 59)

Filter source file

  • access: protected
Constructor __construct (line 92)


Loads filters based on provided IDS_Init settings.

  • throws: Exception if unsupported filter type is given
  • access: public
void __construct (IDS_Init $init)
  • object $init: IDS_Init instance
addFilter (line 155)

Adds a filter

  • access: public
object addFilter (IDS_Filter $filter)
  • object $filter: IDS_Filter instance
getFilterFromJson (line 290)

Loads filters from Json file using ext/Json

This function parses the provided source file and stores the result. If caching mode is enabled the result will be cached to increase the performance.

  • throws: Exception if problems with fetching the JSON data occur
  • access: public
object getFilterFromJson ()
getFilterFromXML (line 190)

Loads filters from XML using SimpleXML

This function parses the provided source file and stores the result. If caching mode is enabled the result will be cached to increase the performance.

  • throws: Exception if problems with fetching the XML data occur
  • access: public
object getFilterFromXML ()
getFilterSet (line 143)

Returns registered filters

  • access: public
array getFilterSet ()
setFilterSet (line 129)

Sets the filter array

  • access: public
object setFilterSet (array $filterSet)
  • array $filterSet: array containing multiple IDS_Filter instances

Documentation generated on Mon, 22 Dec 2008 13:36:53 +0100 by phpDocumentor 1.4.2